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Hello everyone, I'm new to the forums but I've been playing at the server for about a month now. I have to say it's one of the rare servers out there these days with competent admins, and for the most part, competent players.


Of course, you guys probably know about that already since you stuck around and either joined the forums and/or GC itself! Personally I don't have a job, so I don't have very much money, but I've been giving serious thought about joining the Coalition.


So far it seems like a great community, thanks!



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Guest Sh0rtD0gg
Guest Sh0rtD0gg
Guest Sh0rtD0gg

ya dude, i mowed lawns for most this summer to pay for mine.


Whatever it takes get the 50 bucks.

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Shortdogg, how much do you charge to mow a lawn? $1?


I heard that he uses a very complicated formula when charging. I am not sure whether he was charging per blade of grass, or charging per pound of grass that he cut.


I would assume that he was charging per blade considering that it took him all summer to earn the 50 dollars. Each lawn woul take quite some time. We have to assume that he was using a lawn mower with a bag attached, because a lawn mower without one would scatter the grass everywhere and result in a loss of profit as grass blades would be lost. He must have painstakingly counted and recounded the number of blades in each bag. This would take a day or two to complete per lawn. Then he would have to measure each blade, find the average length, then figure out how many blades that would equate to and make it so the average length was divided into the total length of the blades per the Fair Lawn Mowing Act of 1959. This Act was passed because of the lawn mowing cartel of 12 year olds who were ripping off clients, in Beaver -Cleaverville, by mowing the lawns then further cutting up the grass to incrase profits.....


Oh, and by the way, welcom Assassinator! :spin2:

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i got an 85 buick somerset that needs some washing?


$5 and an ice cold lemonade. you down? we'll get you there!


thanks for crusing by the forums, it's good to see you regulars making your way around the forum. make sure to come back and make suggestions or leave your ideas...



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Hmm, maybe i'll make a post about it at the Snakeden forums.

Although, most of the guys there are pretty dedicated to the snakeden server, or just don't play anymore. Lot of 'em don't have source. But i'll try.


Snakeden has a server too, source, but gets almost no activity. Kind of a bummer, and was the reason why I happened to connect to the great GC servers.

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