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Everything posted by Chief

  1. Looks like you have access to somehting I don't.
  2. Chief


    Mythbusters episode 56 Does anyone watch this show? I caught the very tail end of it, but I'd like to hear what all happened. I'm sure it'll be on reruns for the next week so I hope I catch it. Giant whirlpools are my nemesis! I'll never buy a whirlpool branded appliance, I know that much.
  3. Chief


    I just made taco salad
  4. LOL I expected people to comment on him breaking the crank, or how the flips were cool, or the Michael Jackson impersonations. I enjoyed watching the video and seeing some people having fun and making a cool video in a challenging situation.
  5. I've gone through SO many pictures using yahoo and google...I'm saying that the kid climbed that fence and that the powder keg counts! How about something easy...I wanna see your favorite animal.
  6. Remember Tour of Duy from the 80s? Paint it Black as the theme song...that was a great theme song.
  7. Jay Leno would make fun of them for going there to retire. I would be willing to put 15 bucks on it that their tour manager/publicist/pr folks said no to the retirement village known as Fla.
  8. wewt - gotfrag demos No, those aren't any good. What was the team before wewt?
  9. LOL if someone took the position from the community....j/k Thanks for looking into it, but everything will work out like it's supposed to. I wish I could see the resume of the person they did hire though.
  10. When I still had my black rifle, I would trade a friend at Purdue for his M3 with SMG. I always felt real cool carrying an AR down in the elevator and into downtown Lafayette and putting it in the back of an M3.
  11. You went from being defensive toward Lunk to being offensive toward M2. And I wish people would stop giving him props for admitting he used to cheat. He didn't stop because he realized he was taking from other people's gaming experience--he stopped because, as he said, he was afraid of getting caught by VAC and losing 30-50 bucks. At least then we could have said, well he learned his lesson. I think it is being weak character that anyone would think about how they AREN'T as good or want to BE as good as the good players without working for it. What ever happened to respecting the process of GETTING as good as the good players and even then understanding that not everyone gets to be the best. Hacks didn't teach you how to learn to spot people. Seeing through walls didn't teach you where to shoot or how to control your fire or strafe or the flow of a map or the l33t spots or how to guage distance by sound. You learned how to spot people over time, and could have learned the skill with out being a cheater (in the past). When someone is dominating, and you are a noob, stop complaining or trying to rationalize how hacks are justified because they would only make you a little more competitive. !!!SWITCH TO SPECTATE AND LEARN!!! Download and watch demos of the best teams, switch to spectate and watch the monster players, and play as much as possible. If you do not care to put in the effort, then be content with being a mediocre player or search out one of the dozens of servers with NOOB in the name.
  12. Do they have better reflexes or more knowledge of the map and its "flow"?
  13. WOw, the OReck is NOT recommended!
  14. I'm talking general pub play. That's just regular playing on a public server, not a match with 5-5 for 15 rounds then switching sides. In general pub play, T on Italy is a little too rediculously easy if you are a strong player against average joes. Same is true of CT on Aztec. On both maps, one side is spawned at or closer to the hot zones/choke points/mission. A choke point is something like a door or corridor, not related to network connection choke. Choke points exist in real life, on the freeway they are bottlenecks where many people come together. For example, the DD on Aztec is a choke point. Everyone has to funnel through that door creating congestion, and a good player can control the DD and still be effective on covering the ramps out of the water and hear what's happening in the bridge room. xt guys are a team competing in higher divisions of CAL. They're all pretty good and practice and work well together. Get two of them on CT with 3 nubs going against however many Ts and they can control CT on aztec and prolly end the map with a 20-6 ratio even if they are outnumbered. Same is true of T on Italy, where they can snipe from the windows of the apartment, through rails and generally control the map in pub play. +++ As for the chess scenario...how is it not disadvantaging the better player? He's no longer playing against a person, he's playing against digital enhancements. If the outcome is altered by an outside influence against that player, he is disadvantaged. Looking at it from the perspective of the lesser player is the flaw that makes socialism an academic ideal that cannot exist in practice.
  15. http://www.oreck.com/air-purifiers/air8.cfm#filter_vs_hepa Filters get so gross if you do not change them frequently. Especially in the spring-fall when it's humid.
  16. No my dad and step mom did. HEPA filters pull a lot of stuff out, but you have to replace the filters. And you can noticeably tell as they are at the end of their cycle. HEPA filters add up fast especially if you're getting it because you need it and not just for convenience. Personally, I don't want to ever have to deal with the filters. And if you stay up late enough, you can catch the infomercial on Oreck and he'll convince you! ps. and he makes all of his stuff in America.
  17. Why not just start a fantasy league and everyone drafts bots and each person gets 5 bots. Each of the 5 bots gets skill ranging from 1 - 5, with no bot having the same skill level. So all teams are balanced and the individuals ability to learn a map, practice strategy and work on team work is irrelevant. I would be more in favor of making fun of good players that go T on Italy, CT on Aztec or Dust, or AWP when they are 20:3 or their team is winning in a big way. Imagine how miserable it would be to see 3 or 4 xt guys on CT on aztec in regular pub play. I think having them or some of them go to T is a better solution than letting some of the Ts use hacks or lite hacks. Imagine a game of chess where once you were down by a certain number of pieces you could designate one or more pieces to also have Queen movements. Not much of a test. +++++++ Hacking ruins or degrades the gaming experience because you weren't killed by someone better than you, you were killed by someone who cheated. Here's the Code of Conduct from my high school, and I very much believe in it: My aim in life is to become the best person I can be. To this end I will strive always to develop my potential to its fullest – physically, intellectually, morally and spiritually; to make wise choices, exercise self-discipline, and accept responsibility for my actions; to treat others as I would have them treat me; to fulfill the ideal of service to my fellow man; to place duty before self; to lead by example and take care of those I lead; and to live by the Culver Honor Code: I will not lie, cheat, or steal, and I will discourage others from such actions. Hackers suxor
  18. They did, it now converts o3 to o2. sharperimage.com anyway did, I saw the commercials start running about 2 weeks after it popped. My mom had a crazy one that cost like 700 bucks, but I'm a fan of Oreck. Their vacuums rocks, and I know the guy so I am biased.
  19. The 8th! lol happy birthday and many happy returns.
  20. This isn't a personal attack, but it is a discussion about if we think it would be ethical to have some form of handicap-like system to level the FPS playing field. The term "hack" was used in the initial post. Regardless of what thread it was in, even if it was in some other thread, everyone should know that hacking or admitting past hacking is flame bait...it's just asking to have people condemn it. Knowing this community, or even a quick look a the banned threads should let everyone know hacking is looked down actively. As in despised. It sounds like Lunk and Ash have some history, but look at the responses...everyone looks down on hacking, Lunk just made the clearest statements about why it's looked down on. That said, this is a discussion about the ethics of hacking and going back and forth is a hijack. ++++++++++++ And Tek, you should get on our teamspeak with Bat and I. We're not great, but we're good enough, and it only takes a few nights to learn the basics of pwnage. Then it's a matter of playing enough to learn the maps.
  21. Well, I went to the site to get contact info to follow up today, and the marketing position isn't listed anymore. Never heard back
  22. dohguild.com is back up and running.
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