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take your pick


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There is alot of great things today, wonderful medical discoveries make us live longer and can sometimes erase the scars of accidents or our own neglect. But often times I feel as if life is a bit lost from how it should be. I think of how since humanity became "civilized" it has been doing most things in the direction off killing itself off. Its hard to make it through a single day, or even half a day without doing something or engaging in something that alone, given enough time, through continued use could destroy the world. We seem to live and breath destruction. Now i know almost everyone here is a gamer(ddeerrr =P) and i know the question i propose would mean none of this community would exist as it does..

but if you could chose to live life as a hunter-gatherer, or basically in tune with your enviroment, which only took from the world what it could give back and making the time line of survival perpetual. Or continue in modern day with all our luxuries and technology, but have our ways as they are leading us to a point of non existance..... what would you choose?

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lol, I have asked myself this question many times before.


But, if someone dropped my back in ancient England, I think it would be very very very hard to survive.


I would much rather live in todays society. Think about basic things that you take for granted, e.g. plumming systems, hot water, proper cooking equipment.

However, the above view is really selfish. If we carry on living as we are today, how long will it be till be pollute the air to an unbreathable amount, or how long will it be till the ice bergs melt.

If we carry on the way we are today, I doubt the world will stop being able to support mass human life.


My conclusion - I'd love to go back in time for a couple of years perhaps, it would be an absolutely amazing time, but I think it would be hard for me to leave the society that I have grown up in.

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Ive thought of this kind of thing before too. And I always cme back to this:

When I was 4 I had Bronchitis, Pneumonia, and Tonsilitis all at the same time. I spent two weeks in the hospital in a steam oxy tent thingy.

So, if I was back in the older times......


Id be DEAD and I would never have worried about hunting/gathering.

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