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Server Settings Thread


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Quite a few little changes have been made to Recrudescence, but I'm sure more can be done. If possible, the server should be tuned so well that admins of other servers are joining the forums just to ask if they can get a copy of our config. At this point, just about every option in Mani and srcds should be considered on the table to be discussed and possibly changed. This is mostly about little things. For reference, most settings can be changed on a map-by-map basis also. Suggestions for what the rcon password should be will not be considered.


Specific and non-specific questions about the current setup will be answered as fully as possible. The end-of-map voting that's enabled right now from midnight to noon eastern is still a WIP, but any suggestions for it are also welcome.

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Custom maps! Custom maps! Custom maps! Custom maps! Custom maps! Custom maps! Custom maps! Custom maps! Custom maps! Custom maps! Custom maps! Custom maps! Custom maps! Custom maps!


Just for clarification: we need custom maps.


Ok, that being said, could you post up a link or something where I can look at the available options?


I say custom maps because I've been on the server many a time where people have left to go play Lost Temple or something on Mayhem or have asked if there were any custom maps on our server. A few people left the other day 'cause they were sick of the rotation.


I know some have been added, but I think we need to pick a few and add them to the regular rotation. The population is up a bit though, and I'm glad to see it!


Thanks again for workin' your tail off Mook! :peace:

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GC Alumni

I'm not going to post up the raw config because (1) I would have to walk through it anyway to make sure I didn't miss something (like the rcon password) and (2) it exists in 3 separate files which I'd need to combine anyway for it to all make sense. I'll try and run through what some of the noteworthy options are set to some time, but right now I have to go vote (polls close in just over 2 hours I think). If you click on this bad boy, it should take you over to a page where if you scroll most of the way down you can see what a large number of the server cvars are set to, in real-time:


Custom maps can be loaded, but for the most part are not going to be run on the cycle for a bit. An admin would be able to set them up, at his discretion. Even though things are looking a little better, the server is still fragile, and owes most of the traffic gain to an aggressive mapcycle (read: DAD).


Don't forget though that VIP night is tomorrow, so jump on if you want to do some assassination.

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GC Alumni


This should show more or less all the options available in Mani. Probably there are a lot of them that we aren't interested in at all.


Here is an abbreviated listing of the current config on Recrudescence. I've struck out those cvars for Mani features that I don't expect we'll have any interest in using, and some that we may or may not use, but are really of no interest for discussion (e.g. extra spawnpoints). The same goes for the srcds cvars that are at the top of this list.


// Server CVARs


hostname "GCftw.com | FF | DWP OFF | MidWest > *Recrudescence*"

sv_maxrate 25000 // was 25k

sv_minrate 10000 // was 8k

sv_maxupdaterate 120

sv_minupdaterate 20

sv_unlag 1

sv_maxunlag .5

sv_voiceenable 1


mp_spawnprotectiontime 0

mp_autokick 1

mp_autoteambalance 1

mp_limitteams 3

mp_buytime .5

mp_c4timer 35

mp_fadetoblack 0

mp_footsteps 1

mp_flashlight 1


mp_freezetime 10

mp_friendlyfire 1

mp_hostagepenalty 0

mp_maxrounds 0

mp_roundtime 3

mp_timelimit 30

mp_tkpunish 0

mp_startmoney 802

mp_winlimit 10

mp_dynamicpricing 0


sv_accelerate 5

sv_stopspeed 75

sv_allowdownload 1

sv_allowupload 1

sv_alltalk 0

sv_friction 4

sv_gravity 800


decalfrequency 60



// Module : Advert


mani_adverts 1

mani_time_between_adverts 40

mani_adverts_chat_area 1

mani_adverts_top_left 0

mani_advert_dead_only 0

mani_adverts_bottom_area 0



// Module : Victim Stats (i.e. damage report)


mani_show_victim_stats 1

mani_show_victim_stats_inflicted_only 0 // don't show self-nading

mani_player_settings_damage 1 // default mode for new players (0=off, 1=partial, 2=full)

mani_stats_most_destructive 0



// Module : Team Kill/Wound Protection


mani_tk_protection 1

mani_tk_forgive 1 // enable forgiveness/punishment


mani_tk_spawn_time 5 // spawn attacking time


mani_tk_allow_bots_to_punish 0

mani_tk_allow_bots_to_add_violations 0

mani_tk_offences_for_ban 3

mani_tk_ban_time 180

mani_tk_add_violation_without_forgive 0


mani_tk_slap_on_team_wound 0

mani_tk_slap_on_team_wound_damage 0


mani_tk_show_opposite_team_wound 1


mani_tk_team_wound_reflect 0

mani_tk_team_wound_reflect_threshold 5 // # of team attacks before reflection starts

