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Shropshire Slasher

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Everything posted by Shropshire Slasher

  1. I'm thinking I should make a tee time for my grand kids.
  2. When I get to Stonehenge, will they be 3 feet tall?
  3. So... After what has been an... interesting ... year, I'm heading off on a personal vacation. I'm leaving Friday for London, then to Exmouth on the south coast of England. I'll be there for about a week then back to London/Canterbury for a weekend, then home. Nine days total in England. Nothing to accomplish while I'm there, just sight see (Cambridge, Stonehenge) and crawl from pub to pub. Got myself a Britrail pass, so I've got 8 days of unlimited rail travel... so I can hope a train each morning and hit some new city and back before last call. Wish me luck, never traveled international, but looking forward to it. Got any hot tips on must-sees in England, feel free to post them up.
  4. Finals time here at the college. In an effort to stave off insanity, I propose the following game: Post your favorite word that sounds dirty but really isn't. One word per post. Bonus points if your word somehow follows from the previous. To get things started: Masticate c'mon... you know you want to.
  5. One thing at a time. By the way, this: May be the worst smillie ever.
  6. I've got your Peckles... RIGHT HERE! <insert visual here>
  7. Though everyone else may not be so happy. Cuz now I don't have to type my favorite phrases manually. I can just push the p or ] buttons to spread my clever witticisms. Repeatedly. Oh I always know that binds existed. I was just to lazy to spend 0.03 milliseconds on a google search to find out how to add them to my config. But at your urging... i've not got a handful of bon mots ready for rapid fire deployment. You will rue the day. Oh wait, for you it will be reaux the day. muahahahahahahahhahah
  8. I need a cigarette. And I don't even smoke. And now... very sleepy. <yawn>... gonna take a little nap.
  9. I would cop to it, but since I have nothing but contempt for the thoughts and opinions of others it is likely I've never read anyone else's posts with any serious attention. Basically I read the subject of a thread and then draft my sagacious musings from inference. Now, be off with you. I tire of your insolence.
  10. 2cents: I've participated in several of these gameplay discussions over the year(s) I've hung around here. I've even started one or more. As someone who values fairplay, and as someone with limited free time to enjoy a round of CS, I too have a tendency to get irked by behaviors that detract from gameplay. Nevertheless... what I keep coming back to in my own mind as I mull over these issues is that, fundamentally, this is a PUB server (caps NOT for effect). This is the pickup basketball of online gaming. Yes there are rules. Yes you can call a foul. Honorable people will still abide by the rules (written and unwritten). But you still have to come to the court understanding it ain't gonna be like an officiated league game. Having said that, we do own this particular playground, and therefore can establish guidelines for playing on it. Admins can and do enforce agreed upon gameplay standards with written statements, kicks and bans. Often this works, sometimes it won't. That is where you just have to accept the nature of the beast: the PUB. Also, with limited admin time/energy to expend, you need to have priorities. For me, camping/stacking are lesser issues compared to raging/swearing/tking/speed hacks/pornsprays and other general jackassery. For others, this may be reversed. Bottom line is, I continue to spend my limited play time on .gc servers because I like the atmosphere (no swearing etc.) and the generally high level of gameplay (team objectives more so than 1337 players). I try not to let the occasional stat monger get under my skin (too much). If you ask them to help out and they don't... well... "give me strength to change that which I can and something something something". SS The above in no way represents the opinions of .gc or its affiliates. For a written transcript of this post send $10 to me and hit the print key. edited because grammar counts
  11. Problem is, I'm over 17. That means they didn't get any money for claiming me as a dependant. They just got a small tax break. The DO NOT pay for any of my bills, schooling, gas, etc. I'm pretty sure I wont get that money. File your own taxes then. Honestly geek...your parents (over the last few years) have been made out to sound like overbearing slave drivers who wish nothing more than to ruin your life, both socially and economically. Maybe I'm getting you and discom mixed up...either way, just file your own taxes and let the folks explain to the IRS why they claimed you as a dependent. Says the canadian immune from an IRS audit.
  12. I thought that was Chuck Norris's Bathroom.
  13. It's not the fall that kills you, it's the sudden stop at the end.
  14. Um... if this was not directed at me... and I assume it wasn't... please wait until someone else has posted after me before you post this. <slasher slides a little further down the bench>
  15. It's all fun and games until someone looses an eye. See, when I was married, I used to introduce my significant other as "my first wife". And now she actually is. oops.
  16. k... I'll bite. What is the magic sum of $8002?
  17. I seem to recall about 12. Square feet, that is.
  18. I'm picturing those tuxedo t-shirts. classy.
  19. Congrats man. Now I'm gonna have to figure out a way to come down to FF for a day or so... Maybe at least golf. Can't let you get married without a proper send off.
  20. LOL mo. They could easily turn that around to... "Ever not on the internet, mo?". Just saying.
  21. So I own a shiny new iPod Touch (16GB). I like it a lot. I've got it filled with 10+GB of music, etc. I would like the ability to put .pdf files on it for viewing... saw that it is possible with the Jailbreak releases... any one here with experience that would comment on the pros/cons of Jailbreaking the touch? thanks, CEM
  22. Why, the same thing I do EVERY DAY with elev... oh wait... you said SNOW! Er... my bad.
  23. Well, could mean a new iphone with 3G and a 3d accelerated touch screen (imagine those little albums rolo-dexing by in oGL)
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