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  1. I just thought id let you know that i reregistered so please keep deleting my accounts cause you know ill keep making more!! By the way have you checked my isp yet keep me posted thanks
  2. Hi I am iceman... I was recently playing in [DLM] - [Mmmm] Gossimer Cage about on friday I was using the name if I remember Iceman-Wants-2-Be-With[DLM] and I got banned It said I have been banned by the server op... How come I was banned I didnt do anything.. I wasn't hacking my record was 16-9 If I did anything wrong tell me so I can fix it and help you guys... Thanxs for all your help I cant wait to come back to the server to play.. Can I please get unbanned... My wonid is -90270- Thanks.. Please Respond soon... and Fatty Banned me and I dont know why..
  3. My user account "sontek" seems to have disappeared four times, and it seems to me that even my IP was blocked at one point.... Muhahahaha you guys can not stop me!!!!
  4. ZAD. Just now, on dust2, 8:08PM eastern time. Zad restarts the round several times. At first it happened 5 or more times. During this time, he is killing himself at the start of the round and then restarting everyone to the pistol round. Then we play 3 or 4 rounds, he then does this again. This needs to stop immediately. Either his admin needs to be removed or he needs to be removed before many regulars remove themselves from the server.
  5. Fat bastard. I am sorry for everything that i have done. Im sorry for saying dont be ghey. "I see the light" that you were talking about. WONid - 2901596
  6. he knew it was me, because I was using the name m0ss...till the map changed to a map I didn't know...then I changed my name to lost. Btw rev..nice yoda impression
  7. hey guys. zad banned me. I dont care if you unban me or not. He comes in the server and starts slapping me when i was sniping cause i knew i couldnt get to the bomb in time. Then some1 tk'd me on purpose cause i was doin well and was not punished. I tk'd him back and said "f him". I was perminatly banned. Unban or dont i care less. cya
  8. Playing aztec 3, i was like 28-7 or somehting, using the name Lost...cause I was. Spammed someone through wall cause I saw their elbow...and whamo...banned. I was also slayed earlier cause teams were uneven, after a bunch of people randomly left. Thought server had auto balance on...plus I wasn't goin to commit suicide, and was waiting to die and then was goin to switch. Admins on were Mmmm. MrX, and like 2 random DLM guys I have never heard of. I would appreciate someone taking care of both these incidents and giving me a good explanation of why both these things occured. Ban #9 for me Anyhoo...thx for taking care of this in advance...wonid is 1176937
  9. I was playing in the cage at 10:00pm (cst) Jan 03 When this Mr. greenjeans tked practically the whole team. He probably had 20 tk's for one match. (no admin to kick him ) Anywho, I explained to Killer about the situation. (he is taking action for the cage). My suggestion to the community is the perm ban this joker, he's not the type of player that we need. WONID 332622 Magruter I have several screenshots if we need any.
  10. Hello all Mmmm peeps, I was just playing on your server first as Drink Duff and then as [Mmmm]Duffbeer (I thought it was rather amusing, and you guys have been known to make fun of S-T every now and again ). I was having modem problems and got disconnected a couple of times, and the third time I rejoined the server I was banned within a few seconds. This makes Duff very unhappy I would appreciate it if you could un-ban me (I was banned without warning or anything). My WonID is 94732. By the time this post is actually read, I might be unbanned, who knows... but hopefully you guys can clear this up soon! Thanks, Duffman
  11. Today on Cage, there was this guy named something like [KMFD]scruff...he swore so much on voice com that I could hardly believe that I was actually playing on cage, when Deadly Sin told him to shut it, the guy started all kind of racial crap in addition to the cursing, GeneralCraker was on my team at the time and he heard it too. WonID 3126148 Thank You
  12. Can i be unbanned.. i am sorry for what i have done, won id is 334992.. this will not happen again. thank you
  13. hey fatty its alkali (obviously) i tried to get into the mm server and it said i was banned whats up with that?
  14. Well i was playing on the server this morning around 10:00 AM eastern time. And There was another Mmmm member on so I joined for a little one on one. We played six rounds. Me winning 5, Leo[Mmmm] winning 1. He was a T, i was a CT on the map Proidegy (just giving the info i can). At this time i asked him if he wanted to switch sides @ 10 rounds. (I thought that the CT's have an advanatage) I have a screen shot of after i was kicked, and banned for 20 minutes. I got about 3 headshots in a row. On him, i'm a respectable player. Ask any of TF i play on their servers all the time. Being ranked 11 on their server, and a regular at their forums. I don't think their was any reason for me to be kicked and banned. So Leo if i could talk to you about why i was that would be nice. Or if somebody else could help me out. I can't upload the picture because i'm to lazy to go to a site and upload it, and register, and all that shananagans. So if you want to see it, just grab me online or something. Jester6435@aol.com or AIM Jester6435. Thanks for your time. (This was the DLM - [Mmmm] server)
  15. I am ShadowDog, also known as Boy Sherman i was banned by [Mmmm]Fatty and we have talked about it, i was given a second chance by m0m and then walked into server, m0m didnt talk to fat about it, or ask his approval of the unban, so as i walked in, fat asked me who unbanned me, i said m0m, and he said, goodbye, i was banned.. that kinda makes me mad.. but i guess it was needed? so here i am.. i need an unbanning.. i think what i did wrong was being a roostery bastard.. (no offense to anyone who is ) and really i am sorry, i have been playing with Mmmm and DLM since the days when SAB was at Mmmm (good days) with Mr. Neko... now i see i have changed.. and i dont do this anymore... i just got carried away. and i wish for your approval again.. thx.. i hope to be playing with you guys again soon! if you could plz unban the wonid listed below. thx -ShadowDog / Boy Sherman wonid: 334992
  16. I think you guys should un ban my ip cause it isnt me that you guys banned. It was sontek, and the fact that he didnt do any thing any ways to get banned. this is nykotic not insanity.
