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Trip to NYC


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Ah. New York. I remember visiting there for a few days last summer as a mini-vacation. Central Park and the Statue of Liberty were pleasant sites! If you're planning on going to the top of the Empire State Building, make sure you're prepared for the cold and strong winds blowing against you if you do decide to step outside on the platform. By the way, I hope you're not afraid of heights like I was lol

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Got lucky: no wind or cold whatsoever on top of the Empire State Building :)


Just got back. Amazing trip. Really sad we had to go.


Bought a baseball cap as a reminder. 


New York is seriously awesome. Who wouldve thought New Yorkers can be so nice.


Also saw a huge rat just a few feet away when walking the street. Cockroaches, crazy people jumping on cars or lying down in the middle of a busy street.


What's not to like.

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