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Everything posted by Flitterkill

  1. 180 seconds (3 minutes) Had it set lower b4 but GC members said that was too little (wanted some more time to drain the lizard as it were and still come back to the game) *Sometimes* the kick idlers does not work correctly and they just hang around - nuthin I can do about it - kick idlers is turned on and...well..thats all I can do. Admins if they are on the server can kick idlers if they are made aware of them FYI -Fk
  2. Not Dingy - lol - looks like this guy just took the name... This afternoon - asked a guy to change his raping name He came back with: 1) Stupid christian server 2) F 2 teh U Then he dropped b4 I could ban. Would have got him from the logs later but he conveniently rejoined the server a few minutes later under the name "I hate christians" or somesuch - made it easier to ban him (didn't need to go through the logs ) Morons - I swear they *are* coming out of the woodwork lately - its as if Atari found a warehouse full of boxed copies of UT2K4 and donated them to every trailer park in the USA (no offense to our trailer park dwelling brethren - ya'know what I'm getting at) EDIT: Left a post at the SCK forums - and confirmed with the link ya gave me Mtn - this guy has played ONS a whopping 16 hours - I think our Dingy has a few more hours under his belt - he also *was* the guy I banned - just as I thought. -Fk
  3. Sry kids - but we are dropping a few slots pretty much from here on out until UT2007 drops. If you like playing on Nepenthe and you find it difficult to get into the server, remember that *paying* GC members get reserves across *ALL* servers (including our multitude of CS:S servers) - $50 bucks ain't that much when you think about it. $4.17 a month - more or less a buck a week to not only get the reserve but also to support our fleet of high performance / high quality player servers. And no blithering about ONS-Sunrise not having link in the lockers at base - you do not need to heal teh core - get your link at the node lockers. -Fk
  4. Thx - noted - sounds like a one time flaky thing - perhaps your connection (via various routers, etc) started to do somethign wierd. Anyways - glad ya got back in -Fk
  5. Just to make this clear - minds out of the gutters kids *Eating* primates. Not that other thing you are thinking about -Fk
  6. I'm not replying to this but figured y'all could use the laugh. Cannon...naughty Cannon... Stop teh haxing! Jeebus - just think if it was MtnDew or Unclean (etc.) he was playing against - Not that the pub regulars who frequent these forums don't already know this but, no, we don't cheat - yes, we kick people who rant about cheating and do not know what they are talking about - and yes - this guy is a moron (though not banned - though tempted...) Manta hax? That's a new one... -Fk
  7. UTV: Prob - if not at launch, then in bonus pak Ranking System: Not only website, but also integrated into game browser. Will also highlight player strengths - and this will display on server browser (ie see not only players but also how good they are, what they are good at, etc.) Seemless streaming: What this means is there will be no more loading maps at the end of a match/map - you will still be able to chat, talk, etc. while the map flips to the new one - and this will happen remarkably fast. Also allows server to balance teams immediately as it sets up the map (ie - players do not "reconnect" at each map load) Shieldbelt: Back in from older UTs - also armor packs of differing types. Hoverboards: In both Warfare and ONS (any gametype with vehicles) Yes - there are tricks you can do. Not designed for combat use at all. Necris Walker: Equiv. to Axon Goliath - i.e. tank. We have not yet seen the Necris equiv. to the Levi. The turret underneath the walker is to knock back people trying to take down the walker. Can climb over just about anything. Dodge-jump: Out Double jump, wall jump: In Characters: Way customisable! Think rag doll - think RPG chose your character stuff. Shipping: Very early in the spring. (I'm pretty sure thats what he sez) -Fk
  8. Info *not* in the interview but worth noting The new Levi - each turret is a dif. weapon (not sure how that will work - sounds like variations of chain gun turret, shock, etc.) but each turret also has a 2ndary shield function like the Paladin - That will help quite a bit for defense against raptors and the like. 150-ish meg file - mp4 - but at least you have folks who know what questions to ask doing the asking one of the producers. Seems there is a helmet pickup in the game now as well (temporary power-up or takes a limited amount of damage) - why for? - prevents headshots! http://download.beyondunreal.com/fileworks...view_e32006.mp4 No - you can't right click and save as - gotta click through and do the filefront thing to get this. -Fk
  9. Edited topic to kick people in teh head to dl this You see a short commercial, then you get to DL the WMV Levi looks to be movin lots faster than now. Shockballs are not slow - it seems that if they did draw back from the hyper double jumps - fast player movement, they compensated by making the weapons overall a decent measure faster in rate of fire. That works. The tripod nuking the player - sweet. -Fk
  10. I really should feel pity... College types at most univeristies get XP for "Free" along with Office, VisualB, etc. "Free" of course if you disregard your tuition. Faculty get the stuff free (for real) as well. Corporate builds so no Genuine Assurance nonsense either -Fk
