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Everything posted by discom

  1. I dunno if ppl have seen this yet, but I just saw it and was surprised.
  2. i can only guess he TKed 12 ppl with a nade..
  3. I have come to the conclusion that the 360 is made of fail
  4. I've never played it, and I probably never will... but I keep seeing things like this: http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2007/05/09
  5. why? it's mad glitchy
  6. are you looking at these?
  7. Who will buy from you after what u did to unclean???
  8. Someone should make a mod that adds a peaceful third team. Anybody who stacks gets sent to that team.. they spawn at all the choke points, and their only weapon is a picket sign.
  9. I changed my avatar just for you, sj
  10. I've never bought a digital camera before, but after a few hours of research, I think I'm going to go with this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16830120083 The most I'm willing to pay is $300. I thought I'd post before I ordered to see if anyone has any better suggestions. I know there are few other camera threads from months ago, but I don't have $500-$800 for a camera
  11. ..and the bomb defuse scripts
  12. apparently, laz wants it too xD
  13. isnt the "wait" command blocked anyways?
  14. aww, it's too big.. how am i supposed to stalk anybody with this?
  15. The shield would get incredibly annoying... and ppl are bidding on it xD
  16. discom


    i could, but then GC would get a special email anyways, it only take like 30 seconds in photoshop
  17. http://www.gamrs.co/forums/in...showtopic=28572
  18. no one plans a shooting from a CS map.. and I already made a map of my house where the objective is to blow up the furnace lol
  19. discom

    CS:S = $$$$

    the ppl with the best hacks get the most money
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