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Everything posted by EbilDustBunny

  1. Yeah it freaks out me thinking that my car might be done for. I really don't want to get a new one any time soon. I drive a Corolla 95... it has like 187k+ miles on it. My parent's friend's machine said I had a bad EGR. Apparently I don't have to replace it.
  2. I was very sure I'll be going this year... but yesterday my car's "check engine" light came on... I got my oil changed and and tried to take it to AutoZone but their machine doesn't work on cars from 1995... but they work on 1996 cars (So dumb). I unplugged the car battery to reset the dummy light... hoping that the oil change would shut it up. (Don't laugh I don't know jack about cars) I mean my car isn't acting funny. On my way home today from work the light came back on... so now my parent's friend is coming over to take a peek at my car. I REALLY don't want to buy a another car!
  3. My sister is holding my ff09 pics for ransom or something.
  4. So i saw this at the book store.... Scared of Santa and laffed myself into tears. idk you can just hear these pictures in this book.
  5. Aww don't be sad! I have to get up 6am for work... X_x time to go home and go to bed.
  6. Wooooooooooooo Happy New Year!
  7. ...but flashing might be ok Well on occasion... but if it happens every time... it wouldn't be flashing. You'd just have a room full of nudist gamers on their PCs.
  8. [utube]5mdrag9lynQ[/utube] must get more xbox credits to try this game out.
  9. btw peckles your on my mp3 player You're gonna give me free tickets to all your gigs right?
  10. lol I fell a sleep at 11:00 ish last night... you know Santa won't come to your house if your not a sleep! Muurrrry Christmas!
  11. HAPPY BIRTHDAY and MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU CHRISTMAS BABIES! Thief_Lord (18) SexyTyme (25) Sir Shertown Pimp (23)
  12. Can you (or another person that has access) set up a temporary collection through paypal? I know it's the holidays and money is tight, but I still think we'd get way more than $100 to donate on behalf of GC. I like that. I'm sure we can donate more... if we let others chip in what they can.
  13. It was very heavy news to take and deeply sadden me to find out. He was a really awesome friend and we shared a lot of great times. Rest In Peace Way <3
  14. Shep quit wow forever ago. >.> @ Jackie >.> <.<
  15. How about Shep and Becca?
  16. Yeah but I never get my hopes up when Jack Black stars in a movie... it's one of those lets cram as many famous faces into this film as possible and hope for the best movies. It did give me a few good laughs though.
  17. Lol it's a DVD extra. Again no spoilers to the actual movie... [utube]u8Y6AeIJmI4[/utube]
  18. EbilDustBunny


    Well that does suck, but you shouldn't quit b/c of that noob... it's like letting him win. Like Mohawk said a post, PM, or contacting a admin on steam. I'm on vent ALOT... I know I would be more than happy to pause whatever I'm doing to help. Unfortunately that vent info you have in that chat log is wrong...
  19. That's my avatar!!! Here you can have this one
  20. are you going to stop posting now?
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