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One day in Wonderland III


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<Fatty walks in from Ohio State game with only left side of his face burnt from the sun. He looks around at the complete mess and mumbles something about having thought he wasn't in college anymore, and that the building he's in, formerly known as the Mmmmansion was not supposed to resemble a frat house....he searches for responsible parties>

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<Burps loud enough to rouse from drunken slumber. I stumble out from underneath the table and realize that blitzed men aren't suppose to stand up that quickly. Tunnel vision sets in and I find myself on the floor...again. I come to staring at what seems to be an extra from either BraveHeart or Last of the Mohicans....at least from what he can tell from a half painted face.>

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<Scuba inflates in his BCD and rises to the surface of the pool. As he raises his mask a large shadow falls across him. Scuba looks up and sees ButterBean heading for the pool. Quickly puts mask on, deflates BCD, and sinks to the bottom of the pool.>

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<Looks up and see's a dart stuck to the ceiling. The thing is spinning in slow circles....and I feel ready to hurl. In a vian attmept to stop the spinning I close my eyes, but the spinning dart is still there. My tummy says it's time for clensing, and I make a mad dash for the bathroom. I find the door locked with a sign that says "In use by Walker, Texas Ranger." I curse Chuck under my breath and look around frantically for an outlet for my tummy. I glance out the window and spy my salvation, the pool, and I sprint out the door.>

Edited by Brillow_Head
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<As he finishes peeing in the pool, Duke notices something that surfaces and then sinks. Feeling one-upped at this boring party, he wanders back towards the house where the A-Team jingle is blaring. Brillow rushes past him and looks to be heading towards the pool, cheeks puffed out. Duke snickers knowing that poor slob is too late. Walking in through the back door, he notices the funny looking guy with half his face painted red. Excited that it's now a Halloween party, Duke runs to the nearest closet hoping to find something to wear. Maybe a Slim-Whitman suit or even a *GASP* gorilla suit>

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<As I walk to the front of the house I notice the dodge ram, A-Team van and a goat. Figuring I'm at the right place I open the door and walk inside. I slowly and calmy walk by the large drunk guy with half his face painted and make my way to the pool. I walk by Duke laughing and see Brillow with his head over the pool so I decide swimming is out of the question. I make my way over to get a drink and bump into Butterbean. Realizing I may not live, I pick up my phone and dial for backup. I hear over the phone "We're sorry sir....... Chuck Norris...... is not available at this time, please try again later." Not knowing what to do I run away....>

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<Someone peed in the pool! Ah, heck, here it comes anyway....RALPH!! I realize that my car keys just slipped out of my pocket into the bottom of the pool. Panic sets in and sobers me up in a hurry. I dig in my pocket for options...I pull out the leftover cash from the drinking binge the night before and come up with a buck-fifty. I see Butterbean eyeing my money intently and I ask him if he'd dive in and get my keys, and in return I'd give him my money and a free shot at the half baked, bald, stunt double back the house. He smiles and graciously dives in and out quickly and hand me my keys. I hand over the money and point to Fatty's last known location.>

Edited by Brillow_Head
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<Xterminator awakes from his drunken stooper. He stumbles to the washroom only to find that someone has passed out huggin the toilet. With a smirk he turns and briefly catches his refleciton in the mirror, only to find half his face has been painted. Angrily he scrubs the paint off all the while mumbling and cursing quietly>

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