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  1. Just saw this dark comedy and i have to say it is going on my Top 25 list. Coming out of no where with Robert Downey Jr. (how come we all know his name but he has only been in crap films that no one really watches? except this one) as the main character with Val Kilmer as his "mentor." It starts off with AN AMAZING display of Narrating that is not done in any other movie to my knowledge (in that completely new way, but others are somewhat similar). I recommend that everyone sees this film soon. It goes from the dark and sophisticated to the sappy and cheesey while still keeping you entertained, laughing, and on your seat as it progresses. THOUGH, this movie foreshadows A LOT but on purpose, i guess its an acquired taste because the mass majority was not too keen on the foreshadowing while film critics thought it was exciting. The overall end plot twist was amazing and made the movie continue down the dark comedy path. One more aspect i loved was the usage of their humor. It was more sarcasm and quick conversation that made this movie than the action and plot. i personally rate this movie an 8/10
  2. Coming up with a Varsity Blues kinda feel, this film doesn't really focus on football, but the aftermath of Football, the pressure it invokes and the relationships that build or collapse on and off the field. The movie starts in a (instantly given) Football town where the only way out, is Football. The main focus is three young men (and 2-4 other side characters) that are dealing with the pressures of family, community, and friends telling them they better bring home the State Championship. You get the feel that State Championship is the only thing important in the town when the last State winnings run the town; they are the parents, the law, and the community store owners. Football is their lives. to quote the coach "There isn't much difference between winning and losing... just how society treats you afterwards." I don't want to go into much further detail about the movie, but the soundtrack is beautiful. It is done by a band I have enjoyed recently for the past year or so and it made this movie what it is. Explosions In The Sky = Made Friday Night Lights.
  3. I do not want to start off the discussion of this piece... can someone else please and i'll add?
  4. 8.5 out of 10 stars. It would have gotten a 10 if they fixed 2 things. 1. The cinematography (it was a little bed time story-ish) 2. The first time Eisenheim met Sophie on stage, there was a critical part that it took me at least 5 min after the movie to figure out. The twist at the ending was really shocking but they used a flashback from this part that didn't need to be in there and confused me. There were some plot holes that could have been plugged up fairly easily, but they didn't decide to do so. The ending was EXCELLENT!! I will watch it again just to put the pieces back together. Maybe the plot holes don't exist and I missed them. The movie did seem like it was getting pointless at the 3/4 mark. But just near the ending the plot GOES INSANE! I didn't see it coming. SPOILER If all they were going to show was that she drugged the guy and faked to die, then why show the "soul" coming out of her flashback? unless it wasn't her and was the soul... And the duke, there is no way that he could have predicted the change in heart in the inspector, thus causing the dukes death.
  5. I saw that anonymo liked star trek. Whats everybody's favorite series? Deep Space 9 is the best
  6. Any other BSG fans here... and I'm talking about the re-imagined version not the old 1970's one.
  7. Don't go see it. Horrible movie.
  8. uuuuuuummm....WOW.... yeah...wow. 4.8 out of 5 stars for me. My ONLY real criticism of this film was that it was about 10 minutes too long and it is a tad (overly) melodramatic. Other than that, I am pretty sure this is one of the best war movies I've ever seen. Though that is a poor description because in the end, this isn't a movie about war as much as it's a movie about two brothers and how war changes them. If you enjoyed Saving Private Ryan and Band of Brothers...you will love Tae Guk Gi (assuming you can read subtitles). There were even moments in this film that were bloodier than either of those...which is hard to do...but those moments felt appropriate most of the time. This was only the 2nd movie I've ever cried during in my entire life. (the first being Of Mice and Men when I was 12) The actors who played the two main characters (especially Bin Wan who played Jin-seok the younger brother) do an amazing job of portraying characters that change and develop over the course of the film (something I love). They both give some great dramatic performances...but honestly the single best performance in the film (and the one that made me cry) would have to be the small scene at the end of the film by Min-ho Jang who played the older version of one of the brothers (watch the film to find out which). Right now I could go on for quite a long time about this film...but if you like dramatic war stories and you can handle the violence (which is pretty much on par with Saving Private Ryan) then you MUST watch this film...GO! Join Netflix and get it!
  9. I heard this movie described as the "Godfather of spy movies" and that it was "exceptional". Gotta say...I was disappointed. I'd give it a 3 out of 5 stars. It was drawn out and mildly boring and almost as if the makers of the movie were trying to keep the plot secret from the people watching the movie...that's how much of a spy film it was. Not saying it was bad...just saying that while I was entertained, I don't ever plan on watching it again in my lifetime.
