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Wentz Attack

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Wentz is employing an new tactic on my helbendering. (Usually he damages all helbender to an inch of life so I waste time repairing them).


He rams my helbender on a cliff from behind with his raptor. As it rolls over and over (dizzy), I bail out so I can shoot. He bails out of raptor above firing flak balls. Since I am falling straight down, Wentz is falling straight down above me, and flak ball is being shot straight down at me, I am unable to dodge (I am falling remember) and die. He has done this two times and cannot think of a tactic other than find a cliff he can't sneak up on me which would take me out of the action.

Any ideas guys? Have some but would like an anti Wentz tactics that you guys have found effective.


This will make for a relatively more lethal MaDPaT

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Does he hit you in midair with flak balls? If so, you might be able to use your shield gun.


Can you hit him before he knocks your bender off the cliff? Maybe you could shock his raptor if you can get one bender shot off. Plus it helps if you have mega health + mad shieldage.


As a last resort, you can hold a newborn baby in front of you. Because really, who is gonna shoot through an infant?

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Any ideas guys?


Yeah - quit while you're ahead (a.k.a. you need a new tactic)?

Killing a wentz on the ground is tough. Easier if you blast him from a mile away with the tank, but still tough.


I don't know about everyone else, but every time I see a bender perched way up high, I automatically

go for it because it is *usually* Pat.


As to the infant thing - must be bonus points. You should know that it wouldn't stop him...



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Don't quit just yet. I have one other option for ya. When he does that stuff to ya, do this: Bail out of the bender and suicide on him. That way he doesn't get the kill and you won't feel so bad about the death. Besides, HE HATES IT WHEN HE CAN'T GET THE KILL!! :biglaugha: :biglaugha:

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In order

Unclean-I was thinking of a kitten since Wentz will shoot through a baby. I think I hit the ground when flak ball arrives so shield gun be limited.

Dingy-Not all benders are me, and my last three kills of your raptor were not in a bender. You helped me develop a good distance raptor tactic involving avril and two lightning shots. Ps don't charge me after getting hit with avril, makes lightning gun shots easier for me. You are still far better than me in tank tactics. I get killed by wentz in a tank easily.

Tek-Don't know where he lives so can't burn his house down. Know city but morally against the use of weapons of mass destruction (just too messy and what fun is it)

Primus-Does Wentz lose points when I sucide? Have to remember the nostromo key for suicide.


This post was only up for a bout 4 hours and alot of reviews.

Maybe we should have a KillBill Wentz topic?

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