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All Kill3r

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alright, just wanna say i dont frequent this part of the forum cause i dont really know to much about religion. My family never went to church or spoke of religous things and i havent ever done any follow-up on religous issues either. My question is this:



The word "faith" means many things to many people who all in their own minds are right. What about someone who has no faith or doesnt even know what it is. Someone that doesnt look to religion for whatever people do. Someone that might not even know what religion is? Can "ignorance" pass you through the gate of heaven. Just being able to say i did the best i could with what i was given. Does these ppl just die when they are deceased and thats that since thats what they expected or do you christians believe that he does somewhere else and why ?


I dont mean no trouble asking this and definately am not trying to offend anyone. Just a curious mind is all :unsure:


Thnx for opinions :)

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The word "faith" means many things to many people who all in their own minds are right. What about someone who has no faith or doesnt even know what it is. Someone that doesnt look to religion for whatever people do. Someone that might not even know what religion is? Can "ignorance" pass you through the gate of heaven. Just being able to say i did the best i could with what i was given. Does these ppl just die when they are deceased and thats that since thats what they expected or do you christians believe that he does somewhere else and why ?

your first statement about faith...you make that based upon the assumption that God (the god that I believe in) doesn't exist. Because if you believe in the God that I believe in, one of the things that is part of believing in this God is believing in absolutes. Absolutes are basically things that are above us and are true no matter what our view is. Kinda like when we thought the earth was flat. We KNEW the earth was flat, those that said it wasn't were simply wrong...but the absolute said the earth was round.

So you say faith is objective...but if you believe in absolutes then faith isn't...there IS one definition of it...now whether we agree on what that definition is, doesn't change the absolute definition......

sorry...didn't mean to go off on a tangent.


as for your other question...simply put, I hate that question. I am just a man...I don't know everything (in fact I know very little). So I don't have a good answer for you really. My personal belief is this: If you know about Jesus Christ and you reject him...then you aren't gonna go to Heaven...no matter how good you are. (cause honestly, I don't get the idea that someone believes they can actually be GOOD ENOUGH to deserve an eternity in paradise...how in the world could you work hard enough to deserve that?) However, if you have never heard of that account...then you DO have an excuse...but the problem is that most of the world HAS heard about Jesus Christ...

I know there are a couple verses supporting this view...I'll hafta try to find them. But one talks about every man knowing God's existence because of nature...and another talks about knowing the truth and not acting on it, where those that don't know the truth will be judged less severly...(it's in one of Jesus' parables)

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Romans 1:18-21 "For God's wrath is revealed from heaven against all godlessness and unrighteousness of people who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth,


19 since what can be known about God is evident among them, because God has shown it to them. 20 From the creation of the world His invisible attributes, that is, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what He has made. As a result, people are without excuse. 21 For though they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God or show gratitude. Instead, their thinking became nonsense, and their senseless minds were darkened."


I think this shows that we are all without excuse, as to having faith or knowledge of God. Does this mean that we will know who Jesus is? Not necissarily. And that makes a really tough question. If we know of God, and choose to serve Him, because we can see the wonders of His creation, does that mean we will go to heaven? I dont know. Because Jesus is the only way to the Father, to eternal life. "No one comes to the Father except through me". So then, we must have faith and serve not only "god" but more specifically Jesus.



"Can ignorance pass us through the gates"

no. As that passage states, we cant be without knowledge. We can choose

ignorance(which means to ignore, not to be without knowledge)of God but how will that get us closer to where we want to be?


"I did the best I could"


These people fall under a different catogory than the ones who "dont know God". Isaiah said it this way: "For all of us have become like one who is unclean, And all our righteous deeds are like a filthy garment; And all of us wither like a leaf, And our iniquities, like the wind, take us away" There is nothing we can do to make our lives good in comparison to God. There is nothing we can do to make it as though we had never sinned(to stray from what God wills). That is why God had compassion on mankind, because He loved us and heard our pain in sin. He Gave this world a Gift that would be able to make it as though the sins had never happened. That Gift was Jesus, who washed us all clean of our sins. We have to grasp that knowledge to be able to enjoy this freedom. If we dont, it would be as if God had never sent His one Son to save us all.


Faith is this : "What is faith? It is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen. It is the evidence of things we cannot yet see But where there is no faith it is impossible truly to please Him; for the man who draws near to God must believe that there is a God and that He proves Himself a rewarder of those who earnestly try to find Him" Hebrews 11:1,6



Did I answer all your questions?

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