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Bertuzzi Pleads Guilty


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" Vancouver Canucks player Todd Bertuzzi pleaded guilty to assault Wednesday, more than nine months after slugging Colorado forward Steve Moore from behind and driving his face into the ice during a game."


Im not really into hockey but I think the suspension and fine was enough, isnt big hits part of the game? Yes I did see the hit and it was brutal but i just think if he gets jail time for this its bs.


Any hockey fans out there?

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Guest PDO
Guest PDO
Guest PDO

It wasn't a hit ;).


I've been in some very heated arguments with both Canuck fans, Canuck haters, and even a former player agent/lawyer. Anyway, here's how it goes:


When a player signs a contract to play in the NHL, he agree's to "assumable risk". This would be breaking a leg by falling funny into the boards after a hit, getting a concussion, or even a broken limb from a slash. What Bertuzzi did steps outside of assumable risk, and thus this is why he was prosecuted.


Personally, I'd have rather seen this left on the ice, but with the lawyer that Bertuzzi has, I doubt he'll get more than community service and probation - and no criminal record. It's nothing more than a waste of tax dollars because the American Media was having a slow day, really.

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Guest PDO
Guest PDO
Guest PDO
Just heard

"Bertuzzi must complete 80 hours of community service"


He does more than that of his own free will, my guess is he'll easily double that mark very quickly - espeacilly with no NHL hockey.

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This is always a tough call. My cousin the cop, is a hockey referee. While officiating a game, (16 year olds), one player skated up behind another and hit that play over the head with a hockey stick. My cousin skated over and placed that player under arrest. The attacker was convicted of assualt with a weapon.


There is no place at all that a player consents that the (in Canada) criminal code does not apply to sports.


I teach Karate, we spar as part of training. At no time do I give my consent for one of my students to intentionally inflict harm of a serious nature on another student. My students do understand that a broken nose or broken hands etc may result but they expect that nobody will intentionally, with malice harm another person.


The big thing about Bertuzzi was that he threatened harm to Moore prior to the game, made the attack when the puck was nowhere near his victim. He did not check him, punch him or kick him, he used a "weapon" to inflict harm.


That was pre-meditated and with malice. There is no question in my mind that Bertuzzi should have been convicted, get a criminal record and spend some time in jail.


With a criminal conviction Bertuzzi would be out of hockey as he would be prohibited from crossing from Canada into the US and vice versa.

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I'm a huge hockey fan. I watched the game. It was a dirty hit straight up. I twas intentional and i'm ashamed at Bertuzzi (by the way he's from my city..Kitchener Ontario)


As captain of a team you have to set a standard for your teamates to follow. What kinda role model are you when you're hitting people from behind and fall down to the ice.... dirty pool


he should be thrown out of the NHL for that.


80 hours of community service. I bet if a no name person who played hockey did that, he'd be put in jail.


I hate how celebrities and sports people get breaks....

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Guest PDO
Guest PDO
Guest PDO

What does putting Bertuzzi in jail do though? He's not a threat to society, and if anything look at all the positives him being out of jail has..


1) Charitable work.. the man is a beast when it comes to this, and puts in as much time as anyone else.

2) Tax money.. the government is getting 40% of his salary, give or take.. that's roughly $12,000,000 over the next 4 years.. you don't think they want that? Instead though, we could waste tax dollars to have him in jail!

3) If he goes to jail, who's to say what is and isn't going to get someone into jail then? Next thing you know that line is being brought closer and closer to legal plays.

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