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As all of you know our men are currently over seas fighting a war on terrorism and civilian oppression. They are working hard and fighting valiantly for all of America. I am not here to advertise, but just to ask everyone to consider those lost and those currently fighting for us. Consider joining our military, and visit a local recruitment center. If you dont know where the nearest center is just look it up on the internet, all the information you need is just a click away. I for one have taken the path of the Navy, I joined the Navy on September 3 and I will be fighting for our country proudly and with a fierce will to make sure my future children and everyone else has a country to call home. Not only that but a home that is un-oppressed and one where you are GUARANTEED freedom, that is one thing NO ONE should ever take for granted. Everyone in our great country has their own way of dealing with September 11, 2001 and no one will ever forget this emmense tragedy.


I will be going to military college starting next summer (after I graduate). I hope you all at least consider and look into the possibility.


God Bless America!



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Guest The Hurricane
Guest The Hurricane
Guest The Hurricane

Muhammad Ali said a lot of things...


He claimed, "If going to war, and possible dying, would help twenty-two million blacks in this country gain freedom, justice and equality, I would join tomorrow." He also said that he would not help kill poor people in other countries when it is happening to his own people in America.


Not saying I agree 100% with that nor that I won't ever join, but just pointing that out. Cause in my personal opinion, he made a very good point.

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  • 2 weeks later...

.......I was just watching Band of brothers yesterday, in the second episode easy company walks by some captured Germans. Turns out one of them is an American who joined the German army cause he recieved "the call from the fatherland". I know i live in Canada and i was born here, but i have dual citizenship, in Croatia. If Croatia was to go to war with any major power (god forbid) i would not hesitate to join the Croatian army. why u ask? why would i not fight for Canada?


because i love Croatia more than Canada. My entire extended family lives there. I have nothing here to fight for. When you think about it. What is Canada but a country full of immigrants? when someone asks you what nationality you are what do you say? i'm Canadian, i'm American? how can you say that (unless you are Native American). Our roots are from other countries...just look at your last name, most of us have names like

Ivan Petracic that is me.. i am proud to be Croatian and no one can take taht away from me.


So i would join in an instant, fight for my homeland even though i think war is stupid and unjust. But if it takes guns to make some people realize something....so be it

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"What is Canada but a country full of immigrants?"


You just described every country out there except maybe the Middle East where Man started.


If you were born in Croatia then you are a croatian...if you were born in Canada then you are Canadian...simple as that. One of the things that irks me most is the PC in the country..As an example I will use African Americans....there are very few of these since the majority of people who call themselves African American came have been living here for several generations...making them Americans with black skin.

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i still treasure my roots. We should all. and Soul we dont know where man first originated from. Some say it was from Africa. So then even your conclusion might not be valid.


But let me ask you a question Soul. What would it feel like if you were part of a minority. Whenever war breaks out around the world....everyone else has to stick their nose in the business.


For example


When Serbia (former Yugoslavia) invaded Croatia nothing was done, no one helped us out they sat back and watched....but as soon as we started pusing back the serbs to Yugoslavia we were stopped by NATO. This whole world is one big conspiracy. And u know who the two major problems are?'


England and America...sorry to say but they want everything their way. These two countries basically run the world. If they dont like whats going on they stop it. If it benefits them they find some excuse to not intervene.

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"What would it feel like if you were part of a minority"


I am slowly becoming a minority. As a white male we are becoming discriminated against. I tried to apply to the post office a few years back...I was told by them that unless I was Black or a veteran I would not be hired. In Atlanta, where I lived for a few years, by 2010 the white male will statistically be the minority. Atlanta gives a weighted advantage to contracts if it is a minority owned business.


As to the rest of the world....NATO is not just England and America...it is many other nations. NATO intervened not the US and England. Sure, the US and England throw their weight around more then others but Russia used to and so did Germany. China will be soon and they are already trying...the same with Iraq (although we are about to shut them up).


As to the whole world being a conspiracy...I am sure it is. The whole world is conspiring against Croatia....better watch out.