  17. Hello Everyone, I'm sontek.. I have played on DLM for a year or so on and off, and for some crazy reason I was banned. 1. My first instance of banning was when I seen [s!d] only had for 4 players, so I joined their MCC match and raped Mmmm (HLTV Demo available) 2. Second Time I was banned I was playing under the same name of [s!d]SuperNova and this rag by the name of DracoZombie (who needs a ban now!) started screaming about me impersonating or something like that. 3. 3rd Time I was banned all I did was join the server and someone banned me. They didn't give any rhyme or reason, my name even said "this is not sontek" I thought I was being sneaky.. 4. 4th time that homo DracoZombie started talking poo to me and calling me lame... So I told him to touch my penis.. and they banned my friends IP (For I am at a LAN party right now) As you can see, I did nothing wrong to get banned, and It was just killer abusing his admin... So lets get a nice guy like me unbanned
  18. Yeah I was playing on your server with Bigshaw and Muffin Man (on opposite team) and this guy named BlinK. He was being a jerk, but I didnt mind until he started tking and attacking me at the start of every round, or just attacking me so I would die in one hit. Bigshaw can back me up on this because me and him switched and he was also tked by this guy. Anyway, he said he didn't care if he were banned and he wasn't scared by the threat of banning, so I think its okay if hes banned. Name: BlinK (aka TKing dum-dum) Wonid: 2743138
  19. I got banned from FatB, cause teams were perfectly even, but Fatty didnt agree, so he got tinkled at me telling him they were even. Oh well fatty, dont get mad i Pwn you. And i cant wait til we meet up in Mcc again, CAUSE YOURE GOING DOWN. HAHAHAHAHA P.S. There are a billion other servers out there that have a whole lot better players on them. Catch ya later bastard. I PWN YOU FO SHO!!!!!
  20. SidDrAcOZoMbIe: i wanted to tell you about some guy that broke SEVERAL rules in the cage SidDrAcOZoMbIe: 1. impersanated me ( [s!d]DracoZumbie ) SidDrAcOZoMbIe: 2. tk'd me and ak everyround MmmmFatB: post up
  21. *note: I actually posted this in the DLM forums because it happened on the DLM - Mmmm Server, but I'm thinking that Forum area doesn't get much traffic...And it was [Mmmm]Leo that banned me...so I'm thinking this is the proper forum? Eh, whateva...here goes... I was banned. I would like to defend myself. Date: 12.19.2002 Time: 7:54 EST Banner: Leo (I believe) Reason: Cheating, I guess? Defense: Well...I don't cheat. "Suspicious" Moments: Killing those last three CT's guarding the bomb - Honestly, that was pure luck. I should have died. Shooting at the wall where MushMan was - I heard someone fall and started awp spraying. I knew someone was there because a teammate died in that area...heck, a bunch of teammates died in that area. I figured I could at least draw the CT out to start shooting or making noise so my teammate who went through the little room could come up on him or something. Turning around and headshotting [OSU]<something> - I definitely heard him fall from that upper level, and I remember him heading in that direction. In response to "knowing" he was that vicinity...I saw on my radar where most of the Terrorists were, and since he was the last guy alive, he'd probably be in the empty area of the radar. Shooting through the wall with an awp for no apparent reason - I didn't really expect to do anything...there was only one CT left and about 2 seconds until the bomb exploded, and I heard the door open...obviously that's where the last CT was so I just shot through, no reason not to...I had a chance (negligible) to get an outrageous kill...worst that could happen is nothing would happen...oh, and nothing did happen (for people that might take that the wrong way). Other than that, I don't know what else. Inconsistent play - I like to play while I study; sometimes I study, sometimes I forget to study and actually play. I usually play terribly when I first start because that's when I'm more focused on studying; then I do poorly and play more instead of studying...but that may depend on the exam date or my mood. "Stupid" play - It's not a clan match, and I don't really take it that seriously so I usually play aggressively (AKA foolishly). That way, I get a fairly quick fill of action and can die quickly and do some reading. However, I can't really defend myself past these points without someone accusing me first; otherwise I have no way of explaining myself. I don't cheat, and my clan can pretty much vouch for me CNT|- or [TMNT], whichever one you see more. I enjoy playing on DLM, and I'd hate to be banned for a false belief of cheating. It's been tough finding an active server with a decent community receptive to outside players, especially after my usual servers pretty much died. So....give me a break? At least tell me how I can prove my innocence or purity or anticheatingness or whatever... I'll keep checking back.
  22. Somebody ban somebody or something, this forum needs some excitement
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