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Everything posted by Raven

  1. You better not even say a word
  2. I think the woman in the red dress does symbolize truth in the fact that she is 'manipulated.'
  3. I would then hate the movie Yo
  4. Hey Jane...not sure how long you been in these parts, but we had a huge debate about Reloaded...I know all the things you are talking about... Here was our debate... http://www.gamrs.co/forums/in...=ST&f=34&t=4698
  5. By far my most anticipated movie all summer. I will be seeing it on Wednesday, November 5th...the day it comes out. Actually, that the last thing I get to do with Raiden before he goes . Nonetheless, I expect to see some hardcore discussion on this seeing as everyone doesn't know how the story ends up. In the trailer, it shows something from the Matrix teaming up with Neo to get rid of Smith That is just plain awesome!!! Anyways, can't wait!!!
  6. Who is Hendryx...? Happy B-Day
  7. I don't like you right now
  8. Raven

    g0t 0ne :)

    Wife and kids (at the table of course) -_-
  9. Well...It is only trying under the 6667 port and I keep getting that error...could it be my college ResNet service that I need to figure out to connect. I don't know if that router based, but its split in many ways...
  10. It won't connect to irc.gamesnet.net I get this: [10053] Software caused connection abort disconnected Sorry if Im a noob at IRC...
  11. Raven

    What to do...

    Heck no...I think its more that when I was home from college, she felt she needed to spend MOST of the time with me and that got to her. But, right now, believe it or not, she realizes that it wasn't the best decision and we are starting over...slowly.
  12. If Fatty banned everyone that said '...' in these forums...there would not be an MCC or a community nonetheless...
  13. Raven


    Sadly, I know the real meaning...
  14. Raven

    What to do...

    Take that scenario...I was the guy...I went out with her, now its over, broke up 2 days ago...(4 months). Really, its all about timing...if you know you have a lot of time to make this decision and obstacles are far far away then take your time. However, in my case, college was coming up and we thought that was the best way to stay true to ourselves. The best way to stay with one another and still share those 'feelings.' My relationship ended because of space, of all things, she somehow needed space
  15. "I ran out of mouse pad room" "how'd he do that" "Everybody hax!" "How do you reload?"
  16. I swear this topic comes up atleast once or twice a year. I have used the name Raven with every game I have ever played since Legos came out when I was little. I had a couple of different choices when starting to play CS, but we were studying Edgar Allan Poe's Poem at the time and decided to stick with the Raven name and give myself the quote "Nevermore" (Used to be my spray and quote on the forums). That kind of died off. I made sure, before becoming a member of the community that I was the only Raven that was known around here. Shortly after, I had seen a couple Ravens but they never stuck around and then came Raven :>oP (Sorry if I got it wrong). Everyone was like "one of you should change your name." I thought about it and I know what I would of changed it to, but a couple of things came to me... 1. I was here first 2. I don't care if another person uses it as long as people know the difference. 3. I like the other Raven and usually joke around that we have the same name
  17. I think the shield should have its own HP...its destroyed after damage...
  18. Under it all, he was probably forced...if he wasn't forced, he was going to be forced. SportsCenter was making fun of the situation last night...
  19. Haha...Those had to be Delta days...if not Magnum...I mean come on...Diel was playing?!?!
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