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i didn't say a conspiracy against Croatia. I said in general. This world is full of lies. Dont forget Croatia is one of the oldest countries in the world. Sure it was called Ilyria back in the day(thats how shakespeare refered to). It existed before England and spain. It had it's own kings even though we were part of the Ottoman empire. And every since it has succeeded in everything we are continually being held back against our will. That is why we fight. When Yugoslavia was formed countries were forced to be a part of it....yes forced. We had uprising because we did not want to be under communistic rule. So we seperated, just like Slovenia, just like Macedonia Bosnia and Hercegovina, Montenegro (and soon to be Kosovo). And Serbia attacked us and we fought back, but as soon as we forced them out of Croatia we were stopped. We could have pushed then back past the "Drina" river but it didnt' suit Nato. We were the victims, we were attacked we lost parts of Croatia to the serbs (which now belongs to them) which we will never get back.....never. We've had so much taken from us and yet we are still called the agressor. Not more than 2 weeks ago A Croatian General who was defending Croatia was summoned to the Haag (Hague) i dunno how to spell it. To answer about the war. What kind of system prosecutes the victims and lets the agressor run free? HOw many war criminals are still out there that havn't been caught? and the Haag is spending their time prosecuting innocent pple....this makes me sick.


Even today they still want a Yugoslavia. They are slowly trying to force us back into the old days but we wont stay for it. See now other countries are realizing it and they are trying to get out of it. Montenegro wants seperation too now. will they go to war? i wouldn't blame them.


The high powers of the world put people into power. They put Sadamm, Castro, Stalin and Tudjman(former Cro president...god rest his soul) into power. But u know what the difference between those guys and everyone else they put into power, is that these leaders resisted. That is why i envy Castro, because he has resisted US because the US want Cuba to be apart of the states but as long as he is alive it's not gonna happen. Member the world works on money. If you pay someone enough money they'll do what you want. Except for these leaders u can't pay them all the money in the world to do what is right. Sure Sadamm might be screwed in the head but if the states would leave him alone he'd simmer down.



as for the other NATO powers. They suck up to the greater powers. Why do you only see great countries become part of NATO? Croatia has been trying to get into NATO every since the war ended. But that's not what they want. US only want what they need.


look now the US are asking Croatia to produce water for them. Some of the major reasons why Croatia was attacked was because of Natural resources


which brings me to my next point. That is why Afganistan was invaded. the WTC was an excuse to invade Afganistan to build a pipe line so that they can pump oil to the sea so it can be transported to refineries.

i mentioned a while ago that u shouldn't be surprised if Iraq is the target of USA attacks in the future i said that in the summer. before all this about Iraq came up. forshadow? yes. They are continuing that pipe through Iraq.


If the Afgans and Iraqi's didn't resist there wouldn't be a conflict but they dont want it in there so they US are forcing it in.


I realize i have bashed the states in this post but i dont take it back. No offence to you guys...my friends....but the government in the states.....and all around in the world for that matter are trucked.




Soul.....good point bout Minorities.I didn't know bout that black thing.

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Guest Kakster
Guest Kakster
Guest Kakster

Yeah X was right about the iraq thing i remeber he was over at my house when he was ttelling me and i didnt believe him at first and then now its happenin!! it weird X knows alot about this stuff!! But if we went to war i would have to go for the good old [RCF] royal Candian Forces i mean im part german but its canada man!! and i would fight for them!!

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Guest Kakster
Guest Kakster
Guest Kakster

HeHe ive been playing DoD more than cs lately soo . . i have to practice on snipin again!!

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Guest the mack
Guest the mack
Guest the mack
->Xterminator,Sep 29 2002, 09:22 AM]This whole world is one big conspiracy.

sounds like paranoia to me :blink:o0o:unsure::ph34r::o

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mack, think of what you know...in general about our country, our world. Now just think of everything we dont know. Trust me if u read the right things you make the connections.


I wouldn't be surprised if the states goes after North Korea or Iran next, or god knows who

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Guest the mack
Guest the mack
Guest the mack

if u read the right things youll believe that we never went to the moon and nasa is a big hoax.....dont believe everything u read

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mack. I'm stating the facts.


