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Everything posted by alvin

  1. Poke hates the weapon pricing. I'll just play on DM where my guns are free! At first i thought this was a good idea but i was wrong. I hate the new buy menu too. I need my 6 for primary and 7 for secondary! Steam was better off making a new, fixed, and updated dust2... -_-
  2. WoW is claiming more gc members. x_x
  3. I'm addicted to my computer, not the internet.
  4. Don't worry. Try outs will be going on for atleast a month... I'm looking for solid players and it takes time.
  5. We can start tryouts and scrimming tonight if i don't have too much homework when i get home from school. I'll set up a teamspeak channel when i get home and we can get started. Here are a few points i'll be looking at. 1) Attitude: Positive, does not lower team morale. Good sportsmanship 2) Teamwork: Strats, buys, support, etc etc. Teamwork... 3) Communication: Effectively communicates. Keep talking to a minimum. 4) Judgement/Efficiency: Guns used in your position, camp or rush, everything you decide to do. 5) Skill: kills per death.. How many times the enemy gets by you alive.. etc.
  6. For now.. Anyone's able to try out. After a while the roster will be cut down to 7. I haven't decided on the tag yet... As long as you can make up those scrims by practicing with us more on another day then you should be fine.
  7. I am going to start a competitive GC team! If you are interested please post up and contact me. I'll be looking for five or six dedicated players. If we get a strong, dedicated, and serious team then we will enter CAL. Here are same of the mandatory requirements: 1) GC membership! Must have GC membership before the start of the CAL season we compete in. 2) Time. At least 1-2 hours a day to scrim and discuss strategies. 3) Respectful. Respect your opponents even if they are blatantly hacking. 4) Teamwork. We will work as a team. This is not the same as pubbing. 5) Skill: Decent amount of skill is required. Please be able to hit the target. 6) Communication: Mic will be necessary... Don't need one to join but get one ASAP. Good communication will also be vital. These six points are the basic outline of rules and are mandatory for competing in this team. You will be kicked if you do not follow through with the rules. For example, if you do not show up to practice enough times a week then you will be kicked… Or… if you are caught being disrespectful to others in a match or even in a pub. Keep in mind that we are representing GC as a competitive team. If you have any questions or comments please post up and ask.
  8. Aim_ag_texture2 and dm_dark_sanctuary_b1 have been upped onto the DM server.
  9. It's 74.3*F in my room and i had to put on a sweater *or jacket?* My clock has a thermometer so i am keeping track.
  10. Cold to me is walking into the shade on a hot day or... anything under 75F... I start shivvering somewhere between 70F and 75F. x_x It's currently 79.3F in my room so i'm cool. Not too warm and not too cold.
  11. Laz was our bottom player first half... and second to last second half. *I was the bottom player second half*... I don't see why Laz was disputed. x_x
  12. I was in my match. Sorry i couldn't watch.
  13. Hmm.. Any idea how long it's been down? I made some minor changes to the server around 2 AM... Hopefully i didn't cause the crash. x_x
  14. Errr... I forgot the login info for the AIM LAB FTP site... So as soon as i get it again i'll put those two up. Edit: Can't find DL link for texture city.. I got aim_ag_texture2 though.
  15. There's a possibility that FFXIII could come out for xbox 360 but it wasn't stated officially yet. They did say that FFXIII will come out for PS3 and mobile phones though. I'm hoping it comes out for PC so i don't have to spend $600 on a PS3. Three games will be released, two for PS3, and one for mobile phone. Here are quotes from the SE E3 website... If it is released for Xbox360 then that's cool and all... But i will still get a PS3 just to play FFXIII.
  16. I will get a PS3 for the sole purpose of playing FFXIII *Final Fantasy 13*. And... That's it. That's all i want from the PS3.
  17. Nice steam id... Want to trade!? Anyways, the banning admin will be in shortly. Probably when he wakes up in the morning? Admins shouldn't ban without a demo or strong evidence of hacking so we'll get this sorted out ASAP.
  18. Add rice.. to any of those chili recipes and you have a perfect meal. If you can get sticky rice and know how to cook it then thats even better!
  19. I get 10+ choke whenever i push my updaterate above 50. So... i kept pushing my cmdrate up and that's what i got. I asked Laz for help with my rates and he gave me a huge explanation and that's what i came up with. If you ever see me look like i'm rate hacking or uber laggy... It's not because of my rates! It means i'm downloading a movie *or movies* using bittorrent. There's no rules against downloading movies and playing counter-strike at the same time so...
  20. I use... Rate 25000 cl_updaterate "48" cl_cmdrate "77" With that.. i get 0-5 choke in heavy firefights. I used to use.. Rate 25000 cl_updaterate "50" cl_cmdrate "50" With 50/50 i got 0-10 choke running around.. and 10-30 choke in firefights.
  21. Poke doesn't wake up till 1 PM Ish.
  22. Changed to D2.. i'll upload the map foR DL in a sec.
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