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Everything posted by TheGeek

  1. TheGeek


    What port does left for dead run on? 27016?
  2. I am trying to make a multi-boot dvd with server 2003 and xp pro. For the life of me, I cant seem to get one to work. Is there anybody that knows how?
  3. It's not a game where you can play over and over again is it?
  4. So you could die by just being near this place?
  5. "When it happens, opposing team's chat is enabled for your viewing pleasure" lol please tell me you did this after you played.
  6. Were you accused on your server? Because if you were, I would say you WERE hacking. Mr. increasehuntingrifledamagepoints.
  7. I've had the game for half a year now, and I have yet to play with any GC peps.
  8. What kind of work do you do that requires 3 trucks?
  9. haha there was one part where they got tired beeping out specific words and started beeping out entire sentences.
  10. I guess their popularity comes from their personalities >_< http://www.hulu.com/watch/72827/late-night...e-lonely-island
  11. I bought the seagate 1TB drive and a new case. Check it out! http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...LC2C-_-11119138 I also got free shipping on both products. Geek is happy.
  12. Which one did you get? I REALLY liked the mazda 3
  13. One more tip. Your dishwasher. (I'm not joking) Most expensive dishwasher detergents have a "streak free", anti-fog design. If your headlights can let a lot of water inside, then do that. I did it for my buick and it worked. Just wait a day or two before putting them back into your car. This is obviously a temporary fix, and it doesn't do anything for yellow headlights. Just foggy ones. I got the idea from watching Wheeler Dealers
  14. Thanks. I'm looking into that new seagate now.
  15. Nice! How are you enjoying the shorter hair?
  16. This is the hard drive that everybody is saying thats DOA. I just noticed that it's only 5400RPM, never mind. Most of the people getting DOAs are describing problems that are clearly not a DOA product, leading me to believe they aren't aware what DOA stands for. haha one guy said that his is defective because its running slow! I might just get two 1GB drives and RAID them together.
  17. This is the hard drive that everybody is saying thats DOA.
  18. I've been searching newegg for a hard drive and there seems to be something wrong with every one. Either they arrive DOA or they don't run fast. Do you guys have any suggestions for an internal SATA 1.5TB hard drive? I'm not going to RAID, just use this as a slave for file storage.
  19. Is it a double-hung or a bow window?
  20. "We never found out what he wanted...but he stayed and chirped at us for a couple of hours! True...." I don't understand...
  21. TheGeek

    UPS sucks

    I bet the guy didn't want to do the paperwork with doing a second delivery. I stopped using UPS for that same reason. FedEX has been reliable for me. They are more expensive though
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