Hey guys, thanks for all the congrats! I just got back from Winnipeg, and was best man at a friend's wedding. It was cool being up close with everything that went on, thinking, "I like this, I dont like this, etc." We're a different couple than them, which makes sense as to why some of it I liked, some not. Did get some good ideas though.
Neither of us are drinkers, so we're looking at some sort of a hot-drink "bar" where you can get coffee, hchocolate, steamers, etc instead of booze. It will be december, which means cold.
And, unfortunately, the puppy is not mine, it's my dad's. BUT, on the plus side, when I want to get one, at the mention of GR puppy she'll have engagement, love, etc in mind, and she wont be able to say no!
Anyway, lots of work to do together. I want a hand in the planning, not because I really want my way, but because it's a great thing to do together - which really is what the rest of our lives is about.
And congrats to you too, samurai! When are you getting married?