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Everything posted by Sgt.St3d4nk0

  1. I got a 4 fold 8 player texas holdem table top.
  2. Target Name: 216-86-154-199.chi.aim2game.com IP: Date/Time: 12/4/2005 12:40:28 AM to 12/4/2005 12:42:07 AM Hop Sent Err PL% Min Max Avg Host Name / [iP] 1 100 0 0.0 0 0 0 [] 2 100 1 1.0 5 15 6 [] 3 100 0 0.0 5 15 6 srp2-0.dytnoh1-rtr1.woh.rr.com [] 4 100 0 0.0 8 33 10 son0-0-3.mtgmoh1-rtr0.columbus.rr.com [] 5 100 0 0.0 16 26 17 son3-0-2.ncntoh1-rtr0.neo.rr.com [] 6 100 0 0.0 26 121 30 so-2-0-0-0.gar1.Chicago1.Level3.net [] 7 35 0 0.0 26 35 28 ge-1-0.ipcolo2.Chicago1.Level3.net [] 8 100 11 11.0 27 65 28 [] 9 100 9 9.0 27 47 29 at-2-2-0-33.core2.core1.ord1.nozonenet.com [] 10 100 6 6.0 27 35 28 216-86-154-199.chi.aim2game.com []
  3. I hate Thieves. To hell with your bf.
  4. Wow I would never go griffin run. The prices are way to high. I got my private 12 man for like $65 or so for 3 months while GR wants 180 for a private 12 man for 3 months. Ive rented servers off Gamedaemons, Recongamer, and a cheesy one in chicago. Forget the name. But just to let you know I think Recongamer is the best company to go with at least for me. For one they have very simple web based interface to stop,start,and restart your game server and manage your files with ftp support. They are cheaper than most and prolly have the cheapest private servers out there. But dont let the cheap prices fool ya they are very professional and I have had lots of success with them in the past. The only down thing to recongamer is they dont have chicago servers.You have to either go with texas or virginia. So I got a private 12 man in texas with a 66 tic rate and it seems to run fine. Even Gamedaemons back a few years ago didnt have all their web based tools working correctly. Just from buying from 3 different companies showed me how nice RG servers are and their service and the price. But do ya want to move to Texas??????????
  5. hehe ill go get some breakfast or soemthing. Maybe some BF2. =)
  6. And also ill give ya some advice on banning. Instead of typeing the name out go into console and type status real fast. Then even if he leaves you got a status printout of his name and steam id. Then you just copy and paste the steam id you want to ban. And mistakes like this dont happen.
  7. Did you unban me cause it still says im banned?
  8. Hi I got banned somehow today. From #1 Midwast FF. Please unban me. And how do I get banned ? Its kinda hard to make mistake banning people. 0:0:77643
  9. No its not ranked. I was checking into it last night and apparantly only EA and some other game server providers have the right to sell ranked servers. EA was way to expensive. Or at least I thought. Servers were from $5-8 per slot. BF2 is my game of choice right now. It just brings more to the table and more complex than playing CS. If we got a ranked server I Would be interested in being an admin for the server as I play everyday. And I would pitch in another $50 for helping get the server!
  10. BTW id like to see a ranked GC bf2 server so I can come own all you at bf2 as well! =)
  11. Maybe the PB message was an error seems it was alright the second time.
  12. Hi Ive been playing BF2 since the day it came out and I suggest getting the updated version of PB for the server as I think it might be the wrong version after joining tonight and also if you can make it ranked people will fill it as soon as its open guaranteed. Ranked servers are always full since the day it came out. I got on there tonight and it pinged good. I also suggest 32 players. 32 because the maps are designed to be for 16/32/64.Some servers seem to have problems with huge maps and 64 players. 32 will run great and have good wars. I only play ranked servers cause you can unlock weapons and get stats etc. Fun stuff. 16 players is too small I believe. The 32 or 64 player servers are the funnest I think. If you guys see me on there my name is St3d4nk0. Im lance corporal right now omw to corporal and my second unlock. Ive unlocked the special forces g36c. Its pretty nice. Ohh yea Global unlocks are cool...
  13. I love heinz!!! God bless Heinz!!! Mmmmm ketchup.
  14. Looks like a car crash. You wasnt wearing your seat belt and you were in the passenger seat looking at the driver when you hit. The small cuts are from the glass shattering.
  15. This guy needs a ban bad. We was playing on Recrudescence last night. This [MwR]Sgt.St3d4nk0 went like 37-7 on piranesi and like 24-5 on cbble I think it was. Everyone was agreeing with me that he must use some type of hack. He reportedly said it was like "Shooting fish in a barrel". Seems Sgt.St3d4nk0 is up too his old tricks! BTW: Is there gonna be stats for Recrudescence cause I hear that Sgt. St3d4nk0 is quite the stat hoe.
  16. Id rather have a picture of me and Tommy Chong. Ohh yea Maybe you could just say something about helping to keep and create good middle class jobs in the USA if he is elected President.
  17. hahaha! I was thinking that!
  18. I just bought my dads house last year and got some advise. Go with a fixed rate. Never go variable or work with a broker/agent who wants to try to get you to do 2 loans over the coarse of a year and a half. Heh I never even talked to that guy again. Know the rates for 30 year loans. Or what ever your going for. I recommend a 30 year and paying extra payments if you want to pay it off early. Know you credit rating. If you got a high rating there is no reason a lender wont or cant give you a fair rate. Know what ratings are high and low. If you can put 20% down on the house you dont need to pay PMI costs.Which is a kind of a insurance for if you dont have the equity. You can have the PMI charge dropped after you get the 20% in the house. Shop around for loans And ohh yea You can pay points to get a cheaper rate. Some lenders will charge you more points than others for the same rate. If your working with your lender about to close the deal ask him daily how the rates are and possible he can get a printout of the current rates . They are updated twice a day I believe. I got a loan for 60k for 30 years with 5.125 rate or maybe 5.25 i forget. I had 20% equity in the house so i didnt need PMI. House payment is @$490 and @$150 of that is for insurance and taxes. Good luck!
  19. I hear there will be no pvp in EQ2. Only pve. And I hear there are no plans on pvp at this time. I have pre-ordered EQ2 and we already have a group of @28 members waiting to log in and form our clan. We are currently deciding on good or evil, freeport or qeynos. We are thinking over guild names and what classes everyone is going to be in the next few weeks. If you are going to play EQ2 and want to be in a good guild who has an old EQ member base. I MIGHT be able to get you in. I had EQ the day it came out and played for years. I had a 64 monk and a 62 druid when I pretty much gave it up. Get with me!
  20. Hi guys MwR is recruiting a few people for league play. CAL-IM and UGS-M or O. Not sure yet. I ask that you be 18 or older and very good with multiple seasons of league play and can prove it. Id like you to be very good with the AWP as well as rifles and your overall gameplay.There might be a few people out there who can fit in here and help us in our goals.Please come talk to [MwR]Sgt.St3d4nk0. You must be serious about the season and make every effort to be at all the matches.
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