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Please unban me


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I've been banned for rushing because I was following the other players. I did not know that I was in the wrong for this. I was just trying to help the other players. My steam name vincortez. The server name that I was banned from in L4D2 is gcftw.com / !buy 10v10 #1, 2. Steam userID STEAM_1:0:398 456 2 0. I apologize and would like to request that you unban me from these two servers as they are my favorite team versus servers. Thank you for your time.

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Hi, you were banned by 13thSpray. He said you were rushing. You were banned for one day, but since you have no prior bans, you have come here and apologized, he has agreed to have you unbanned.


Please make sure not to rush on our servers. It is the most common reason to get banned. Even if other players are doing it, don't go along with them. All of them will be banned, if caught.


Thanks and have fun.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Please help,

I've been banned from your CSGO server. I threw a grenade and hit friendlies. I must have TK'd one of them but I didn't notice before I was kicked and banned.


This mistake most likely happened because I was getting about 80% choke and very high packet loss at the time. My ping was hitting about 300. There were about 2 or 3 other people in my house using the internet, so I shouldn't have been playing under those conditions in the first place.


I was banned on June 1st @ 7pm on the map entitled Inferno.


I apologize for the mistake.

I'm often a team leader, not someone who attacks teammates. This was entirely a mistake.


If you're able to check, I was likely leading the team in kills when I was kicked/banned so you know I'm not one of the those people who TK's others.


Can you please allow me back? Your server has sweet ping!.

My steam name is Sgt. Taylor
I believe my ID is STEAM_1:0:62187652

Thanks so much for your time.

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GC Coalition Member

Hi Sgt Taylor

It looks like crasx banned you for TK. He will get back to you soon im sure


And Sgt you should start your own ban thread not add it to this one

Edited by Mercman
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