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Everything posted by JavaBomberman

  1. same here, zero. level 56, full rest bar. I'm waiting for battlegrounds. that should be a blast. here's some pics of the action.
  2. here I am, come get some.
  3. wow, people aren't fond of office? I love that map. possibly my favorite map. hmm.
  4. Throw my vote on for prodigy. I very much enjoy that map, and without scopes, that ct hall will be more of a firefight and less of a standoff. I would enjoy that. also, I must make a request. I truly despise aztec. this is just my opinion. I'm not even convinced that it's unbalanced, because I've seen both sides do well. I simply... hate it. I can't explain it. so anyways, that's just my vote. if anyone feels the same, please speak up. if not, so be it.
  5. wait, there's no dues now?? who's getting all my money then!!!!
  6. unbanned just like that?? where's the punishment? Brillow administered my spankings, so I should be allowed to administer the next set. *gets a paddle*
  7. STEAM UserID STEAM_0:1:3625504 brillow, you deserve a *huggles*. *huggles brillow* ^.^
  8. haha, brillow, you're a master wordsmith. I have no qualms with the ideal behind the admins and the server. I may not feel the same as you do when it comes to every little aspect of the ideal, but the bottom line for me is: I have no intention of hindering what you have set out to do. I do enjoy the community I have found on the servers. If that is acceptable to you, I would appreciate it very much if I could be unbanned. If I must do more than that, let me know, and I will respond in kind if I am able to adhere to anything you outline further.
  9. The only reason I argued the point at all was because the original perpetrator of the offense was not banned, and cobalt was. if, as you say, he was indeed banned for it, then I have no further problems. I also then apologize for arguing the point, and hope that I can be forgiven for the sarcastic comment during the argument. I tend to use witty sarcasm when I find fault somewhere, and at the time, that is what I found. thank you.
  10. Hello. I play with the same nick as I have registered here on this fancy forum. I was banned, but I'm guessing it was because someone sneezed on their ban button. Here's the deal: I was on dust, and this appeared on the screen: BulletToothTony killed RED IIIIZZZZZZZZZZ with ak47. *DEAD* Phoolz Like=[ME]=: thomas got raped LotusMark7 killed BulletToothTony with usp. *DEAD* Thomas Jefferson: you mom got raped strangefamous .gc killed LotusMark7 with ak47. promptly, Thomas Jefferson aka cobaltgrc, was banned. I questioned the console as to why he was banned for using the term "rape", when "Phoolz Like=[ME]=" was not banned for using the same term. I was told by someone that if his "friend got a dui, that doesn't mean [he] would go get one too." I commented that this had nothing to do with fairness, and began a discussion with M2, once again questioning the reason for Thomas' banning. Then, I was promptly banned. So, I think you should fix your auto-banning banning machine of banning wrongly. I assume you have one, since no logical person would have banned either myself or Thomas based on the situation as it transpired.
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