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J. Dunlavy

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Everything posted by J. Dunlavy

  1. J. Dunlavy

    my grrl

    Hate to say it, man, but in my experience of both dishing out and receiving this kind of behavior: If her friends are more important than you and she won't answer your calls when she is out, she's probably still on the market. Your instincts are usually right. Don't be a victim. Talk to her and be prepared for the relationship to take a hit.
  2. J. Dunlavy

    Aim Lab

    Guys, I have some spare time to kill the next couple of days before my life gets busy again. PM me requests and I'll see what I can do...
  3. Wow, thanks for all the responses guys. :-) ** takes it all in **
  4. Actually, kinda funny you mentioned that... that's what I've been doing. I quit playing CS:S and now I have a decent job and a girlfriend. Oddly enough, however, I find myself wanting to play Counter Strike more and more and MORE... I want to have my cake and eat it too.
  5. I hope you take pleasure in making me cry, John.
  6. A cautionary note: Red Bull caused me some problems. Specifically, I was developing mild insulin resistance from drinking way too much of the stuff. Glucose overload... and I'm not overweight at all. I could have hurt my vision, pancreas and wee wee.
  7. My friend purchased an Apple iMac computer in order to propel himself into acceptance from the homosexual community.
  8. J. Dunlavy


    My god you turn me on.
  9. Maybe he was an emo kid. Emo kids always /kill
  10. Meh. He was prolly an idiot anyway. I know those types. Usually good for nothing. Harsh but true.
  11. What will Apple release this year? Hopefully, if my dreams come true, all of their employees and shareholders. Apple sucks. Form over functionality + marketing expertise != good product line.
  12. Heck no. You're the devil. Wow. A very optimistic approach to baldness. Refreshing, actually. :-) Unfortunately, I'm not sure I COULD pull off the bald look. I have a longer facial structure.
  13. I have this device in my home which occasionally emits a ringing noise. I've quieted its summoning by indiscriminately screeching into the detachable piece. It rings much less now as it seems to know what to expect.
  14. Glancing in the mirror lately has been a more painful than usual experience. I notice that my beautiful hair, probably one of the few things women can superficially appreciate about me (I’m in shape, so, yeah, I have that going for me too), is starting to thin. I’m not a hair expert, but from my preliminary research and after talking to a barber or two, I’m able to conclude that I have roughly 5 good years of hair left before I’ll be labeled a partial baldy. My genetic lineage, while not spectacularly challenged in forming follicles, produces roughly a 50/50 split group of Dunlavy men who have thinning, recessive hairlines while the rest have full heads of hair. I’d prefer to be in the latter group. I want to be pretty. Due to trepidatious concerns of not dying alone (women can’t love me without my hair!) and also, well… vanity… I’ve decided to experiment with science and go on a Propecia trial. Some questions I’ve had to ask myself: Male pattern hair loss is not a disease, so why take medication for it? Do the avails of Merck’s Propecia outweigh the potential setbacks? Is hair worth the money? My answer to that last question is YES. Appearance, which can make or break your life, is worth a hefty investment, at least to me. Even if baldness does not make you ugly, I do think it can play a role in making someone less attractive, which will affect your life with both the opposite sex (dating) and with people of your own gender (career, friendships). I’ve consulted with a very well respected dermatologist and he takes Propecia for himself. I’ve been convinced. I intend to fill a prescription and halve the pills in order to reduce the dose (which is still quite effective according to the FDA), save some money, and hopefully avoid complications caused by any initial side effects. The purpose of this thread is to gather the thoughts, feedback and experiences of my beloved GC community. I open the floor…
  15. Beauty and the Geek is one of those shows that justifies my support for euthanizing the stupid. Likewise, though, some of those nerds, despite being smart, are otherwise freaking hopeless. Really, they took some pretty bad human beings from both ends of the intelligence spectrum and put them together for mainstream America's amusement. LOL.
  16. Dude, congratulations on one of the funniest (and most true) posts in GC. Significant others are the bane of gaming fun. Yeah, when I was on Counter Strike every night, those were the good days before I had tons of work (also less moolah) and no GF. I never really WANTED a GF, though, so now I find myself struggling to balance g33k life w/ teh relationship. What's sad is I really like her and, thus, she prevails against all my other choices (most of the time). I'm getting older and have been out of college for a little bit, so uh... I kinda need to refocus on relationships lest in four more years I find myself being the creepy guy with a receding hairline in a leisure suit at the bowling alley bar.
  17. Errrrm... just letting y'all know that I'm not dead. Dunlavy is alive and kickin' it, but I've not even fired up my home computer in several weeks. Just too darned busy + social. I guess I shouldn't complain, but Counter-Strike still haunts my dreams like a neglected step child. See some of you on there hopefully this weekend. Hugs and lame kisses, Dunlavy
  18. Your signature offends me. My mother was a blonde woman.
  19. Reading this thread makes me excited. I'll wear an eyepatch to this event so I'm recognized.
  20. I wish my real name was Ruffryder McPowers. I'd be such a cool guy. And no, I have nothing good to contribute to this thread.
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