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Everything posted by Acid-Flux

  1. Woops, I usually have been playing CT on aztec. My bad, ill be going T from now on.
  2. Can't sleep clown 'ill eat me... Can't sleep clown 'ill eat me... Can't sleep clown 'ill eat me... Can't sleep clown 'ill eat me... hello joe.. PS, glad to see P.M picking up.
  3. I have just noticed that the current naming scheme for the servers has changed slightly. Although good, at the present time they appear as: ***!DEFAULT CSS!*** GAMERSCOALITION.COM - >RECRUDESCENCE< ***!MYSTERY FLAVOR!*** GAMERSCOALITION.COM >CHUMBUCKET< ***!NoScopes!*** GAMERSCOALITION.COM >PROJECT MAYHEM< Now, this is only something small, and most people might consider pointless, but I would recommend having the web page, and name of the server in line with one and other such as: **!DEFAULT CSS!********GAMERSCOALITION.COM ►RECRUDESCENCE **!MYSTERY FLAVOR!*****GAMERSCOALITION.COM ►CHUMBUCKET **!NoScopes!***********GAMERSCOALITION.COM ►PROJECT MAYEM OR **!DEFAULT CSS!********RECRUDESCENCE*►GAMERSCOALITION.COM **!MYSTERY FLAVOR!*****CHUMBUCKET****►GAMERSCOALITION.COM **!NoScopes!************PROJECT MAYEM*►GAMERSCOALITION.COM Now this would only work is the person is looking at the servers by Server Name, but I think it looks more professional, and could also grab more people’s attention. More people who might become regulars, and join the GC Crew (not like there isn’t an already outstanding crew). Anyways, that's my two cents. Or as we Canadian's say: That's my two cents, <insert any generic Canadian comment here>.
  4. Now your being silly. 1) The strippers would be secluded in a cage pirched above the dance floor 2) The kids would go off to other rooms to have sex.. sheesh
  5. lol, my gf worked at a school with a Jehova's Witness principal; she was telling me that teacher were getting in trouble for having a star on their desk at xmas time. They wernt alow to dress up for holloween, nor give out candy to the kids.
  6. hehe nice. Here is a stat for you. 4/5 people know im the mastah!
  7. Just wonder, but do / would you guys use that for your movement? personally, I have mouse 2 set to forward. a = strafe left s = strafe right z = back x = crouch
  8. why not take it apart and dab a little oil on the metal hinges.
  9. mav, ill buy it from you for $10
  10. Ps. Pics are crazeh, I some other before / after pics floating around the net as well. It's Just nuts.
  11. nm, issue resolved. Topic can be closed / locked ty.
  12. tis 6:35 pm can an admin come to the server please.. ty
  13. Wouldnt making the teams red / blue be kinda silly? I dont see the us army wearing blue and driving around in pimped out neon green HMV's, and the terror's wearing red.
  14. Sword, im my opinon that was the WRONG thing to say. Ever heard of just saying your sorry? Why would you go into the fact that your a "paid" member, and was kicked without warning? being a "paid" member, you should know the rules.
  15. Welp, the time has come for me to graduate. I only have 2 more classes left this semester, then im done, so it's time for me to find a job. I am just wondering how the job market is where you guys live. I am graduating with Electrical Engineering, but anything in the tech buis is ok. If you guys could give me a general idea how the market is around where you live that would be great, becuase it's either that or I move back to Kanada where I dont have to worry about all this visa crap.
  16. Honestly, take up cooking. Now I might be laughed at for saying that; but some of the best meals i've ever had were one's I made. Now it wasnt raman, or craft dinner; im talking about the good stuff, steak, salmon, stir fry's, roast chiecken. Stuff like that. I've been cooking with my mother since I was like 8, so I have a pretty good idea what to do, but you can always find recipes online. Plus, if you make dinner for the gf (or in your case the wife) you can get her to do things for you............... like go get you beer from the store :-D
  17. ^ That happens to me, esp if I ALT-TAB out of CS for a sec. and I have a ati9500 pro.
  18. Yea, I was the same. I thought HL2DM was going to be alot more. But I do think that turning it into a mod server would be cool
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