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Everything posted by Kurtz

  1. theres a real good site but i forgot what its was.Face or abyss know,Deadgoat clan or somthing like that
  2. hardly out...you just gotta play trix, but...as the savvy isnt there, mdk and deadrat are large distros (3-7cds/1dvd), freebsd is 1cd LOL your such a freakin NERD
  3. I also have a bunch of live shows that ill bring for the ride down and campin.these include greatful dead/too/the dead wsp ratdog sci robert hunter hot tuna pink floyd phish phil and friends abb gov. mule moe neil young and crazy horse ziggy marley almost all shows take 3 discs so if you want any bring a spool full
  4. Kurtz


    i have several.pain depends on where you get them and how much time he spends on an area.anywhere around nipple, arm pit,feet/ankle,lower back and sides has a good amount of pain involved.Get something dif. just dont get something off the shelf cause you know someone else has it.Make it something that means something to you.a good tottoo guy should be able to take something from a book ,picture,drawing and make it into a good tattoo. Regret? No i dont have any really maybe a couple of the shelf designs id change to something custom but thats it.The biggest thing i hear from people is what about when your old and when that happens ill be more worried that my fake teeth dont come out when i eat mashed taters or any number of other things.
  5. I heard theres only 1 guest on the show so we might get a true dead performance instead of a tv 3min spot which would be great.
  6. If your a fan of the dead they are on letterman tonight. Name the song they will play and ill send you any show from what i have to the winner.
  7. Friday, June 13, 2003 Copyright © Las Vegas Review-Journal Joey Buttafuoco and O.J. Simpson have agreed in principle to fight in a pay-per-view match, Buttafuoco said Thursday. "I'm definitely in the fight. It's going to be huge. He wants it and I want it," Buttafuoco said in a telephone interview from the Los Angeles auto body shop where he works. Buttafuoco's wife, Mary Jo, was shot in the face in 1992 by 17-year-old Amy Fisher, the "Long Island Lolita," who spent seven years in prison for the murder attempt. Buttafuoco later served six months in jail for statutory rape for the affair. He said he had been in training for about two weeks for a pay-per-view fight with Nicole Bass, the 6-foot-4, 250-pound female body builder, when the match with Simpson came along. Buttafuoco, 49, said he would need another 10 weeks to shape up to fight Simpson. "The money they're offering is insane," he said. The site and other details still are being worked out.
  8. Those seats would last 1 ride with my dogs and kids
  9. No, because I am asking them not to. I am signing a contract for this place. Do you think people should turn their heads as people break the law. If you have to get high, don't come. It's illegal, and this party is being run by the book. But of course, someone is going to put me in the awkward position, right? If someone has enough disrespect to come to a party that I am hosting and smoke pot after I have specifically said no to that, what am I to do? Overlook or have the police come out and pick them up? Oh wait, that's so uncool to call the cops? No, it's more uncool to put me in that situation. Debate all you want about smoking pot here, but don't bring it to the LAN. Give me a break. Ya and im gonna bring a breath test to test everyone before drivin home for you ohio people because we dont want to break the law or get hurt.
  10. blah here we go again. Im wishing bad things to happen to all of you because you really need other things to worry about.
  11. im havin same thing and i had the cpl one that we used in preseason.i also dled from your link after the first time i tried.That also didnt work.
  12. Kurtz

    Top Posters?

    house arrest? I wish. This is something worse. your married?
  13. Dont think we'll need AC.The gaming and things that will be done there will be at night and it looks out by it self in the country so it should be cool with the doors open and the night air going through
  14. Looks good and you said this is even closer to kemps place are there any farmers daughters that come with this deal. I like this place so much more than at a hotel thing.
  15. OH NOFX this comment from you: "What should be considered wrong is somethign not socially acceptable....." I disagree i dont think you or people as a mass should have anymore input into how i should lead my life any more than the government.
  16. NOFX the topic was never really about it being right or wrong weve done all that. THX chief from reading that i take it being more concerned with being vain and wealth. it does have: " One's appearance is addressed in 2 Thessalonians 22: "Abstain from all appearance of evil." For this reason, we all dress modestly so that no one could interp. our appearance as having any purpose of evil or to encourage evil thoughts for anyone else." that line at least for me kinda just leads back to personal interp. and to some extent puts anothers thoughts on your sholders. Ive seen guys that have crosses, a picture of jesus,i love mom,and for myself a picture of my son tattooed on me.These are in no way evil but a few of the others i have look evil but represent something pure and true.How should these be viewed.And what if another interps. it as evil. I dont know im confused, If other subjects are just as open to interpretation as this it seems basicly its up to each person to make the choices of what they think is a good life and find out at the end if your right. So i guess everyone from that burned out hippie to the religous fanatic can be right or wrong.
  17. ya ya i think we all know each others opinions on drugs from the other posts where we hashed over this. But as far as this comment: " there are denominations of Christians who DO believe that tattoo's, body piercings etc ARE wrong just like smoking, doing drugs, drinking." so then is this more of a personal or per group interpretation and if so doesnt this kinda bring us back to the begining of the circle from dweez's comment of: thousands of Biblical theologians disagree daily on the interpretation of the ancient scriptures, how did some hippy pothead burnout (puposefully un-pc for comedic effect ) get the revelation that they all missed? does someone have the passage on this subject.Id like to take a look at it.
  18. i understand what everyone is sayin and im not tryin to argue one way or another in this topic. as far as the body purity thing "The difference between smoking marijuana and tattoos, piercings, makeup, jewelry, etc is marijuana has a physiological effect on a person while the other stuff is just ornamentation" Seems to me plastic surgery,tattoos and piercings would totally fall under that no defiling of that purifcation thing. Is there a passage of this or is this a personal interp. thing?
  19. Good post dweez Dont get me wrong i know this writer has his own opinions and like every side weather it left or right will twist a story to their benefit.Im not tryin to say well here it is pot is good and sacred,not at all. "Point blank, it is illegal in the US so regardless of how it is tried to be justified, it is wrong" I disagree with this i believe rev and i had a long discusion and he felt personaly attacked about this and it i think effected our view and or relaitionship towards eachother which is a shame.But what is illegal now wasnt always illegal and what isnt illegal may be in the future.The world has seen many changes that the people have brought about and its the peoples beliefs/morals that will in the end decide what is wrong or right not the law. but i do have a question for you. "I would personally say that it is spritually wrong for a Christian to smoke marijuana because the body is referred to as the temple of the Holy Spirit and we should keep it pure." With this line of thought would it also be wrong for a person to have tattoos and or body piercings.And can this be taken to the extreme of make-up,nail polish and even body soaps all of which take away,change and or mask what is natural and pure based on the bible.
  20. Cool so you will be ready to go for that ride to ohio then in aug.
  21. I came across this and found it to be interesting. here Its not some kind of political protest or anything but i would be interested if some of the biblical quotes used are real, if someone with more knowledge of the bible might want to comment.
  22. is everyone gettin a room or are there some campers who enjoy cold beer around a fire with some good tunes and sleepin under the stars.
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