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Need to clarify a bit for Mini. Anything listed on the schedule at www.fragfestohio.com is tentatively going to happen. Mini will handle the poker stuff. The gaming tournies on the schedule will happen and your job, along with coming up with new events, is to help foster those events along. Planning the events, orchistrating the server setups, etc...

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Yes, yermother typically has the physical servers under control. You might correspond with him if you want any specific configs etc on the servers. Basically, coordinating with mom on how many servers are needed, setting up the tourney brackets and generally making sure teams have a place to go (server wise, ip information etc) and follow through. I guess last year there was a lot of confusion on what team was on what server and using what config etc. Basically you are the lead on ironing those things out. Mom can pretty much have anything set up and ready to go on his mega server if you let him know what you're thinking.

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