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UT practice.

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That's the best night of the week for me!


I'm signed up on TWL, but signed up as swsdarkarchon. I used to play for sWs maybe... 1 1/2 years ago (cant really remember how long) and signed up for twl with them and they never used it. I quit. :) I'm waiting for a name change to .DarkArchon.

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Ventrillo from here on out - ts is dead to us. Esp as our vent server is entirely comped (and large too)


Subscription is already canceled for our private server. It gets its plug pulled at the end of february (early 20's?)


The choices are either:


1) Password Nepenthe when its time for prac and matches. This will put a bit of a dent in our pub. reputation as folks might not cotton to the server not being accessible when it is supposed to be avail but we can deal with it.


2) Someone else pics up the subscription for our private before the end of feb. and takes donations from the assembled masses.


I'm out of the loop on this one - someone else can run with this ball if they like. $25/month is what it costs. I comped halfsies since we started it long ago, I really can't justify the halfsies anymore after the long down time of 3 months (Nov thru Jan).


Obviously, its sounds like the twl fires are burning again so - hooray and stuff - and I'll certainly kick in every now and then, but someone else can take ownership as it were of the private - if that is the consensus.


I'll flip it to crossfire and super berserk for the hell of it now. The super berserk is just me, naturally, but I think some folks must be sacrificed the the god of fire and I believe they have yet to experience such splendors yet...



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Dude I totally got lost on that last line of yours...


Is it an allegory to how some of us have not experience TWL play yet? That's the best I can come up with.


I played a few scrims with sWs over a year ago. We played A.S.S, LoS(i think), ARC, and one other that i forget. It's been a while. I really want to play now.

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Just remember guys, I know it may be a bit teedious, but as a captain or even as the one setting up the practices, I would send out a post and send out an IM to everyone reminding them when and what time. It really helps, oh ya---make sure you send it ahead of time and not at the last minute.


Sorry I didn't jump in with ya last night but all this snow and a bad day at work kinda wore me out. Would be happy to hop in with ya if you want, just let me know day and time. :peace:

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