Everything that i said about Croatia is true. It is history you can look it up for yourself. Bout the moon and nasa, i dont care. I"m just sayin that Governments around the world are corrupt with power. Now i hear that Bush got the go ahead for war on Iraq......There goes the neighbourhood

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->Xterminator,Oct 8 2002, 10:25 PM]


I wouldn't be surprised if the states goes after North Korea or Iran next, or god knows who

I know i'm quoting myself...but i said this a while back. i said dont be surprised if Bush goes after North Korea. So far he hasn't done anything but i see a possible dispute there too.






paranoid......i think not.

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Guest the mack
Guest the mack
Guest the mack

has north korea sent their own boichemical weapons on people?? (i really dont know but if they didnt then HA! if they did then i agree with you)

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has north korea sent their own boichemical weapons on people?? (i really dont know but if they didnt then HA! if they did then i agree with you)

i'll give ya the heads up for the end of the world....the direction our planet is heading in.....i dont see it very far away.

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Guest the mack
Guest the mack
Guest the mack

ill agree with u on that one........we better colonize another planet before we kill ourselves

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LOL you guys trip me out. If you look at the FACTS, it's the same ole BS over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over...ok I'll stop now.


First off the is no conspiracy. Every country since the beginning of time has always looked out for itself. All of em. Of course the indebted US isn't going to spend billions of dollars to keep someone out of a war that they will NOT benefit from and of course the US WILL spend billions of dollars on a war that they would benefit from. It's the same with every other country. It's always been that way. Religion, countries, states, governments, politics, etc etc etc. People run these things and they only do what is best for them. Maybe they help out some ppl along the way but at the root it's always for themselves whether it be good or bad.


Second off North Korea had a treaty w/ the US to not produce weapons of mass destruction. They just recently announced that they have been violating that treaty all along. So yes N.Korea is now concidered a threat to the US.


Third. The MiddleEast has been fighting back and forth since before anyone started writing it down so it doesn't really matter what the US or GB wants, the MiddleEast will continue to fight. If they oust Sadam there will be another nut to take his place. Also Bush hasn't been given the go ahead at all. There is major pressure from the US congress for him to strike at Iraq, but both France, China and Russia are against it and all three hold veto power in NATO.


Fourth I know you've heard it before but I'm gonna say it again. LIFE IS NOT FAIR SO GET USED TO IT!!! There will always be a greedy SOB out to take over the world or kill a bunch of innocent ppl to get his/her point accross. History repeats itself. Always has...Always will. We're due for another big war. We're overdue for a nice plague or famine. We're walking on thin ice many say. What does anyone KNOW? Nada folks.


So in conclusion I'll say this. The world is NOT a perfect place. It is full of war, famine, conflict, and destruction. It is also full of happieness, love, and friendship. Be wise enough to realize the things that you can change and learn to accept those that you cannot.


P.S. I was just thinking about this, but do you know who Osama bin Ladin used to work for? the United States Central Intelligence Agency. Yes my CS brothers and sisters the CIA. Just some food for thought.

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Mustard... then you realize that CIA placed him incharge over there.


What if i was to tell you that Some of the major world powers in the world such as







these are the top names, there are a few more. Mostly Dictatorships were placed by the English and the US (once again i'm not trying to accuse US of anything)

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest the mack
Guest the mack
Guest the mack

did we put them in "power" to do their bad deeds???

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All I have to say is that the US had nothing to do with putting Hitler in power...although we didnt stop him early enough we did not empower him at all. If you were a German back when Hitler was in power and you listened to him speak he sounded like a true leader and THAT is why he was powerful...he WAS a good leader he was just mentally dumb when it came to his peoples rights. For you to say that the US enabled or put him in power should be treason...I cant believe anyone would think that what Hitler did was because the US put him in power!






(oh yeah POOF!) :ph34r:

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Also...I found out a little bit ago that I will not be able to continue in any Military training because I have something called a heart murmur...sux! I really wanted this but it just wasn't meant to be :(




POOD! :ph34r:

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