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s|im smi|ey

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Everything posted by s|im smi|ey

  1. Although the PS3 looks pretty sick as far as grafix is concerned..... but cmon... $600?? why blow $600 on a console when you could buy The Radeon® X1950 XTX!!!! for your comp... makes no sense to buy a console if you have a computer that out performs any console in detail, grafix, and control. NO BRAINER. PC all the way, or Apple depending on your flavor.
  2. Bunny!!!! you're supposed to watch the final episode first not the 3rd episode, duh....
  3. Dude this show is worth checkin out. Super indestructable teen girl, teleporting space-time bending japanese dude, flying bros, revelating painting, mind reader cop. It's getting better and better. The first episode was a bit draggy, but figures as much with the deep story line developing. This one will definately last a couple more seasons.
  4. The office rulz!!!!! So funny that I have all episodes downloaded in bit-torrent. ....."ummm...... any ...last .... words?" HS!!!!
  5. pshssshhhhhhhh......... those arent quality my stuttering friend, they're a poor student's method to saving up for a weekend in Tijuana..... bike = saving $$$ cheap biking gear = saving $$$ more $$$ = more fun in Tijuana...... yep yep yahhhhhaaahhhhaaaahhhhaaaaaaAAAEEEEEEE!!!! *insert sombreo here* SJ you, my burrito eating compadre, should know about that..... no? si?
  6. Good call, I've been trying to spec him also for the same thing, but he would toggle off his hax when i went spec. GJ teamGC.
  7. I ditto everything said.... Awhile back I used to bike 20-27miles a day, talk about some ripped quads and abs. Anyone thinkin of doing it, look into getting some good quality biker shorts with double stitching and good gel padding..... sitting on a carbonfiber seat for an hour can hurt the kids and make you infertile simultaneously. Also get light colored "Underarmor" or biking shirt, because 10-15mph wind resistance can be irritable on the skin if you have loose clothing. Personally, I love "UnderArmor", it's elasticity clings tight to the skin and is virtually unnoticeable, second to being naked. Along with the good clothing, you need good gloves, cuz there is a high ratio of vibration felt on the cushiest handlebar grips, so I suggest you look into Pearl gell gloves. They're awesome and you wont have the aches in your arms and hands after a long bike ride. Hopefully, this is helpful. Next on the list would be bikes, but you can do your own research for that cuz that's a whole different thread!!
  8. SJ>>from the original ban If another admin could take care of the unbanning (if granted), I'm AFK from source right now. thanks
  9. I was the banning admin. You were banned for racial slurrs, language, and overall attitude. If you go through our server rulz and verify that you will comply with what we require on gc servers, then post back here apologies and you should be good as far as I'm concerned. Fatty, LA's or BM's, anything else I forgot?
  10. Fatty, please refrain from using bad language on my forums, if you want to use that term, use it in your own server or pay me $5,000 for membership fees. thank you and welcome to my forums. MWhahahahah
  11. LAZ = NOOB!!!! Mwhahahahhaahah What's the matter, fat thumb got in the way??? mwhahahahahahah *turns around and runs away*
  12. note: militia killed the server on saturday at about 11am. Just FYI.
  13. My wife and I recently purchased a 30day supply of Isagenix products of cleansor and fat burner program. We havent recieved it yet, but I've heard alot of good things about it. Anyonelse heard the same? I'm not really needing it seeing I'm only 5'5" 150lbs and in good shape, my wife on the other hand (well I just leave it as - she needs to lose a few ). Just curious if anyonelse has used it, if so how well did it work and what results. I've read a bunch of reviews both ways, but mostly good about it. Bodybuilding.com had a thread on it with a reply basically bashing it, but then again it was a reply from a non-user. So, any to add would be nice. thanks
  14. any way we can have the mani menu close after executing a command? cuz i keep accidently kicking/banning people cuz it still stays up, when before it would close after execution. yours truly noob
  15. restart steam.... there's another update as of today.
  16. all i can say is wow.... leads and board this one's yours.
  17. i agree, i havent officially used it yet, but have activated it in-game and looks very simple.
  18. First off..... your post name is not appropriate for our forums or even our servers for that matter. click on the yellow banner floating at the top of the page please. Follow the directions clearly stated. We need a steam id to identify you. thank you
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