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Everything posted by at_thedrivethru

  1. Thanks Unclean. Thats kinda why I came to here for advice. I only know a few people with players . A friend of mine has a Dell one which he likes (hes also recorded his own rap music on it). And my brother has a Ministry Of Sound one apart from that I dont really know people with them. But if for some out of this world reason your gf doesnt like that iriver player and it ends up on ebay again. Let me know
  2. With all these mad crazy like Christmas movies showing on television now what ones do you watch or look forward to? Mine would have to be Scrooged with Bill Murray, A Charlie Brown Chistmas, I love that one song it and Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer ('Its a holly jolly Christmas...")
  3. at_thedrivethru


    I was converted to anime from western animation when I saw 'Akira'. So I feel like I was blessed with that. Cos I saw it subbed not dubbed (dubbed is very lame). And that opening bike scene. If 'Akira' was a Hollywood movie it would be remembered for that bike scene. Since then 'Perfect Blue' was great. Hard to watch in parts but very well made. Adult Swims Finest: Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Trigun, FLCL, Paranoia Agent etc (youve got the point) Again I prefer them subbed. Even though the vo for Bebop was good.
  4. Ive had my Sony Disc man for going on 7-8 years. And its with held a lot of abuse. It still sounds great but I want to move on. Im going back to college soon and I cant be away to long from my music. And I dont want to carry with me a cd bundle. So.... I want to spend between $130 - $225. And I know that a lot of players of that cost have at least a gig on board. For capacity Iam looking for at least a gig. Ive been looking at a Philips HDD082 with a 2 gig at $130ish. And then I saw the Philips GoGear 6gb at $200ish. That last one caught my eye coz it looks sweet. Apart from the cost and capacity. Im looking for a player that can fit in my pocket easy. I like the shape and design of the ones above. Also I want one that organizes your playlist into albums, artist and genre etc. Ive seen some without that. Im just thinking that those over a gig would have something like that. Ive heard nothing about the Philips players apart from poor navigation. Ive heard good things about the iRiver. And some bad stuff over ipod's batteries. Creative 'I would like to know more'. Just one more thing Ive noticed about mp3 players. Some people Ive talked to think there is a difference between the ipod and others. That an ipod is an ipod and an mp3 player is an mp3 player. And you tell them its just a brand thing. But the only player ive ever seen advertised is the ipod. Their marketing of the ipod has branded it so good. I dont know why we dont see more of the others. at_thedrivethru out!!!
  5. Theres some good advice from All Kill3r there. You might find something you like in the art books they have in the parlours. They could work with something you like or have ideas about. Its ther re passion and love. I just did a quick google image search and I found many like All Kill3r s with variations as well. Also I did see some good celtic stars. Has any ideas for a star caught you attention yet?
  6. Very nice. I like the 'Conflict of the Giants' and 'Aces' as well
  7. Yeah mon. I was impressed with the track 'Welcome to Jamrock'. So yeah I think I might grab the album. Thanks anonymo for the recomendation.
  8. Its already fallen in some parts of central NY. Expecting it locally Friday
  9. Matisyahu: About, Video (King Without a Crown). Saw his video on discover and dl on mtv 2 and was taken away because: 1. In his Jewish garb 2. performing reggae with a passion.
  10. ATHF, Futurama Rock Ohn!!! Starting to get into those Squidbillies . However feeling good about avoiding 12oz mouse .
  11. Yeah good work Saris. Your really developing your own style which is cool to see. Was there any artists, anime, manga that influence your work.
  12. What about Ghostbusters, Thundercats and Count Duckula* (*if I remember correctly).
  13. You could also try deviantART. Its a fairly big community. They also host rl galleries from time to time. Im not a member, kinda got put off by their license agreement. If you have a yahoo account and your not using geocities. You could just upload pics to that. Just options.
  14. Sorry BGBandit didnt see your topic here. But I would like to see the forum go ahead. I dont know much about photography but I can help with basic ideas like what makes a good picture/illustration/painting. The forum would be a great way of showcasing community created projects.
