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Spirituality or Religion

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I believe that spirituality and religion are different. I think spirituality is admitting there IS a higher power but not necessarily "god". It could be anything, just believing that there is something higher than yourself. And religion is based on many facts. Like Catholics believe in the Bible, Ten Commandments, etc... What are your thoughts on this? If you disagree and want to bash this idea, I'll provide you the hammer. It's just an idea I thought of today.

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Interesting question.


I disagree though.


Religion is not based on facts. Religion is based on myth's that may or may not be based on actual events that happened.


Now spirituality can be closely tied to religion, in fact the first definition of spirituality in www.m-w.com is

1 : something that in ecclesiastical law belongs to the church or to a cleric as such
of course I tend to lean towards
4 : the quality or state of being spiritual

Spiritual's meanin there...I lean towards

5 a : of or relating to supernatural beings or phenomena b : of, relating to, or involving spiritualism : SPIRITUALISTIC


Now on this point (as in spirituality tends to refer not so much to a specific religion but to supernatural in general) I agree with you. Ghosts tend not to be tied to modern religions, however, they are tied to spirituality (BOOOOO!!!!! Scared ya didn't I?).


Just my $.02.

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I AGREE WITH BOTH OF YOU. But what neither religion nor spirituality can ever teach us is faith. Faith is what makes religion real. Faith is what proves spirituality as a false end(it may be a true means, but there is an end that spirituality can never bring you to, atonement from sins). Relgion teaches us many different things like how to live life and how to tell others about religion. Whay spirituality teahces us is that there is something out there worth paying attention too. Now faith teaches us love and hope. God(Jesus) demands faith, not religion or spirituality. If you lack faith you will never see God. There is a truth in religion and a truth in spirituality that will never bring you to Heaven. Faith is the truth we seek for everyday. If one believes that Jesus is Lord and follows His calling on your life, then you will never be lacking in anything real(life, liberty, joy(not happiness, which is just an emotion and fades like all emotions)). Thats my two cents...



jane | gfe

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Perfect worlds dont exist. Im just explaining how faith differs from religion and spirituality. I guess it sounds perfect, but thats because it comes from the one perfect being in a world of imperfection, God. God's love is not about optimissm. Its about unmerited favor, hope, fulfillment, and a world of things I have yet to discover. I'm not off the wall here, if you think what I'm saying sounds too giddy and fun, read the Bible. Its a bunch of fun and giddyness, but a lot of it is pain too. Not pain caused by God, but pain caused by our own sinfulness. Pain comes into faith as well, i forgot that part. It is not a doctrinal part of faith, being that God wants us to run from sin, but it is spoken of and acknowledged as a real thing. Faith is interrupted and(sometimes) stopped by pain. Pain is one of those notorious things about which Chirstians and non-Christians argue. Im way off topic here(sorry Cowboy). But all I have to say is that my view holds more nastiness than you guys think. There is nothing that will make a person more pessimistic, hateful, joyless, desperate, or lonely than sin. Sin simply defined is to stray from the path that God called you to. All of us are called to serve Him(servants) because He wants to love us(master). If we stray from this path, there is a world of evil waiting for us and to hold us from Him. Im off topic and Im done now.



jane | gfe

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