mani_tk_team_wound_reflect_ratio 1.0 // 2.0 = double damage dealt back to attacker

mani_tk_team_wound_reflect_ratio_increase 0.1 // increase ratio this much for every team attack


mani_tk_allow_forgive_option 1


mani_tk_allow_blind_option 0

mani_tk_blind_amount 253 // 255 = blind


mani_tk_allow_cash_option 1

mani_tk_cash_percent 3


mani_tk_allow_slap_option 0

mani_tk_slap_to_damage 95


mani_tk_allow_freeze_option 0


mani_tk_allow_drugged_option 0


mani_tk_allow_burn_option 0

mani_tk_burn_time 100


mani_tk_allow_slay_option 0


mani_tk_allow_time_bomb_option 0

mani_tk_allow_fire_bomb_option 0

mani_tk_allow_freeze_bomb_option 0

// more options specific to each of the bomb options


mani_tk_allow_beacon_option 0

mani_tk_beacon_radius 384



// Module : High Ping kick


mani_high_ping_kick 0

mani_high_ping_kick_ping_limit 300

mani_high_ping_kick_samples_required 60 // 1 sample ~ 1.5 seconds

mani_high_ping_kick_message "Your ping is too high"



// Module : Admin action messages


mani_adminslap_anonymous 1

mani_adminblind_anonymous 1

mani_adminfreeze_anonymous 1

mani_adminteleport_anonymous 1

mani_admindrug_anonymous 1

mani_adminmap_anonymous 1

mani_adminswap_anonymous 1

mani_admingimp_anonymous 1

mani_adminvote_anonymous 1

mani_adminsay_anonymous 0

mani_adminkick_anonymous 1

mani_adminslay_anonymous 1

mani_adminban_anonymous 1

mani_adminburn_anonymous 1

mani_adminnoclip_anonymous 1

mani_adminmute_anonymous 1

mani_admincash_anonymous 1

mani_adminsetskin_anonymous 1

mani_admindropc4_anonymous 1

mani_admintimebomb_anonymous 1

mani_adminfirebomb_anonymous 1

mani_adminfreezebomb_anonymous 1

mani_adminhealth_anonymous 1

mani_adminbeacon_anonymous 1

mani_admingravity_anonymous 1



// Module : Chat flooding control


mani_chat_flood_time 0 // seconds, 0 = disable

mani_chat_flood_message "STOP SPAMMING THE SERVER !!"



// Module : Basic auto balance teams


// i don't think this module actually works

mani_autobalance_teams 0

mani_autobalance_mode 1



// Module : Gimping


mani_gimp_transform_message "Everyone point and laugh at the Gimp!"

mani_gimp_untransform_message "The gods are merciful, The Gimp is back to normal"



// Module : Voting functionality


mani_voting 1


mani_vote_dont_show_last_maps 3


mani_vote_allow_extend 1

mani_vote_extend_time 10

mani_vote_max_extends 4

mani_vote_extend_rounds 5


mani_vote_allowed_voting_time 90

// This cvar determines how the players see the votes during voting

// 0 = quiet mode,

// 1 = show players as they vote but not their choice,

// 2 = Show voted choice but not player,

// 3 = show player name and their choice

mani_vote_show_vote_mode 3

mani_vote_dont_show_if_alive 1 // living players must type 'vote' to access vote menu


mani_vote_allow_end_of_map_vote 0

mani_vote_time_before_end_of_map_vote 3 // minutes

mani_vote_max_maps_for_end_of_map_vote 2

mani_vote_end_of_map_swap_team 0

mani_vote_end_of_map_percent_required 60


// 0 = mapcycle.txt, 1 = votemapslist.txt, 2 = maplist.txt

mani_vote_mapcycle_mode_for_random_map_vote 0

mani_vote_mapcycle_mode_for_admin_map_vote 2


mani_vote_rcon_percent_required 60

mani_vote_question_percent_required 60

mani_vote_map_percent_required 60

mani_vote_random_map_percent_required 60


mani_vote_allow_user_vote_map 0

mani_vote_user_vote_map_percentage 60

mani_vote_user_vote_map_time_before_vote 60

mani_vote_user_vote_map_minimum_votes 4


mani_vote_allow_user_vote_map_extend 1

mani_vote_extend_percent_required 60


mani_vote_allow_user_vote_kick 0

mani_vote_user_vote_kick_percentage 60

mani_vote_user_vote_kick_time_before_vote 60

mani_vote_user_vote_kick_minimum_votes 4

mani_vote_user_vote_kick_mode 0 // 0 = only when no admin on server, 1 = all the time


mani_vote_allow_user_vote_ban 0

mani_vote_user_vote_ban_mode 0 // 0 = only when no admin on server, 1 = all the time

