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GC Board Member

As a follow-on to Flitterkill's previous post 'GC Status and pseudo-wind-down' on the status of our virtual dedicated server (VDS), we have transitioned to a new VDS. Overall, the new VDS lessens the annual cost of hosting GC's L4D2 dedicated servers per Flitterkill's previous post 'GC Status and pseudo-wind-down'. Although, to minimize the cost requires us to maintain and manage our VDS versus using an NFO hosted L4D2 instance, which I volunteered to do. The new VDS's IP address is '' (with a DNS entry of l4d2.gcftw.com).

Once the new VDS was online, I started the process of transitioning over server two ('gamrs.co | !buy 10v10 #2') and server three (gamrs.co | !buy 10v10 #3 dev) to the new VDS. I was able to complete the transition fairly quickly and started testing the new VDS that same day. Minimal testing convinced me the transition went well and the server is capable of hosting our L4D2 dedicated servers. Additionally, I was able to continue testing with some members/regulars to see if there were any issues but did not notice an issue myself. However, testing with a full server will be the real test and should clearly indicate if there is an issue using the new VDS.

Now that the new VDS is online and working, our current VDS will be shut down on July 27th, 2023. Therefore, you will need to adjust your connection to the new VDS if you want to continue playing on GC's L4D2 servers. To facilitate hosting more than one L4D2 dedicated server on the new VDS, I'm taking advantage of using different ports to connect to different L4D2 dedicated servers, which luckily Valves' server browser is capable of today.

To point to the L4D2 dedicated servers hosted on the new VDS you will need to connect to the following:

1) 'Server #1' is hosted at 'l4d2.gcftw.com:27015' (without the single quotes).

2) 'Server #2' is hosted at 'l4d2.gcftw.com:27016' (without the single quotes).

3) 'Dev Server #3' is hosted at 'l4d2.gcftw.com:27020' (without the single quotes).

Although there are three L4D2 dedicated servers configured on the new VDS, the new VDS can only comfortably host two servers concurrently based on my testing. Therefore, I'll leave the development server off and only enable it when needed for testing purposes. Also, if hosting two L4D2 dedicated servers concurrently is an issue we can disable one of the L4D2 dedicated servers if needed.

In conclusion, there is a new VDS online with IP address '' hosting GC's L4D2 dedicated servers. Additionally, the current VDS will be shut-off on July 27th, 2023.

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