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Shootout in Lexington, KY


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Now Lance I am thinking you were just being sarcastic and hope you dont think all people who beleive in the Bible are sick and twisted. I am not perfect but I try. And that was a great job by the way of using scripture to suit your needs I love when people do that coffee maker. Cus after all thats why he said stuff so people could use it to argue (Big Thumbs Down) Christs words were broad in My opinion(and thats all it is an opinion) Christ was trying to .....aw screw it you will all think im one of those religous freaks. I am just a man who has a belief system and is tired of being labled a weirdo or a church boy I am a man Darn it all to heck. :bang::bang::bang:

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I'm not saying its okay because he was crazy. I'm not saying Jesus, Jesus, blah blah blah. I'm saying that no one has the right to kill another person, for any reason, and putting someone to death because they killed someone is just as animalistic as that person is. Thats my opinion, and Lance has his. ;)

Thanks Pup, for your heartfelt tribute.

Lance I can't wait to meet you at FragFest...I've ready a lot of your posts, and they've all kept me either scratching my head, or in stiches. :P^_^;)

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