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USB port dying


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GC Server Admin

I require a lot of USB ports on my desktop - all 8 are being used.  However, there is one at the front that seems to be dying - sometimes it does recognise what's plugged in, but more recently it has begun to completely fail.  Is there a simple solution to bring it back from it's from what it seems it's last breath?


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Probably not without replacing the PCB on the case, but that would involve getting in touch with the case manufacturer.

I'd recommend getting a powered USB hub (which would require a power source from the wall so it doesn't have to draw power FROM the port to power the rest which would result in not nearly as optimal usage, especially if you would have an external HDD plugged into it) for the quickest, simplest solution.  Plug it into one of the rear USB ports and place the hub on top of your case so you'd have easier access to it.  Perhaps adhere it as well so it doesn't slide off from the tug of all the other USB cables plugged into it or something.

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