  15. Hi all, I was wondering if anyone would be interested in starting/contributing to an art forum. You could have topics on painting, sculpting, photography,comics, digital, artists, art history, techniques, literature, creative writing, theatre, film. As you can see theres plenty there. So if your interested please say so and add what youd be interested in talking about. Thanks
  16. Yeah I saw that over here in the states. The funny thing was they subtitled the Brits most the time. Kinda lame seeing as they werent that bad. Even the slang at times isnt hard to work out. (myself being a Brit kinda helps) They have however subtitled Americans over here as well.
  17. I have to add Sigur Rós to my list. Like Radiohead, like Muse, like good. But Ive just started to listen to them so if you know them and have an opinion let me know. Im also rediscovering trip hop. I dont think I have found anything that can match Massive Attack yet Portishead and Tricky are worth listening too. So can anyone out there hook me up with some other good artists?
  18. I was scared much more from movies when I was younger. I do remember Hellraiser and Candyman as being pretty scary. I saw the preview for the latest Hellraiser on demand kinda looked dissapointing. I did like the original Exorcist. Thats the kinda horror that gets under your skin. It was kinda different for me cos it felt like it was in bad taste. You know watching a young girl getting possesed and then turning on herself and family. But you had to just sit through it all. Gripping stuff. The Shining was amazing. Jack Nicholson was scary. And I always felt sorry for Shelly Duvall's character the wife of Jack. She always looked so pathetic and weak. Weak against 'all work and no play' psycho guy. I love watching the camera pan with the axe as John is hacking at the door. None of the other versions touch Kubrick's
  19. Ahh the good ol' days. I remember our Amiga 500 the most in my gamming history. There were plenty of games on that machine that took my life away. Most played was Elite II: Frontier. Wheres our Elite IV Braben!?! BTW, then probably Sensible World of Soccer 94/95 and Cannon Fodder. PC games that I remember well are the likes of Carmageddon and GTA. I wasnt really into FPS games till I played Red Faction 2. About the same time we got our cable connection. So the first online game I tried was a demo of Unreal Tournament '04, DM Sucked at it so I put it down. Then a friend said I should play Onslaught. And I got hooked even though I sucked. I then continued to play the demo for 3 months before getting the game. I also had a lot of fun playing Fallout 1 and 2. But the best rpg I have ever played was FF07 for the PS. That was my first FF game.
  20. I dont think you could ever explain what music ment to you to another generation. My mother was big on the Beatles, Stones, Hendrix. And these are all very important creative influences on her generation. Yet to fully appreciate it you have to experience them growing as artists and the world changing around them and you. Not to say that a new generation wont enjoy music from yersteryears. There are plenty of modern artists influenced by stuff before them. Or they cover or sample music. Thanks to commercialism there will always be a way for older music to be heard, eg classical in car commercials. To think that Nirvana is playing on a classical rock station gives hope to other 90's artists. Who knows where it will be 10 - 20 yrs down the road. I guess it depends on the generation of the dj.
  21. Deep Purple, Fleetwood Mac, Foreigner, Queen and Nirvana. Yep. A friend of mine was listening to a classic radio station and heard Nirvana. I guess it was going to happen one of those days. But if your like me and grew up with 90s music. Something like that is bound to make you aware of your age. I can see myself years from now embarressing my kids with RATM and the Smashing Pumpkins. Getting my groove on with my hip replacement to Boyz II Men lol
  22. Un-be-liev-a-ble BTW at_thedrivethru = at the drive-in. One of the last bands I really got into for the longest time. A great band indeed, they were. Of course I started off in the chatrooms with it. People playing the same ol' funnies 'I'll have a big mac and fries'. Only 2 people caught on/cared. And one of them was Lex/-=GC=-/ My other music related one for kicks is G-G-G-/=GC=/-Unit
  23. Thats a neat idea. I remember at one point Fatty wanted a map with members represented on the website. Yet this works good.
  24. Thats the kinda reply I wanted to see. Thanks I will add you to my friend list. My players name is Tollindru Oak.
  25. Ive been playing Guild Wars on and off for the last few weeks now. Im a lvl 13 R/Wa and Ive just got to the Shiverpeak mnts. Im also guildless. Ive had a couple of invites but Im not sure about signing up. Theres probably a guild out there for me. I dont play the game that much. Maybe 6-8 hours a week. Im mostly available in the aft - eve, est . And Im more interested in advancing in the story than playing GvG. A friend of mine joined a guild by posting on a forum. But I was wondering if you guys knew of any guilds worth looking into.
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