mani_vote_user_vote_ban_percentage 60

mani_vote_user_vote_ban_time_before_vote 60

mani_vote_user_vote_ban_minimum_votes 4

mani_vote_user_vote_ban_time 30

mani_vote_user_vote_ban_type 0 // 0 = ban by ID, 1 = ban by IP, 2 = ban by ID and IP


mani_vote_allow_rock_the_vote 0

mani_vote_rock_the_vote_percent_required 60

mani_vote_time_before_rock_the_vote 120

mani_vote_rock_the_vote_number_of_nominations 4

mani_vote_rock_the_vote_number_of_maps 8

mani_vote_rock_the_vote_threshold_percent 60

mani_vote_rock_the_vote_threshold_minimum 4


mani_player_settings_vote_progress 1 // default for new players



// Module : Word filter module


mani_filter_words_mode 1 // 0=disable, 1=block, 2=filter/censor

mani_filter_words_warning "SWEARING IS NOT ALLOWED ON THIS SERVER !!!"



// Module : Sounds Control


// Set to the number of sounds you wish a regular non-admin player to be able

// to use per round

mani_sounds_per_round 0

mani_sounds_filter_if_dead 1

mani_sounds_auto_download 0

mani_player_settings_sounds 1 // default mode for new players



// Module : Death Beams


mani_show_death_beams 0

mani_player_settings_death_beam 0 // default mode for new players



// Module : Anti IP Ghosting


mani_blind_ghosters 0

mani_vote_allow_user_vote_ban_ghost 0

mani_vote_allow_user_vote_kick_ghost 0



// Module : Decal Map Adverts


mani_map_adverts 1

mani_map_adverts_in_war 0



// Module : Anti-cheat (i.e. name change hacking)


mani_player_name_change_threshold 15

mani_player_name_change_reset 0 // reset name change each map

// 0 = kick, 1 = ban by ID, 2 = ban by IP, 3 = ban by ID and IP

mani_player_name_change_punishment 0

// 0 = permanent ban otherwise specifies the number of minutes

mani_player_name_change_ban_time 0



// Module : Spray Tag Tracking


mani_spray_tag 1

mani_spray_tag_spray_duration 120 // seconds to track sprays

mani_spray_tag_spray_distance_limit 500


// Use effect to show which spray is being targetted

// 0 = none

// 1 = beam (defaults to glow for DoD)

// 2 = glow

mani_spray_tag_spray_highlight 1


mani_spray_tag_ban_time 60

mani_spray_tag_slap_damage 0

mani_spray_tag_warning_message "Please stop using your spray"

mani_spray_tag_kick_message "You have been kicked for using an offensive spray"

mani_spray_tag_ban_message "You have been banned for 60 minutes through using an offensive spray"

mani_spray_tag_perm_ban_message "You have been permanently banned for using an offensive spray"


// 1 = Block all sprays on the server (must have mani_spray_tag 1)

mani_spray_tag_block_mode 0

mani_spray_tag_block_message "Sprays are blocked on this server !!"



// Module : Warmup Timer


mani_warmup_timer 30

mani_warmup_timer_show_countdown 1

mani_warmup_timer_knives_only 0

mani_warmup_timer_knives_respawn 0 // respawn players during warmup

mani_warmup_timer_ignore_tk 1 // ignore TK protection during warmup

mani_warmup_timer_knives_only_ignore_fyi_aim_maps 1

mani_warmup_timer_unlimited_grenades 0

mani_warmup_timer_spawn_item_1 "item_assaultsuit"

mani_warmup_timer_spawn_item_2 ""

mani_warmup_timer_spawn_item_3 ""

mani_warmup_timer_spawn_item_4 ""

mani_warmup_timer_spawn_item_5 ""

mani_warmup_timer_disable_ff 0



// Module : Menu options


// Set to 1 for in game amx style menus, or 0 for Escape style menus

// This is overriden by the gametypes.txt file if the game does not support

// AMX style menus. At the time of writing there are only 3 games that support

// the AMX style. CS:S, DoD:S and HL2CTF

mani_use_amx_style_menu 1


// 0 = No sorting of menus, 1 = Sort most menus by players name

mani_sort_menus 1



// Module : Save scores


mani_save_scores 0

mani_save_scores_tracking_time 5 // minutes

mani_save_scores_css_cash 1 // this was flaky back when we tried it



// Module : Auto Join restriction


mani_team_join_force_auto 0

mani_team_join_keep_same_team 0 // force player back to same team on rejoin



// Module : AFK Manager


mani_afk_kicker 0

mani_afk_kicker_mode 0 // 0=spec, 1=kick


mani_afk_kicker_alive_rounds 0

mani_afk_kicker_spectator_rounds 0


mani_afk_kicker_alive_timer 0 // seconds

mani_afk_kicker_spectator_timer 0 // seconds


// 0 = Immune player is not moved at all, 1 = Immune player will be moved to spectator

mani_afk_kicker_immunity_to_spec_only 0



// Module : Betting Module


mani_css_betting 0

mani_css_betting_dead_only 1


// This determines if a in a x vs 1 situation if the single player who the

// odds are against wins, they receive the losing wager pot.

