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A problem I have with Lunk

Guest Careful Aim

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Guest Careful Aim
Guest Careful Aim
Guest Careful Aim

Honestly I'm a bit steamed, so what I'm about to say probably isn't as objective as I intend it. But I will try, and won't spare myself in the description.


I got my computer back yesterday, and decided to play a little CS today (just now). Hopped on, having fun. Then Lunk comes on. Things are fine for a few minutes, but then we're on the same team, and I can hear his audio. We get in a situation where he runs into a hallway, and I run after him in support. He decides to turn around and go back out the door. I try to get out of his way, but a) he gets shot in the back of the head, and B) I get flashed. Just as the flash wears off I catch "...idiot". A minute later I type (knowing he wouldn't type it) "What was that, Lunk?" Silence. Fine, I think, no big deal, he's just being his normal self, only a bit more so.


We are Ts and I get the bomb. I go to the site, and have to fight hard to get to it (killing 2 to get there). I'm expecting more resistance and when I get to the site I do a quick check all around. My team had gotten there via a different route and it was secure. However, that delay was apparently too long for Lunk who comes on the mic with "Plant the bomb, dude." At this point I'm pretty annoyed. I was about to plant anyway, and I'm thinking "who the heck is this dufus anyway?" Swallowing some choice invectives, I settle for a simple "shut up". Two seconds later I'm kicked from the server.


I wasn't that suprised. Lunk has a huge attitude. I just didn't feel like taking it today. Of course, I probably should have just said nothing and let it ride. But I'm no saint. He was out of line. And frankly I think he deserved worse. His ire is not normally directed toward me, but I always raise my eyebrows when he goes off and think, "Who is this guy anyway?" Whenever he hops on I try to be on a different team. He is abrasive, rude, and especially a whiner, especially about everyone else's performance. Of course when *he* makes a mistake it's a big joke, but when someone *else* makes a mistake (or he percieves it as such) it's all high and mighty and "what's your problem?"


Let me reiterate the fact that I consider playing on your servers are a priveledge not a right. You are welcome to do whatever you want, and I would have no cause to complain (or at least, reason to think that my complaint would be heard). However, if you are concerned that an admin's behavior is highly inconsistent with the policies they are supposed to enforce over a long period of time, I would take this matter seriously.


If these were *my* servers I'd give the admins a TON of leeway. Everyone has a bad day. And frankly for $50 a year (or whatever it is) they can vent more spleen than the avg player if they want. But this Lunk guy is consistently just plain mean, and is a very negative impact on the server. This latest incident is truly only unique because it happened to me, and because I decided to stand up to the bully (bad habit of mine).


Do with this information as you wish. I have no doubt Lunk sees the situation much differently. I'd be curious to hear what he has to say. Besides, my anger has subsided since starting this post, and I feel more sad than anything.



Edited by stuttering.john
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Guest Careful Aim
Guest Careful Aim
Guest Careful Aim
were you kicked/banned, or just kicked?


Kicked only. I posted only because I didn't like being treated that way. I hope he mellows out.


BTW, I think maybe my post title is a bit...hyperbolic. I probably should have titled it *after* I wrote it.

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Guest Careful Aim
Guest Careful Aim
Guest Careful Aim
if you could rename it, what would you choose?


Interesting question. I have to dig deep now for a good one. Let's see, how about "Who watches the watchers?" or "Cold!" or even "Chill out Lunk!". "The Unbearable Lightness of Lunk" has a certain resonance. "Respect my authoritah: what to do when admins get mean?"


But actually, "A problem I have with Lunk" is short, simple, and accurate.

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I'm sorry to hear you feel that way Careful, I hope you stick around. As hard as everyone in GC works to foster a certain type of community, that doesn't mean everyone is going to get along all the time. Perhaps you both caught each other on bad days. It seems like there was mutual disrespect, but the fact that you were able to post coherently and respectfully speaks highly of your character. As I said before, I hope this doesn't mean you stop playing here. I for one enjoy fraggin with you.

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well im gonna chip in my two cents here... i hate lunk too and by hate, i mean, we screw around all the time. i think its just his character. usually when i enter the server and hes on he always says something to the effect, 'oh great... i have to play with ich... dont tk me too many times alright?'. its just the way he is, he always gets on everyones case and you should get on his case too, just know how to do it. we flame back and forth and i know hes joking but me on the other hand... im totally serious =P best time to stick it to him is when he goes 18 and 3 on one map and then the next map, hes 3 and 18... make 'em know that he isn't all that good... because he isnt.


im an admin on my server and i know what its like to have a team and wonder if the person who has the bomb knows what they're doing. he just told ya to get it planted. good sarcastic response to that would be, "oh man, im sorry i was just sight seeing before i got this bomb down. this map is so pretty, just like you lunk."



just make sure if ur gonna mess around with lunk, dont tk him, use any abrasive language or talk about his mother =P


and lunk, i know your going to be reading this... i just got my computer back online so i'll be around to frag ur nancy butt.

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I'll apologize for callin' you an idiot.


Won't apologize for kicking you. I won't put up with someone telling me to "shut up". No matter what kind of personal feelings you have towards me.


Good day. :peace:

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Lol, Lunks a big teddy bear.


Ida probably told any player to be nice if they said "idiot," however, he appologized for it so I'm hopping you consider it water under the bridge.


If you ever met Lunk in person you'd like him, he's always got a smile on, even when he's getting tk'ed in the head.


If you ever have a problem with Lunk, just call him a nansy. You'll bond after that.



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I had this feeling when I first fragged with Lunk. but let me tell you it is just his deep voice and accent. I met him at fragfest and you are not going to find a nicer guy. Whatever he is saying on mic he has big crap eating grin in person and is laughing. :hug:

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A couple months ago I was playing on Lunk's team. I was doing really

bad, could'nt hit the broadside of a barn if it wiggled right in front of me!

Out of the blue Lunk comes on the mic and says "Wayfarer my backs gettin

a little sore" As I'm sitting there trying to figure out what that has to do with

me, and before I had a chance to respond, Lunk says, "I'm tired of carrying

you nancy, pick up the slack!" I just about fell off my chair I was laughing so

hard. Needless to say my mood changed. Then so did my game. I love playing

with Lunk!! :hug:

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Guest Careful Aim
Guest Careful Aim
Guest Careful Aim

<snip>blah blah blah</snip>


Of course the fact that he apologized for the name is a good sign - obviously he's not all bad. There's hope.



Edited by Careful Aim
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I'll tell ya though, it's all in how you take it at the time it's said.


Ya got a few options.


1) You can take our character analysis of Lunks as truth and burry the hatchet.

2) You can keep playing with Lunk and make yourself known, be friendly, banter...get to know him.

3) Stay out of the server or on the other team when he's on.


Each option is painless, and each option can be looked upon as constructive.

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  • 2 weeks later...

just for the record.


i know im bringing to life a dead threat, im just getting to know the admins and regulars and felt "attacked" by lunk a couple days ago. I was playing russka, and accidentally tked lunk, i know it was my bad not watching the radar, but right after i said sorry in the mic and in the chat, i got kicked by him... i came back and said sorry again, he didnt say anything about it and continue playing... i laughed at his attitude, but after read this thread i think i had to say what happened just for you guys to know.


i dont have anything against anybody "yet" i just want to keep a excellent cool environment to play.




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Lunk is a strict enforcer of our rules, but he is a good guy, and doesnt always talk alot. He can be hard to get to know, but he is just trying to play his game like everybody else, and have to enforce our rules.


Lunk = kewl dewd

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