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Kicked for being an idiot? :(

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So yah, first post, short time player. Actually I'm Scourge's friend in real life (offline world) so he got me back into CS and all that. I prefer DoD. So thats why I play here, cause hes in the Eh? clan and obviously plays on the GC servers all the time so I just join him when he plays.


Anyway I've been playing here for nearly as long as him, either on scopeless, zombie or this one when #2 is full and haven't really insulted anyone or been a bad person so I was rather surprised when I was kicked "for having the bomb and being an idiot" today. So... here's what happened:


We were on de_cbble (or at least I think it was) and I was going about my rounds and got to a ladder to go down. Magruter was coming up the ladder at the same time, so I fell back and let him up. As soon as he got up, he rather angrily let me know on the mic that I was apparently going the wrong way. I obviously had no idea, I was just running around trying to kill as many of the opposing team as possible, didn't even know I had the bomb. As I was typing my response, which would of been a shorter version of my last sentence, I was kicked.


I talked to Scourge on xfire about it and the info he got was that "I had the bomb and was being an idiot". Errr? I'm an admin on my clan's DoD server and I have NEVER kicked for anything like that. Thats why I was taken aback so much. Is this some kind of rule that I broke? An anti-noob rule or something? I don't mean to come off as sarcastic or smart-assed or anything, I'm actually serious.


I was going to put this post in the "got banned?" section, but since I wasn't actually banned I put it here. Feel free to move it there if its appropriate.


Just want to know why I was kicked and if I can show my face around here anymore without having various fruits and vegetables thrown at it o0o

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You were kicked for camping tower while the REST of the team went to rush "B" i don't care if you camp tower, but when you have bomb you disrupt the whole team... If we would have had the bomb in b we would have at least been able to plant.. I ask why you didn't come for the rush and you said "dunno" We stress team play on our servers, and i sitting on the bomb when the rest of the team rushes pushes my buttons. That's why you're kicked and not banned... ...You are more than welcome in our servers, just please play with the team, or just drop the bomb so other people can complete the objectives...


BTW: Welcome to the forums.

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Thanks for the reply.


I wasn't sitting up in the tower, I had come to it from somewhere else and was going to make my way down. Honestly I had no idea where I was going or coming from, but I wasn't sitting around. You had told me on the mic something about going the wrong way, so I stopped to type up something like "er what?" and then I got kicked. I didn't get to type anything before you kicked me.


Anyway yah, I don't want to argue about it. You didn't ban me, so I don't really have anything to argue about. Don't want to get off on the wrong foot here, so how about we just forget it happened? :)


See you around :peace:

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If that was a bannable offense, the "got banned" forum would probably contain about 80% of my posts.

Thanks and praise be to the almighty Fatman and his illustrious board for having pity on those of us whose brains do not work at full capcaity!

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