// The setting determines at what number of players that this option applies

// e.g 5 vs 1, you would set it to 5, 3 vs 1, set it to 3.

// In the example of 5 vs 1. If the total bets made total $4000 for the team of

// 5 and they lose, the player who killed all 5 will receive the $4000 that was

// wagered against that player.

mani_css_betting_pay_losing_bets 0


// 0 = No announcement, 1 = announcement made to place bets

mani_css_betting_announce_one_v_one 0



// Module : Bounty Module


mani_css_bounty 0

mani_css_bounty_kill_streak 5

mani_css_bounty_start_cash 1000

mani_css_bounty_survive_round_cash 500

mani_css_bounty_kill_cash 250


// Sets the colour a player should turn into when a bounty is on them when playing

// as CT

mani_css_bounty_ct_red 255

mani_css_bounty_ct_green 255

mani_css_bounty_ct_blue 255

mani_css_bounty_ct_alpha 255


// Sets the colour a player should turn into when a bounty is on them when playing

// as T

mani_css_bounty_t_red 255

mani_css_bounty_t_green 255

mani_css_bounty_t_blue 255

mani_css_bounty_t_alpha 255



// Module : Objectives Module for CSS


// slays players at round end who fail their objective

mani_css_objectives 0



// Module : AutoMap Module


// automap will change map automatically when too few players are in the server

mani_automap 1


mani_automap_map_list "de_dust2"


mani_automap_player_threshold 0

mani_automap_include_bots 0


mani_automap_timer 120 // seconds


// If an automap event happens, you can set the next map once that map has

// loaded to be the same as the current map.

// 0 = disabled

// 1 = enabled

mani_automap_set_nextmap 0



// *****************************************************************************

// Module : Miscallaneous


// Desc : Small cvars for various controls

// *****************************************************************************


// 0 = standard Valve map cycle,

// 1 = if you don't want your mapcycle to reset to the first in the list when moving to a map not in the cycle,

// 2 = random cycle (uses mani_vote_dont_show_last_maps cvar to exclude last maps played)

// 3 = skip to the next unplayed map in the map cycle list until all maps have been played when it is reset.

mani_mapcycle_mode 2


mani_unlimited_grenades 0


// Force all dead players to run overview_mode 0 every game frame

mani_war_mode_force_overview_zero 0


mani_cs_stacking_num_levels 2


mani_use_ma_in_say_command 0 // set to 1 to disable M2's admin powers


mani_dead_alltalk 0


// Set to 0 for normal mode, set to 1 for spam removal.

// This cvar is useful if you are using Mattie's Event Scripts that call

// plugin functions so the chat area is not spammed.

mani_mute_con_command_spam 0


mani_adminsay_top_left 0

mani_adminsay_chat_area 1

mani_adminsay_bottom_area 0


mani_allow_chat_to_admin 1


// determines whether the whole server sees these messages when they are called

mani_ff_player_only 1

mani_nextmap_player_only 1

mani_timeleft_player_only 0

mani_thetime_player_only 1


mani_admin_burn_time 20


mani_hostage_follow_warning 1


mani_say_command_prefix "@"


// This allows all players to be able to use the ma_rates command

// 0 = Only admins with ma_rates access,

// 1 = Anyone on the server can use ma_rates

mani_all_see_ma_rates 0


// If a team swap takes place via the end of map vote, set this to 1 to

// swap the team scores, set to 0 if not (CSS Only)

mani_swap_team_score 1


// If you want the menus to close automatically after making a select like

// slay, freeze etc, set this to 1. If you wish them to stay open set this to 0

mani_old_style_menu_behaviour 1

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GC Alumni

Round timer has been changed to 2:30 (from 3:00). 2:30 is what Immutable and Project Mayhem had both already been running. I haven't noticed any maps where teams were making full use of the 3:00 timer, but if you see a map that's feeling rushed then post up.

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GC Alumni
Was the map time changed in there from to 50 and 15 rounds? (sorry I don't feel like reading all of the mani config) My other question is why?

(1) Yes.

(2) That's OK, because that config was only a snapshot and is not up to date anyway.

(3) Trying out longer limits to see how it works out. 50 minutes should rarely come into play, since hardly any maps average 1:30 or more per round.

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