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Everything posted by ZesteR

  1. 22. Seriously? 23. Man up. 24. saying the letters "O" "M" "G"
  2. and you think the cable (cat5?) is bothersome? does that mean it's maybe too long? in the way, (across the room) near power lines in ur house walls? powerline has some issues with the age of the house's wiring.
  3. are you streaming from the internetz or ur own lan?
  4. you know sj, i've had enough of your apple is so great and windows sucks and ill make a joke to hide the fact that someone finally poked fun at ur apple bit. alright u've gone far enough! actually u didnt! saying that I have 0.0% sense of humo(u)r?? If you add two more decimail places you'd actually see that i have 0.004% sense of humo(u)r. Stop manipulating the truth to make other's look bad!! I'm the meanest lil guy you'll quote in a thread.
  5. I'm surprised you did not know this app was free as a iphone app, since you are located at Apple HQ. guess u didnt get the memo
  6. been busy... being that you're from Apple HQ, I am surprised you did not know about this app's price.
  7. you had to pay for this? i guess i got it when it's free. very nice app. we should have a thread devoted to iphone apps and our reviews on them.
  8. bleh, i just got one for 17 bucks off buy.com this always happens to me after I buy something. U3 flashdrives are good for hacking :X
  9. It's either your CPU OC (which seems u've had it higher and still stable) or RAM. Try to boot up with one stick or the other.. assuming u have two sticks. my bro had a similair problem b/c of a stick of ram would not post.
  10. -1 for u allowing ur avatar to be rick rolled.
  11. Awesome SJ!!!! from the sappy side of gc, nice job on the proposal.
  12. tf2 anyone playing crysis online?
  13. just dl'd it, screenshots look awesome, can't wait to play!
  14. Clueless, it's not out yet, but there are awesome videos online (do not know them as of now)
  15. tf2 or left 4 dead am willing to help admin the tf2 server if need be.
  16. Awesome man!!! GL!! GL!!! tbh, i didnt know sj had a girl.. just thought he's marry himself... :D
  17. dweezil's brute force is just a lil bit more forceful than a fly.
  18. has nothing to do with iphone... got it fixed and the lady said she sent my info off to have their one team to watch my account for anymore failed attempts.
  19. approx. wait time 9. waited 17 and it hung up on me.... called again, approx. wait time 5 minutes....
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