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Massive storms at my house last night.


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small video I was able to capture before it got really bad:


The temperature dropped about 30 degrees in less than 20 minutes from 100+ to 70. Today we're supposed to be back at 100+ (heat index of 116 degrees). As of this morning 450,000 people were without power, including my house...which is gonna suck in 116 degree weather. Oh yeah....winds got up to 80mph during this storm...gotta love living in Tornado Alley.

Edited by Playaa/Pselus
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We had the same last night, lightning woke me out of dead sleep at 3:00am. It hurt your eyes to look outside there was soo much lightning. Then all hell broke loose, not sure what happend, probably a lightning bolt shorted the fire alarm system. It was going off from 3:15 to 4:00.... ...Then back on at 4:15. I didn't get any sleep... Needless to say, sick day. Couldn't force myself out of bed at 5:30 to drive an hour and half.

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bleh...our power went out at 8pm. After the storm passed over the heat rose again up to 90+ degrees. So I had to sleep in a house without power in 90 degree weather and get up at 5 am to get into work. Sadly...I don't have any sick days left...got caught by a flu bug early in the summer and missed nearly 2 weeks of work.

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Me and discom were driving home last sunday and there was lightning so powerful that it streched out through the sky like a piece of ice crackeling once you put coke on it. The lightning got so bright it lit up EVERYTHING! All me and discom could do is wooping and screaming. It was sweeeeeeeeeeet.

Edited by {GpL}TheGeek998
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lightning so powerful that it streched out through the sky like a piece of ice crackeling once you put coke on it.

you should be a poet



edit: 1337 posts!!!!!!!!

Edited by discombobulated
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We just got our power back Saturday afternoon, and the internet only made it's reappearance Sunday evening. What really stunk was that the day after the storm took out everyone's power was the hottest day of the year so far.


We were really concerned about our cat, who was listless, and wouldn't drink any water. By Friday morning, we weren't in much better shape than the cat, but breakfast at the lone airconditioned hypercrowded McDonalds (who's drive-thru line stretched for two blocks at times) really revived us. We finally got Boo to drink some water by putting catnip in it.


Friday evening, we finally got a break from the heat and humidity, (the dewpoint on Thursday was 80 degrees, so we spent all day hot and sticky and exhausted) and the outside was finally cooler than inside our house, so we could open all the windows and get a refreshing... lack of any breeze whatsoever... except for mid-morning and early evening, the air did not move at all, except for a bit of a chiminy effect from upper floors. Still, the sounds of birds chirping, neighbors talking, and... obscenely lucky neigbor's generators making a racket, was oddly peaceful, especially when the curtains belled out and a nice little breeze would envelope one, while the newly perked-up cat enjoyed stalking those chirping birds, and exploring the rarely opened enclosed-patio.


Still well over half, possibly 70%, of the entire bi-state St. Louis area is still without power, and the temperatures are going back up over 90, and back into the upper 90's this week. We are obscenely lucky, though not as obscenely so as those neighbors who had portable gas-powered generators. With all the competition for Amerin-UE's attention, we here at Wood River didn't get a single line repair truck till Friday.


The local St. Louis Regional Airport is a mess, with peeled back hangar roofs all over, and one regular building roofless, with fiberglass insulation covering the nearby field with sodden pink wads. I don't envy that cleanup job.

Edited by Goofus Maximus
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Kitty is all better now, and is back to the rambunctious little annoyance we've come to know and love... except at 5:00AM when he thinks the house should be waking up and playing with the cat, and feeding the cat...


I found it ironic that we left a piping hot house, with nothing but cold food available, to go to a cool building, and eat piping hot food...

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Yay, we Missourians finally hopped into the national spotlight... too bad it had to be this way.


My parents went without power for about 72 hours. Being the transient college student that I am, I packed up a few clothes and lived off of the hospitality of my friends and family who had electricity. I even got some free meals (I made sure NOT to point out that my credit cards obviously still worked).


As a message to those who haven't been through any disasters recently: Stock up on essentials and always be prepared for the worst. Its easy to be complacent until you get hit, even by a storm that wasn't THAT bad (I was outside the whole time, and my area code had some of the greatest damage in the St Louis area).



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