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What do you think of free online music sharing?


I have used several music sharing programs in the past. Since I reinstalled windows a while back I don't have them anymore. I used the programs mainly to see If I liked a group's songs well enough to spend money on their album. It's a shame that music groups spend a great deal of time creating songs and don't get money for their hard work.


So whats your opinion? :smile:

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If I really like a cd after downloading some songs, I'll usually go out and buy it. There's just something about owning the actual cd that doesn't do burned ones justice. Maybe it's the album art. :P


That said, artists can't just keep whining about free downloading and relying on the RIAA to crack down on everyone, especially cracking down on 12 year old kids who are downloading, I think that's ridiculous.

The music industry has got in trouble before for hiking up the prices of CDs, and to make the actual produced ones competitive with burned ones, I think the prices need to go down. Sure, the royalty check or advanced payment that artists receive won't be as high, but it's probably not that much in the long run. Compared to the actual labor and cost of making the CDs, the price is too high. People can't afford to buy all the CDs that they want, and result to burning.

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Eh.. I think theres a fine line between people who use the resources to download a few favorite or older songs, or perhaps songs they can't purchase (culture-oriented ones come to mind) and people who use it to download entire libraries of music.


Digital Media has made it so exceedingly easy to share content that can be seen or heard that its become an unstoppable problem. Napster started it, and now its all over bit-torrent and other sites. In all honesty, you really can't stop it. Its not just music either, its movies and games too.


I think, in an age where it can become so easy to give and take something that people create, it becomes even more important to recognize the creator of the media in question and show your support to that person for what he/she has done, and thats put his/her time into a project. reguardless of HOW you got it, I think its key to support the person who made it. (assuming to respect/enjoy/use what you downloaded)

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you guys ever sleep? 12:42 AM, 06:19 AM, 08:07 AM???

I'm working now that's why I'm early, and yes i feel this is VERY early.


On music thing, well, there's really not a lot of artists I'd pay for. Nowadays music is so much more business. Basically every album has 2-3 hits and the rest is fillers. For $13-$15 it's not really worth it. Counterwise, there are some artist I regularly buy cd's from, so I'm not bad, I'm just keeping natural selection going.

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The only stuff I've ever really downloaded is work from no-name indie bands, bands like The Smiths, The Afghan Whigs or The Pixies, whom I can't just walk into a store and find, or chorales done by composers a century or more ago. Oh, and Nintendo themesongs.


Oddly enough, buying a CD isn't the best way to support a band. If a CD costs $20 or $22CAD (not unreasonable at all), the store will glean $2 or $3. The distribution house will do the same. Then the record label takes ~ 2/3 of the total sale price, plus reimbursement for manufacturing. That leaves but a couple of bucks. If you write every song on an album, generally speaking, you earn $1 or so. If you played on every song in the album, you earn $ .25.


So unless you're the accredited songwriter, you aren't making any money, anyway.


The way you can support a band is through their touring, and buy buying their merchandaise. (Ticketmaster is a money-grubber, but it's still not as bad as the RIAA).


That's not to say that you shouldn't buy CDs... I have a vast collection, and a complete Pink Floyd/Pearl Jam library, as far as studio albums/compilations are concerned.


CD sales still tell the labels what the public is looking for. That system needs to change, too, but it still means that if good rock CDs have a resurgeance in sales, the label owners will be more open to hiring rock bands (that hopefully don't suck. A lot.)

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Finding compilations / 'greatest hits' albums isn't hard. But to walk into any random HMV or Sam the Record Man and expect to find their exhaustive library, or even just one of their more rare albums is a perposterous assumption.


Finding their "Wave of Mutilation (UK Remix)" on a compilation other than the "Pump up the Volume" soundtrack (also nigh impossible to find, despite it being a phenomenal film) takes more than just an impulse purchase. Same with finding the single.


Even though they did get together and tour last winter, to the delight of many (myself included).


The same is true of Joy Drop, or Cracker, or Toad the wet Sprocket... ...or even The ODDS. It's just not possible to complete collections when the place is filled to the brim with the next generation of silicone starlettes.

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I download a lot from iTunes - rarely will I buy an album.


Back when Napster first came out I was a fiend, downloading, burning, etc., but I still bought a lot of CDs - probably have around 100 or so.


If I read/hear/hope that an entire album is good, I'll buy it. Like Greenday's latest, or Beck's new one. Otherwise I just download by singles on iTunes.

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I mostly dl the things I cant find at the store, like my fav Japanese band 'Shonen Knife'... I look for bootlegs of my fav bands too that you cant buy at the store.. Ive taken a d.a.t. into concerts and got clean recordings, that probably just as illegal..

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Batman, I'm just waiting for the day somebody manages to set up a $5000 condenser mic in the middle of the concert, without anybody noticing.


By the way - Pearl Jam, one of my personal favourites, releases their own mastered bootlegs, for each concert. There's no way you can't find one, if you want to hear it.

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