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Everything posted by wayfarer

  1. Me too. I thought you were still playing with them?
  2. Yeah, me too. Oh well, I enjoyed my time in Vanguard, and I'm really looking forward to warhammer online. (PvP'rs dream game) Shep is right, all 25 people have to be doing exactly the right thing at exactly the right time or it's all over. The easy way to explain a raid is this; It takes about 1/2 an hour to get everyone together, another 1/2 hour to clear your way to the boss, about 10-15 minutes to explain the fight, (depending on how many noobs are present) then another 5 minutes to set up. The fight itself will take approxamately 5-10 minutes if it's executed correctly, and about 25 seconds if not
  3. Wow, gratz Shep!! You guys will be done BT just in time for the new 25 man in 2.4!!
  4. Absoloutely awsome shep! Go get em in BT!
  6. For all you slackers out there; Hellgate London demo
  7. Hmmmmm, somehow one of my posts got erased here. Anyway it went something like this; Mo is playing WoW????? Scuba when you gonna come back to Vanguard? Alot of changes.
  8. Ok figured it out, I just watched them out of order. Hilarious with a little reality check.
  9. Watching a mob that you just gunned down to 10% health run to a health station you just hacked......absoloutely priceless!
  10. Vanguard was down this morning so I decided to go pick this up, seeing as I wanted to try it out. Very intense game, been awhile since I got that cold, claustrophobic, death is waiting around the next corner feeling. The whole insane thing sort of reminds me of the abandoned asylem in Thief 3. Fantastic game so far, the big daddy's are tough as nails though. Not that that is a bad thing.
  11. Hope everyone has a great & safe time down at FF07.
  12. It's all down hill from here bud! Have a good one. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. LMAO! That was absoloutely awsome!
  14. Yeah, I did the digital D/L takes like forever, they have the D/L capped for some reason around 900 Kbps. Scuba is running under the handle Komadin again. Go into the look for people part of your social tab, type in komadin, then hit the send message button. Good to go!
  15. If you guys want to hook up then make sure your the same race. If theres 2 of you getting to lvl 10 is a breeze. Less than a day IMO.
  16. Well JC I don't think you'll be playing catch up on this one. A bunch of people are rerolling here & your not too far behind me on this one either.
  17. Looks like Breydon is coming too. He said he was looking at a paladin. Either way I guess we could use a tank. Another healer would be good too. I don't know how much undead there are in this game, but clerics are awsome against them. I would'nt be opposed to another cleric either.
  18. DK is a sorcerer, Scuba is a ranger, & Im a cleric.
  19. Scuba, myself, and Dknight, another buddy of ours from WoW, started really getting into this game last night. I was told that there are no instances in this game. however, with Scuba, and Dkight at level 11, and myself at level 12 we had already experienced 3 complete dungeons. The third one we are on is by all accounts, other than party seperation from the game, a full blown instance. The flow of gameplay was quite enjoyable and the graphics stunning, (even though my AGP X850 XT is chugging along on the medium low setting!) The music is an absoloute treat, harminous fantasy in towns and open fields, dark and ominous in the deep dungeons, and heart pounding & epic during battles. Dknight & myself picked up our first mounts at level 10 for a measly 12 silver. Really good armor & weapon drops in the dungeons of this game too, all three of us getting at least one good item from each dungeon, more often two or three. Having really just entered the second zone, we were completely amazed at the sheer magnitude of this game. Customizable UI, ingame co-ordinates, and minimap markers make navigating this behemoth of a game an absoloute joy. If there is a game out there that will pull me out of WoW, this is it, without a doubt.
  20. Name - Valinda Server - Woefeather Continent - Thestra I'm a high Elf. If you want to hook up DK & I are around the city of Leth Nurae. I have no idea how difficult it would be to hook up if you start as another race, this world is gigantic!
  21. There's no money in the electric car. Period. No money to spend on gas, no money to spend on spare parts. Thats why it got shelved. I don't think this has anything to do with the bush administration. It's the big automakers.
  22. Sorry, my brain processes a vision of my wallet. And its empty!
  23. I picked this up. Gonna try it for a bit. So far the game is very dynamic, the details of this game makes WoW look like tetris. Graphics & sound are awsome. The download time for the game is very long, however, and the server population seems a little sparse. The game is brand new though. If it survives long enough for them to clean it up a bit, and to get some people in there, it looks like it will be a fantastic game.
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