  10. TheGeek


    I just saw the trailer. I like movies that are done so differently than all of the others. Maybe this will blow me away once it comes out. http://www.apple.com/trailers/wb/300/trailer1/
  11. I hear that there is going to be a new one! oh goody! <sarcasm> http://www.apple.com/trailers/fox/fantasti...hesilversurfer/ What do you guys think?
  12. 3.5/4 stars This movie was simply outstanding. The flick reminded me of the games Half Life 2 and Gears of War. The action scenes were so well done and all shot in the same cut. The sets were so realistic that it felt like I was in the heat of the situation. The only flaw of the movie was that the ending seemed a little too soon.
  13. My brother-in-law is a huge Rocky fan and so I went with him the other day to see Rocky Balboa. Now me, I've enjoyed the moments of Rocky movies I've seen but I've never seen one all the way through (just caught pieces of them on tv) and I wasn't expecting to be too entertained by this film. Still...as someone who hadn't seen Rocky before it was still pretty entertaining. You can tell that Sly Stallone made the movie for a specific age group (i.e. Old folks) and that there is a message in there for them. There are some strange moments in the movie that apparently only make sense if you have seen the other films...but overall I'd give this movie a 3.5 out of 5 stars. (that's a good thing) if you're a fan of Rocky, you've probably already seen it. If you're not...well, wait for it on DVD but definitely see it when it comes on DVD.
  14. http://movies.yahoo.com/feature/transformers.html
  15. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD MOVIE!!!!!! It just came out on dvd today. (well yesterday ) If you like M. Night Shyamalan you NEED to watch this movie. The beginning was a little hard to understand and was a little glitchy. The middle and the end NEVER DROPPED THE SUSPENSE!! Overall I give the movie a 9.7 out of 10. A REALLY high review by myself. M. Night Shyamalan made the most simple of things suspenseful. awesome... awesome movie. YOU HAVE TO WATCH IT.
  16. Ok...here we go: For those of you that read the book: -Roran leaves home for no other reason than he has come of age. The butcher doesn't even have a daughter, so there is no love interest for Roran. -Brom does not give the story from the book of the history of the riders, instead it is abbreviated, and he is stopped by GUARDS in Carvahal (I can't remember how to spell the town) -They cut out most of the time that Eragon was trying to figure out what the egg is (which is admittedly understandable) -Horst is only mentioned in passing as he is told, "Be quiet Horst" at a table in town so a guard won't hear him -Galbatorix is seen again and again in the movie giving commands to Durza...yeah, he doesn't appear at all in the novel -Durza seems a big fairy compared to how he is described in the book -Saphira is shown taking her first flight, then, in mid-air goes *poof* and is fully grown. She lands, says "I am Saphira, and the new age of the riders has begun." with some other equally corny and forced lines -Eragon is uninjured from his first trip with Saphira -Eragon's uncle (Forget his name) is dead when Eragon finds him, and the roof is pretty much the only thing collapsed of the house (they had to search through wreckage to find him in the book) -Eragon is taught a spell that allows him to see through Saphira's eyes, and it works just fine right away -They completely leave out the part of the book that takes place in the city where Eragon learns to read and Brom gets some help from his old friend -The first town Brom and Eragon comes to is in one piece, not ravaged by Urgals, and he also meets Angela here (she mentions nothing of frogs) -The werecat does not exist so there is no prophecy for Eragon knowing where to go when his strength fails and all that -The Urgals are fat, bald men with blue tattoos (yeah they look like something out of Mad Max) -The Razzak look like the demon from Constantine that is made up of bugs (the one that gets hit by the semi truck) and Brom manages to kill them easily (yes, Brom kills the Razzak) -The Razzak have no mounts -You don't meet Murtagh until Eragon attempts to rescue Arya at Durza's keep -Eragon sneaks into Durza's keep wearing a robe that makes him look like Luke Skywalker entering Jaba's palace and Murtagh is some mysterious character following behind carying a large bow as if that doesn't make him stand out from all of the unarmed people around him -Murtagh only uses a sword in the movie once, and when he does, it is Zar'roc, which he doesn't seem to mind -Brom dies saving Eragon from a floating spear the Durza launches...which is just dumb for so many reasons -Arya wakes up as soon as Durza is shot in the face and walks around all willy-nilly until later in the movie when Durza points his fingernail into something and she collapses poisoned...even then, she is not fully unconscious as she reaches out for Eragon's hand to hold when they get to the Varden -Arya doesn't have pointed ears or resemble an elf in any other way. She does not fight with superhuman speed or strength. -There aren't any dwarves -Murtagh doesn't mind going