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Can I has new L4D2 server?


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Hey everybody,


Alot of you don't know me but I play on your L4D2 10 vs 10 server all the time and that thing is nearly always full. I think it would be awesome if you guys put up another 10 vs 10 server.

I always like playing on big 10 vs 10 servers on l4d and almost never play a regular 4 player game anymore. I'm sure alot of people would feel similar when im in the server and seeing people being disconnected from the server because it was full.

I'm sure if we put up another server it wouldnt be long before it's just as crowded as the other one, but it just a suggestion.



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Interesting and good suggestion. Thanks for all the time you spend in there! Well, anyone know if we can do this? Maybe? We could put up a banner for it in game to let everyone who is in there know there's another server should they not be able to join sometime. Do we still have the dedicated server that we can just host another one for no extra charge?

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GC Alumni

I dunno, I've usually been against having a second server because how unstable they are. The server crashed just now as I'm typing this and when it crashes, it stays empty for a while. People seem to come and go really fast so if we had a second server, I feel it would be a bit redundant in the effort to make sure everyone who frequents the server gets the chance to play on it.


Another reason why I'm kind of against it is the lack of available admins for the server. Nightling and I are really the only admins the server has. If we add the server, we would have to jump back and fourth making sure both are maintained good and that the rules are being upheld. I would cause more work for me since I know Nightling won't bust his butt to admin it like I have been since he's quite the busy beaver himself.


I dunno, I personally like just having the one server. It acts as a center place for people to go in without dividing regulars potentially bumping into each other and saying "Hi!" and having a great time. I love seeing regulars on there and having a blast with them...I dunno, maybe I'm viewing it like the whole "L4D1 and L4D2 splitting the community" fiasco.


At the moment I don't think there would be any plans for a second server, but thanks a bunch for your input!

Edited by JackieChan
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Jackie makes some good points i hadn't thought of, such as the lack of admins to upkeep both servers. And i would try to admin it more, but I'm limited to what time of day I play, when i do even play because I'm planning a wedding and actually trying to spend time with my fiancee when I'm not working. Though I think 2 servers could be possible and have some positives, it may be best to keep it at one right now. Maybe things will change though down the road sometime soon.

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I dunno, I've usually been against having a second server because how unstable they are. The server crashed just now as I'm typing this and when it crashes, it stays empty for a while. People seem to come and go really fast so if we had a second server, I feel it would be a bit redundant in the effort to make sure everyone who frequents the server gets the chance to play on it.


Another reason why I'm kind of against it is the lack of available admins for the server. Nightling and I are really the only admins the server has. If we add the server, we would have to jump back and fourth making sure both are maintained good and that the rules are being upheld. I would cause more work for me since I know Nightling won't bust his butt to admin it like I have been since he's quite the busy beaver himself.


I dunno, I personally like just having the one server. It acts as a center place for people to go in without dividing regulars potentially bumping into each other and saying "Hi!" and having a great time. I love seeing regulars on there and having a blast with them...I dunno, maybe I'm viewing it like the whole "L4D1 and L4D2 splitting the community" fiasco.


At the moment I don't think there would be any plans for a second server, but thanks a bunch for your input!


Aw well that's ok. If you guys are short on moderators for the l4d2 server I'd be happy to volunteer. Like I said I play on your server alot and know the rules pretty well, just sayin. :) Plus I don't know what kind of people play l4d now a days, but I can't just play one chapter of l4d then leave. :D Anyway thanks for hearing me out and all that and maybe we could do it sometime in the future when there are more l4d people on the forum willing to put some time into a new server.

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All good points have probably been said but I'll just re-state


More servers of any game are always well and good as long as we are able to put people in them, admin them and maintain them. If we continue to get more members from our current L4D server and some of them become admins then hey who knows but for now I'm in agreement with Jackie and Samurai even though I barely ever jump on the L4D2 server.

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