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Returning to SWTOR


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So, SWTOR is now free to play. The F2P option gives you just the story line and limted flashpoint/warzone access but I decided to revisit the world of SWTOR and see whats going on.


Wow, I'm lost.


So, during the time I've been away they reduced the number of servers to like 8. The guild I was in is no more and I have no idea where to pick up from when I left. There's some new content and whatnot but really don't know what to do.


Let me cut to the chase and get other peoples opinion on this. I loved this game when it came out. Played all the time. Got into my friends guild so I could at least attempt to raid but ended up being more of a solo player. I have a desire... don't know how large of a desire... but I want to pick up and start playing again, but I don't know if I want to return to a paid subscription and pay money for being lost. Does anyone else still play this game or have a desire to return to it if they've been away like I have? Should I just forget how awesome it is being a Sith and cutting people down with dual lightsabers and move onto something else? I'm conflicted and I need help!



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I'm not sure about other servers, but propechy of the five had 60 instances of denova, today, and fleet usually has 10+ , with more around prime time.

I was leveling a new mercenary, and at around 4am, dromund kaas had 6 instances. It really just depends, but there's definitely a boat load of players, and while there aren't

many PvE raids, people tend to forget that swtor launched with more quest AND raid / pvp content than WoW had in its early days. People tend to either not understand that

WoW didn't have all of the player options it has now back in Vanilla, or they just didn't play back when Blizzard was still figuring things out.


While it's still lacking, there's enough to do that a lot of people haven't completed all of the raid content, at least on the PvE side. Late last night, my guild achieved the Warstalker

title (defeat Nightmare EC in under 2 hours) and we're only the second guild on the server (and fifth in the world) to do it. I'm not complaining, because there's still a lot to do. I don't

think it's perfect, but it's not as bad as people are making it out to be. The game is young, and they're making great strides and great progress.

Edited by Sky
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