to the Varden -Murtagh's scar looks like a freaking tribal tatoo and is not disfiguring or even big -Durza lures Eragon through a cheesy dream sequence to his keep through Arya -We never find out that Brom's Dragon's name was Saphira -Brom does not leave Eragon much of a choice to go the Varden, and in fact, once he finds out Eragon is a rider, TELLS Eragon that he is going to take him to the Varden. ERAGON'S decision to go to the Varden was both central in plot, AND character development. -Galbatorix has several scenes....which is dumb...he is shown giving Durza instructions and getting angry like a stereotypical idiot -Durza does NOT injure Eragon at all, so there is no debilitating scar which is the main plot-device in the rising action of Eldest -There is no elf that comes to Eragon as he fights off Durza's consciousness telling him to go to the Elves -Eragon doesn't have to fight off Durza's consciousness -in fact there is more, I'm just sick of listing them.... For those of you who did not read the book: -the acting was horrible...I mean, it was bad -Eragon, the main character, is portrayed as a yuppie pretty boy that whines throughout 90% of the movie even when he is being "brave" -The catch phrases (i.e. "you're 1 part brave and 3 parts the fool") are forced in at moments where they don't necessarily need to be, and are obviously contrived and not even that good -There are several plot-holes and no transition whatsoever between scenes. ----Brom gets into Durza's keep no problem and only appears just in time to dive in front of a spear aimed at Eragon...he's not wearing a disguise or anything ----Murtagh sneaks into a guarded keep in a robe, but is brandishing a LARGE long-bow as he does so...that's not obvious or anything ----the big-hearted Eragon doesn't seem to care when he sees a caravan being ravaged by Urgals (bad guys), and instead of diving into the battle headfirst (as his character would do as portrayed in the movie), he ends up happily sparring with Brom a few seconds later, meanwhile the caravan is right down the road ----there are more major plot-holes that I am leaving out, but I will move on for now as I can't remember them off the top of my head -Galbotorix (the big bad guy) is portrayed in the same exact way any tyrant king is portrayed in any cheap B-movie fantasy movie ("I'm getting angry/you failed me for the last time/don't fail me again/kill them/grrr") -Durza even pulls the whole kill the guy who screwed up and promote the guy behind him routine that was originally coined in Star Wars (at least as far as movies go) -A guy that can create a smoke-dragon from nothing at all then ride on it, shoot fireballs from his finger tips, level buildings with the flick of his writs, take an arrow between the eyes just to pop up again later, create a fiery sword from thin air, and is just an all around bad mammajamma loses the fight to a whining, yuppie pretty-boy...yeah...that's exactly why the fight with Durza in the book is more like Eragon just happens to hit Durza just right when Durza wasn't ready and luckily killed him. That, and it happens fast. There is no chance what-so-ever that Eragon would have won in the book or movie in a stand up fight against Durza. -remember how I said there are no transitions between scenes...it's more annoying than you think. Picture this, one second the main character is wrestling with his cousin in the hay. Father comes in and says "Come on boys" motioning for them to get to work or go with him. Literally a second later without so much as a fade-in or out Eragon is up in his room knocking on the big blue egg. Now imagine that happening with action scenes and major story events....it's terrible -a lot of people said that Hayden Christiansen (however it's spelled) was a bad actor....yeah, he looks like Shakespear's finest next to the people in this movie -due to the fact that the producers or whoever decided to change so many things that were in the book, the plot does not hold together well at all, and does not really progress logically. For instance: the Varden are said to live in a remote area that Galbotorix hasn't quite got his hold on yet (it's Surda, but I don't think they mention that in the movie) right? There are even soldiers in the tiny town of Carvahal (there shouldn't be, but that's if you've read the book)! Everyone in the town seems to hate Galbotorix and resent the soldiers because they come and forcefully recruit able-bodied young men (their children). Now, if Surda and the Varden were only a little ways away..a days journey or two..wouldn't you leave your town and go live there? Well, in the movie, there is not vast desert to cross or days in the wilderness...nope...getting the Varden seems pretty dern easy to me. So if it's that easy, why doesn't everyone do it? It's stupid, and a perfect example of why the plot doesn't progress logically. Logically, everyone would leave for Surda to escape the misery plaguing their town. There is NEVER a happy face in Carvahal, Eragon's home town, throughout the whole of the movie. -at the end of the movie, Galbatorix (the big bad tyrant king) pulls back a curtain to reveal the head of his black dragon in what had to be the corniest ending to any movie I have seen in a looooong time All in all, I gave it 1 star out of 10....it sucked, and I know there is stuff I'm leaving out, but it's just escaping me at the moment
