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I was just wondering if anyone here was or knows a Satanist, or someone who practices Wicca and/or other forms of witchcraft (hope that's not a "non-pc" word, :P )


I was just wondering because we've yet to have someone on these boards say this and I'd like to know the base beliefs of these religions (especially Satanism since it's in direct confrontation with Christianity)

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Guest UberNewb
Guest UberNewb
Guest UberNewb

I know quite a few wiccans. We have like, a coven right here in town. So bounce questions offa me and I'll forward them to an expert, mmkay?



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Guest [DLM]->MP_Stinger
Guest [DLM]->MP_Stinger
Guest [DLM]->MP_Stinger

yeah what is this wicca, it sounds like some sort of basket

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I believe so.

True druids are followers of Paganism (which is the real name for it, it's just been westernised by ppl to mean something different)

paganism is a religion that was started in the middle ages in europe and is still followed today but mostly in europe

Stone Henge is a Pagan holy site

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Wicca is basically a group of witches. They get together and have their ceremonies and whatnot. A few years ago they had a meeting not 50 miles from where I live on halloween night.


Really there's no connection between wicca and druids. Totally different.

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My aunt was raised a druid....Uncle Scott's wife. It is when they are taught to worship nature and trees..........kinda like elves that you hear about in stories that control and go to nature...............Except they can't really control nature...............................I'm really confusing!! LOL

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Guest catalystgs
Guest catalystgs
Guest catalystgs

At the moment, I am studying to become a Pagan. All of the aforementioned faiths are "denominations" of Paganism. Wiccans are Pagans, Satanists are Pagans, etc. All of these religions share one thing - they worship the earth and nature.


Really there's no connection between wicca and druids. Totally different.
- Wiccans and Druids are both forms of Paganism. They have the same core beliefs but celebrate different holidays and worship differently.


My aunt was raised a druid....Uncle Scott's wife. It is when they are taught to worship nature and trees
- Well, first of all, you aren't exactly "taught" Paganism. Once you are old enough to know what your beliefs are you basically "find" Paganism (if that makes any sense). You don't convert to Paganism - you are born one.



Sorry if I don't make too much sense - Paganism is so broad and undefinable. No pagan is the same. But basically, Pagans believe in interconnectedness - The ideal that everything in the universe is connected in some way. Living and non-living objects have a relationship, whether it be phsyical or spiritual. If you are interested in more about Paganism just search google, or even buy a Pagan book (they are good reading).

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Guest Orbital
Guest Orbital
Guest Orbital

This seems a little on the awkward side, Wicca is not WITCHCRAFT, it is a belief in older powers of nature. Do not be ignorant in your statements. I am not a Wiccan myself, but I do have friends that believe in it.


If you are going to state something on the lines of something as personal as religion, please be correct in saying it. Ignorant breads more ignorance, it is something we can all try to avoid.

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Guest catalystgs
Guest catalystgs
Guest catalystgs

I also forgot to relate Pagans to Christians! *smacks forehead*


For you church-goers out there - don't be so quick to judge Paganism. A lot of Neo-Pagans mix religions to produce such things as Judeopaganism and Christopaganism. Christopagans tend to work magickally with angels, archangels, and spirits. They burn a yule log on Christmas instead of decorating a tree. They also believe in Jesus and that his teachings in no way oppose the principals of Paganism. Since I'm feeling frisky, here are a few more denominations:


Wicca - Nearly half of all Pagans are Wiccan. Wiccans follow an earth-centered calendar of eight festivals a year and believe that Diety manifests in both male and female forms.


Shamanism - Pagan tradition that involves going into a trance state in order to perform a variety of tasks, which include divination and healing. It is considered the oldest Pagan tradition - used in Africa, Asia, etc.


Druidism - Revival tradition that attempts to re-create the Druidic system used by the Celtics.



Personally, I don't know what the hell I am so I just call myself Eclectic - I blend many different Pagan traditions together. I would just like to add that Pagans are NOT evil, contrary to popular belief. We are associated with Satan, even though most Satanists are not Pagans. Keep an open mind - Most Pagans are the nicest people you will ever meet.

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I agree with you Catalysts sorta. I'm probably going to misquote some things from posts so please address them later if I do. :rolleyes:


Ok first thing, I am a Christian myself, so this will affect some of my views......obviously.


Ok I believe that Christianity is the only truth out there in the terms of religion. (I hate the term religion!!!) I know a bit about quite a few religions and even have read some things I probably shouldn't have to do it. While I agree that in the context of "Satanism=worshipping Satan" that paganism does not neccesarily fall into this category. I also believe that any religion that puts deities or the focus of worship on anything but God AND Jesus is against what is truth and therefore is working for the enemy of my faith. So if it is working for the enemy in my faith, which it says in the Bible that this is a true statement(I'll get verses later if you want them), then it is evil and it is Satanistic.


Now I'm not a Bible thumper per say. I hate people who give crap to people from other "religions". It is so contradictory to my/their religion when they do it. You know what, I'm a hypocrite and so is everyone else in the Christian faith, but that doesn't change the truth. Darnit, off subject again. But yeah, the "Christians" who go to other people and say "You're burning in Hell if you don't change, I'm forcing you to follow my religion" are not being good witnesses at all to the truth. But I don't mind stating the facts or my opinions when asked. ----I've talked enough.. LOL

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