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Everything posted by Shadowman

  1. Stay safe dude, good luck. Also, install an aimbot.
  2. I love going from a totally sucking to totally owning all on the same map. That and turning around last second to blast DuckOfDeath in the head with a shotgun as he tries knifing me.
  3. Definitly put back Inferno in the rotation. We just need more more maps in ther server, playing Cbble, Office, Dust2, and Dust is getting kinda lame.
  4. Shadowman


    Yeah Matt, put down Guild Wars and play some CS with us for once.
  5. Michigan is a burning pile of trashl. Its like 94 degrees out, and the humidty makes it feel more like 100 degrees.
  6. Right then, you say that you will abide by the rules, and yet all your past behavior suggests otherwise. Just leave it be and stay away.
  7. And let's not forget swearing on the mic, and of course their 5 rounds of nothing but constent TKs.
  8. I say keep him banned. The WoA clan members, such as the former Dem_Apples, are all pretty much good guys who come in and play and abide by the rules, but "tm" seems to do nothing but cause chaos and annoyance, and then play the innonence game. Claiming that he didn't want his mom to see some porn sprays (minimize screen maybe? Hm?) and impersonating and admin. I agree with BigBones, let him fry. And as for the 14 year old thing, me and Antimatter have been playing CS while we were 14 and we never caused problems for anyone, its just that this one is immature.
  9. Its said that Grievious was somewhat of a prototype to Vader, being the alpha version of a half-machine-half living creature to Darth Vader. Thats why he has a heart, coughs everynow and then, and the eyes.
  10. Just got home from the movie. Amazing, thats all I have to say. Freakin amazing.
  11. Razgriz = Good Guy? Shadowman_exe = Bad guy?
  12. Alas, Ive only gotten 16 knife kills. Meaning its time to be sneaky and stab people in the back. And Krueten's avatar is the face-hugger from the "Aliens" movie series. Its smoking after raping the main character of vgcats.com's mouth, and enjoying a nice smoke.
  13. Taking over America eh? GC shall inherit the Earth?
  14. Definitly one of the sexiest women alive.
  15. Who's the top kinfe killer in the server eh? Since there's a TMP, Deagle, and now apperantly a nade contest, we should see who the greatest knifer is in here.
  16. Haven't checked out Gundam Seed yet Java, but its on my to-do list. As for my favorite series, thats a tough one. On one hand, the UC Timelines have the Zeon, and I do in fact love all things Zeon. On the othe other hand, GW had the Mobile Suit Leo and Mercurius. As for a favorite Gundam, I'd have to say RX-78GP02A Gundam GP02A, the big donkey armored Gundam. And right behind him would definitly be the Wing Gundam. As for mass produced Mobile Suits, the MS-06J Zaku II is always my top favorite, along with the Zeon Kampfer and the Oz's Leo Suit.
  17. Should be a good one. Kinda weird to think that there will be no more "Star Wars" movies after this, like this is the end of the cinema and life on the planet. Saddening, but I better see Darth Vader killing some ho's in the movie
  18. It definitly tickles my fancy that they brought back the show. It is perhaps the funniest television show in the history of mankind.
  19. Amazing game. The games is another military air force game, starting with you as a rookie pilot, and war escalatse yadda, yadda, yadda. This game is incredibly fun, flying around with tight controls, locking on at Gun range, and just blasting things is a hoot. The missions are always tense and adrenaline pumping, hearing radio chatter from your wingmen, your allies, and you enemies only adds to the excitment you feel when you play the game. The planes are all exactly what they would look like in real life, due the creators licensing real planes. If you cant tell already, I love it. Its also were I pulled my current name on the servers "Razgriz".
  20. That was the name of it. Anyways, the new one definitly looks [great]. As long as they dont try making too realistic and still have the colorful, amazing, bosses and dungeons then I'll be happy. I also loved Majoras Mask.
  21. I'd go "Shaun of the Dead" style and find aby blunt object I could and start wailing on any of the undead douche bags around my house. Take the car, grab some guns and ammo and hold up in the local high school, wield the doors and windows shut backed up with metal, pop a squat on the roof and take out as many of them as possible. Katanas seem to be a weapon that would be helpful in a zombie invasion, lobbing off heads left and right could be handy in a open or closed area. But you'd have to worry about food and water and everything. So I'd probably gather up survivors and raid the local Costco or something and get everything in bulk, plus a couple generators/gas/tvs/ps2s. Digging a moat for zombie to fall in might be a good idea also. The high school here is a big enough place to hold lots of people, and my high school has metal gates to help block off any stray zombies and hold the infected. The school has a million exits and other ways to get to places, and having access to a weilding machine and basically the equilivant to a home depot, you could easily weild and permantly shut doors and windows from attackers. And being right next to few grocery, hardware, and other such stores, you could have a nice long supply to fight off the undead and wait for rescue, or even enough supplies at the nearby mall for weapons to take out all the zombies in town. I wouldnt, however, build an armored bus and drive out to the zombies like in Dawn of the Dead. I would just baracade myself and survivors in, watch some tv, kill some zombies, and play some PS2 until the military comes in.
  22. I usually hate almost anything anime related, but I do however love the Gundam series, Full Metal Alchemist, and the Xensoaga anime. And of course the Megaman one as well .
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