  17. Ok, I saw Eragon last Friday on opening night. Do yourselves a favor and avoid it. I registered with IMDB for the sole purpose of reviewing this movie, and I gave it 1 star out of 10. It was, by far, one of the worst movies that I have seen in a long time. It had several great actors, but even their performances were...well, quite lacking. The only one that made a decent show of his acting ability was Jeremy Irons..'cause he's just great, but even he could not save this piece of **** movie. There were plot-holes out the wazoo, and the geniuses in Hollywood decided once again to take a best-selling novel and COMPLETELY change it around. Don't they know that if a story is already great, they SHOULDN'T CHANGE IT? I mean, it's not exactly a difficult concept to grasp. I'm not going into detail because I don't want to spoil it for those of you that will still want to see it. I know that my brother is going because he loved the book, but at least my thoughts have inspired him to seek a matine instead of paying full ticket price. Don't waste the money, it would be more effective using your $8 for toilet paper, and you would feel better about it. P.S. I will go into detail as to what was actually screwed up about the movie if people want me to, but until some more people see it, I don't want to give it all away. P.P.S. READ THE BOOK, it was great!!! Battlefield Earth (yes, it's by L. Ron Hubbard, and no I am not a Scientologist) had the same thing happen to it. GREAT book, really it is, but man did the movie suck.
  18. I saw this movie this past week. Overall it was pretty good just some parts were really setup taking away from the movie.
  19. I thought this was a pretty funny movie. One or two kind of weird parts, but overall it surpassed my expectations. Anyone else see it?
  20. wow...just wow kiddies. I went to see this over the weekend with some friends. I went in with the idea that it was a typical Will Ferrell silly comedy and found out it wasn't as I watched the film. That didn't matter because this movie blew me away. Just based on the previews I figured it was a funny movie about a guy who keeps hearing a voice narrate his life, then one day the voice tells him about his "imminent death". It definitely had funny moments but it was also poignant and heart wrenching and sad all while being happy and heart warming (yeah I know...that doesn't make sense). Will Ferrell was amazing in the movie as well. In the beginning it was difficult to see him in a serious role, I just kept seeing Craig the Cheerleader...but as the film went on and his performance got more and more real and emotional I was blown away. Right now I feel about this movie the way I felt about Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind the first time I saw it (I gave it a 10/10, though that score dropped a bit with time). It was just something altogether different than I thought it would be. The film at it's most basic core would be this: it's about a man who has to come to terms with his death, which he knows will happen soon but has no idea how. I can't rave enough about this movie kids...go see it before it leaves theatres. also, don't take the children along...this movie is much too deep (and sometimes disturbing) for kids to enjoy.
  21. This was made in 2005 but I havent seen a dvd for sale about it anyone know where I can get one if at all. http://www.upcominghorrormovies.com/movies/gravedancers.php
  22. I just saw.... saw 3 today. If you liked the other 2, you'll enjoy this one. Of course there is plenty of gore, but if you can get past that, the story is actually neat. Just like the other two, I couldnt predict the big twist ending, even though I was trying to figure it out through out the whole movie. It also neatly ties up all the loose ends from the previous two Saw movies. 3/4 stars
  23. I cant remember the name of this TV show for the life of me. It is a TV show about men who work for the US government and they are basically a on call delta force. They're own wifes dont even know what they do. The lead character is the guy who played the black president for 24. I think it aired on ABC? CBS? anybody know? AH ha! Its the unit. Has anybody seen it?
  24. Anyone gonna go see it? looks hilarious. Here's the first 4 mins of the movie: **WARNING** Contains foul language and crude humour url=http://youtube.com/watch?v=yJDNOQ1oNlM]Borat the movie[/url] For all you that dont know. Borat is a character thought up by Comedian Sacha Baron Cohen's better known as Ali G. Borat is a man from Kazakhstan who comes to America to learn about American society.
  25. Dude this show is worth checkin out. Super indestructable teen girl, teleporting space-time bending japanese dude, flying bros, revelating painting, mind reader cop. It's getting better and better. The first episode was a bit draggy, but figures as much with the deep story line developing. This one will definately last a couple more seasons.
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