  11. Well ya know - folks could be chucking missle near you then locking on at the last second... Regardless, wireless is probably not the best way to play this game -Fk
  12. No issue here zd - financial info is avail to all board members - bb was just giving you the broad picture - that GC runs at a more or less break even point. If funds begin to build, new servers are discussed if feasable, sometimes fragfest might get a glance at getting a nip of the funds, some is used as a bit of a buffer. If funds get tight (or rather, that funds are projected to get tight given server load, membership, etc.) the board starts to look at shutting things down, consolodating, etc. Everyone: Please keep this topic in the lighthearted mode that the fat one started it with - this was not meant as a forum for discussing/implying anything regarding GC financial structure. I bid $803 - and an Aladdins Castle arcade token -Fk
  13. Lovely terrain. Very nice Those look like a blast! Faster than walking/double jumping, slower than a manta. I can see the attraction as well with the latch-line for hitching rides - but straight up hoverboard use looks like fun. Remarkably quick and responsive - more like a big scorpion. And the sky mines now *fly* out the turret! So looking forward to a doubling of the vehicle count. The new Paladin looks fine though I am still not a fan of the Cicada (which pretty much looks like what is there in UT2004 now - hope they fix the movement) And yes - those walkers.... Hopefully this will still allow for server providers (us!) to set the parameters of difficulty - I would *hate* to see them shunting players automatically to servers of perceived similar skill level of the player. Need lots more info here. Good idea on building in a mods browser into the game directly - will help immensely! The big question for this community will be how this shakes out server-wise. Onslaught and Warfare are two diff. gametypes. I doubt we will shoot out the gate with two servers. Hopefully we can easily set up a rotation of ons/warfare gametypes on the server. Or better yet, we have enough demand for both. Irrelevant at the moment until we actually see how this stuff plays out. I'm wondering if we will get the demo in November and the full game in the spring. If this puppy is directly tied to DX10 and DX10 is avail only with Vista that may explain some of the delays (lets them polish more but man, I had a community build of Vista from march - M$had a lot to work on yet from what I saw...) -Fk
  14. Exactly - thought that's what I said - eh - brain is fried - lets get those off now -Fk
  15. http://www.gamespot.com/e3/e3story.html?si...0473&pid=928371 Click it for hoverboards, tank, lots of DM combat, and the new powercore Aegia physics card not necessary for us cheap types - will just make things look better - what is interesting is the mention that the phys card *would* help servers as they could much more easily handle the server-side physics calculations. -Fk
  16. Yeah - so was just in the serv with MadPat and it just went down - I think I'll yank stats for the time being when it comes back up - give it another shot this weekend when I have a touch of breathing room -Fk
  17. Nah - its not that. UTStatsdb runs on a completley separate computer. What I should have said is this. ONSPlus alters some of the gameplay mechanics - by doing so it renames certain variables. OLStats keeps track of stats - we run it because it tracks lots of extra variables that the built in stats does not track. OLStats + ONSPlus = maybe they do not play well together all the time. Just ahunch on my part. Obviously, I can pull stats off again and see what performance is like... -Fk
  18. ...whether or not the combination of OLStats (enhanced stat recording), UTStats, and ONSPlus is casuing some wierd behaviour lately on the serv. The pings and CPU load are fine but...eh.... Thoughts anyone? -Fk
  19. Hoverboards! Sweet Necris - thats all I'm saying.... You just have to look... Speechless... (Hint Darkwalker and Viper are good things) -Fk
  20. Back up as of 1130pm - no clue as to reason. Private server still down at this time,. -Fk
  21. Just got home and yep - still down - will check FYI - next few days (essentially through Sunday) I will be on standby as it were as I got finals to give, papers to grade and an invasion of various girlfriend relatives/acquaintences for the weekend (great timing...) -Fk
  22. Seems we do have a bit of end match "stat lag" going on - stat files on long matches with a full server are in the 60k to 120k+ size - not small. We'll see how this goes for a bit... What *is* odd at the moment is that the stat files are not uploading anymore. This worked fine all weekend then this morning - nothing - gonna have to poke around to see whats what but if it doesn't fix itself I will have to down/upload the files to the stat server manually and then process them - meaning stats will not be updated immediately after a match. Sry. Also - stats does not play well with ONSPlus - that is, as far as recording weapon damages, etc. there is a problem as ONSPlus assignes different names or what have you to the weapons and that twonks the stats package. ONSPlus will *not* be leaving our server (that radar enhancement alone is worth its weight in gold) so we'll just have to live with it. -Fk
  23. New copies are $10 bucks now - prob the easiest route at this point. Nab a copy and come get trounced in our 26 player Onslaught server (if you didn't try the Onslaught mode, you kinda missed out a bit...) -Fk
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