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Please look into this issue.


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In summary, the situation is out of hand. There are tanks and numbers of SI outside and in front of the saferoom. The other two players are in saferoom ahead of me. I once planned to go out and give a shot but when I saw another tank right outside saferoom, charger punching the saferoom door, smoker screaming, I quickly changed the tactic by sending all my points (over 15) to the player as a way to help him/her, but he/she didn't made it to the end. Someone started a  votekick to the 1st player who entered the saferoom. I'm not here to judge whether he did something wrong or not, but the vote failed. And allow me to give an education guess that the vote failed because the majority believe it isn't warranted.


A similar situation happened to the opposing team in the following stage. They have number of players in the saferoom and wouldn't come out to save the 3 players outside with tank. Then I quickly suggest them to come out and save them otherwise the one and only player will be angry. In our situation, we only had 3 and I tried my best to help out. In their case they had about 7 players but wouldn't want to save players getting attack and the players ultimately died. 


In a sense, it gives me an impression that the complain is bias and has double standard. That's ironic. 

After the player complaint, I purposfully stay at the end of the group most of the time. I could and make sure I am the last to enter saferoom and we ultimately came back and won. Then the post of a screenshot of scores with one side of the story and the ban. I guess I should have open the door and suicide. 


Note: Please don't assume I admit anything if I didnt reply. I try to check the forum at least once a week and I will not reply to any invalid arguement/complain. I spend my time in GC server to have fun with most players and play, not dealing with people who has issues. I stand by my position but I respect admin's decision if the ban is truly warranted and backed by legit evidence.


Have fun.

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Those screenshots didn't prove anything and I completely agree with that. I didn't go by those at all and so I had to follow up extensively with Stabzor. After hearing both sides and it sounding like two different scenarios after my talk with you, I've temporarily unbanned you and am waiting for her to post her side of the story so we can see everything laid out and put this mess behind us.

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Before the first tank even spawned in, you three were already at the saferoom.


One team member was jockeyed back to the start of the rollercoaster and became incapped, six of us went back to spawnblock/assist with the incap.  At this time, I looked to see the three of you were already at the ramp that goes down to the saferoom.  Numerous times, members on mic were telling you guys to stop rushing but none of you guys listened.  There were people on the infected team telling you guys to stop rushing and get out of the saferoom.


The first tank spawns in while we're still trying to pick up the incap, so we scatter to fight the tank.  The incap dies, so the rest of us move forward and kill the tank. They then spawn their second one and we all get picked off one by one and die.  Quite a few minutes passed before the last person died and the game ended, so you guys were in the saferoom for a considerable amount of time.


In regards to the votekick, I was unable to vote because I was too busy fending off a tank.


I don't know what happened in the next round, I got quite ragey and decided to give myself some time out.


Apologies for the lack of information in regards to the screens.  They were to show who was in the saferoom at the time of dying.

Edited by stabz0r
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I told you to post exactly what happened from beginning to end, lordbaby. What I have trouble with is that your (Lordbaby) account of the situation leaves out the first part of the story. You've skipped all the way to the end. Stabz0r has more of a complete sequence of events which inclines me to believe her. There is a lot you're apparently leaving out.

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