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Everything posted by Allanon

  1. Same here, I only got the Fragfest is cancelled e-mail. Really? You realize that Fragfest would have already happened about two weeks a go right?
  2. Well duh, game companies do not make mods. Mods get made and released by the customers themselves i.e. Counter Strike. If you've never heard of Median XL and are itching to play some kind of Diablo while Diablo 3 slowly takes it time check it out (http://modsbylaz.hugelaser.com/). Also I can understand being frustrated by DLC's, I hate them too. It's a lot more profitable for a company to make small content and release it for around 10-15 dollars than spending the time on a proper expansion pack. I'm not saying that games should keep you entertained forever, but I hate when companies refuse to let the users fool around with them.
  3. There weren't really any mods for D2 either, but I still played that game for years. They're still going to patch it, and hopefully add a few things along the way with updates just like they have with D2. Prolly an expansion pack at some point. If they make it as solid as D2 was, its hard to get tired of the game, especially when they reset the ladder and your need to start a whole new set of characters all over. That's part of what kept people playing was ladder resets. I personally get tired of so much DLC and mods always coming out for games. I'm confused, how could you not like/get tired of free content coming out for games that users make? Sorry if that sounded like an insult I'm just confused and trying to figure out what exactly you mean. P.S. There were plenty of D2 Mods, people are still playing them even now
  4. Honestly of all the news being released concerning Diablo 3 this seems to be the most reasonable. If anything I'm more angry about the decision to make D3 online only. Though I guess that's not surprising since that's what they did for Starcraft 2. However Blizzard has now come out and said that there will be no mods whatsoever. Which of course means that when you're tired of all the content in the game then there's nothing else you can do. http://m.kotaku.com/5826453/diablo-iii-mods-are-forbidden-banned-not-allowed
  5. Exactly. I'm thinking that it's time to take a break before reading the last two books that are out, it's exhausting haha
  6. Whelp almost done with Storm of Swords and all I can say for you guys watching the show is, the first season is just a introduction to A Song Of Ice And Fire. George R R Martin seems to feed on the tears of his readers
  7. Allanon


    You aint kiddin, l4d made me stop playing when i had devoted like 6 years of my life to CS 1.6 or source and i really miss it. Then switch it up and play CSS every once in a while?
  8. Allanon

    Life sucks

    What is this I don't even...
  9. You'd have to own HBO in addition to cable anyway which is a bummer, but do a little searching on the intertubes and you should be able to find them *wink wink*. Just started Storm of Swords yesterday, and already I'm fearing for what's going to happen in this one. Also
  10. The biggest problem with Texas is that there are so many Texans there... This is probably one of the best quotes ... ever
  11. Has anyone else been watching this show? While it's only been on for a season it's been incredible so far, so much in fact that I've even gone out and purchased the books to start reading even though the second season won't start until next spring.
  12. Woah, woah, woah... slow your roll guys and instead you should probably poor out some bubbly cause the server is ranked #2 and apparently has been for a week. That's definitely something for everyone to be proud of
  13. Yah Jackie and Mookie would know more, but I believe the server cuts out at least once per day if not more depending.
  14. Yah uTorrent does and most BT clients should. Preacher I would just google how to force encryption for your particular BT client or whichever file sharing program you are using (I believe DC++ has it as well).
  15. Well I don't think Guild Wars 2 will have that high of server costs compared to most MMOs, and plus honestly I don't think that any company that has released a MMO has ever actually needed the monthly fee to stay afloat. To me it just seems like an extra money making scheme, think of how rich Blizzard has gotten from WoW subscriptions.
  16. Same as how every other game makes money from game sales
  17. This. Honestly been encrypting long enough that I don't notice the difference and it's absolutely worth it for the peace of mind
  18. Where as I couldn't blame you for being tired of them, I would at least urge you to look at Guild Wars 2. From all the info that Arena.net has released so far GW2 looks to be shaping up very differently from your typical MMO. Plus there is no monthly fee so worse comes to worse your down fifty bucks.
  19. Allanon


    Yup got it a few days a go, thanks man
  20. Truth, and honestly if you wanna talk about two games you really have to chose between it should be Guild Wars 2 and The Old Republic. Looking forward to that way more than Diablo 3
  21. I can't say I ever see Diablo 3 becoming pay to play on it's own. However, I do see the possibility of Blizzard charging for battle.net accounts. Plus as Starcraft 2 has shown, LAN play is out which sucks.
  22. Well Guild Wars 2 will probably suck most of my free time when it comes out, but it's not like I'm never gonna get Diablo 3 at some point so both. Also it seems as I continue to read news about Guild Wars 2 I get both excited and disappointed, I'm hoping A.net has learned from their mistakes in the original.
  23. Allanon


    I'm a little late to the party but if you could send out an invite to joe.ondrey08 at gmail dot com would be much obliged.
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