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Everything posted by yErMoTH3r

  1. nope site was down. do nothing. cept format your bro'd hdd and only have CS on it ;-)
  2. ...and the answer is: |Th3Fall3N|*Whiplash #1 clue: "dead ringer"/ as in SoS*DeadRinger #2 clue: the lyrics are from Metallica's Breadfan...[DLM]->Breadfan. A name Whip used when he played for the monkeys. http://www.theclq.com/asp/find.asp?pid=33271953 ill try not to make it so hard last time....but ahhh well
  3. http://forums.ibskins.com/ when they come back up ill load up 10 skinz so there's a choice.
  4. ummmm u can make your own 'skin' no?
  5. KaKa doesn't hack... Orbital: plz show some restraint...Kaka is a special person...a window licker...ask X.
  6. [ Beta Testing Over!] -Friday, August 23, 2002- Forum Thread : gogogo! Time to STOP testing out cheats people, the central banned list is up and working..... *** This only affects Counter-Strike and Day of Defeat servers. *** We've updated the public security modules again. If you've been helping us test the beta security modules, you should remove the p*ssword from your command line and restart your server. The beta security modules are no longer being tested. These security modules should detect most versions of OGC and report detected cheaters to our ban list server. We're no longer using port 27013 for the ban list. You will now see traffic (in/out) on port 27011. This traffic is to/from the ban list server. Make sure you have this port open in your firewall. Your Counter-Strike and Day of Defeat servers should update themselves automatically. If you find your servers are suddenly having problems, try restarting them. We've been investigating the problems some servers have been having after we update the security modules (clients not being able to connect, etc.). We're still working on the problems. If your server has a problem updating to the latest security modules, please send me any details you have (including which OS you're running and your log files during the update) that will help us track down the problem. You can send this information directly to me (mailto:erics@valvesoftware.com). We hope to resolve the server problems soon. We appreciate your patience. Thanks. Eric Smith VALVe
  7. Another hint: Seagull Give it all away Stay a bird Stay a man Stay a ghost Stay what you want to be
  8. England is old and small and the local folks started running out of places to bury people. So they would dig up coffins and would take the bones to a "bone-house" and reuse the grave. When reopening these coffins, 1 out of 25 coffins were found to have scratch marks on the inside and they realized they had been burying people alive. So they thought they would tie a string on the wrist of the corpse, lead it through the coffin, up through the ground, and tie it to a bell. Someone would have to sit out in the graveyard all night the "graveyard shift" to listen for the bell; thus, someone could be "saved by the bell" or was considered a "dead ringer." Anyone? OG playaas should get it quite quickly.
  9. as barto said...a nice wakeboard or airchair and um... well i've skied bumps for hmmm since b4 u were born ;-) and a 23foot 45mph boat is fun in 2-3footers ummm but i like the cold...about 72degrees and wet (its called lake erie).
  10. while it is extremely strange that you would maul perfectly good posts...theres a place for that....i think its the test post in the wonderland and why exactly would the number of posts matter to anyone. if you are curious what names the fatman has made up (my personal fav is nugget meal...ummm anyway) why not just ask him. not only do you waste server hdd space, you muck up posts that arent in the wonderland area. for X: there was this one time...in wonderland
  11. what does superstar dj keoki make? a bag o H and....o wait i wont go there.
  12. damn them guys are quick! VALUABLEHOST ROX!
  13. HA!...you nay-sayers wish. Damn WEB/ISP. Should be back up in a day or so. DNS is hosed.
  14. who said skin flute! sickos....
  15. check the happy icons to the left
  16. http://www.asus.com.tw/mb/socket478/p4t533...33/overview.htm add that 9700 pro to this and we have a weiner.
  17. yErMoTH3r


    100 posts 100 posts 100 posts
  18. free...only thing is that its mysql based...so if your webhost doesnt let u have mysql....u r screwed. at least IB uses the text database.... but hey, i like em....
  19. yErMoTH3r

    Nothing Like

    yea, they should go play on their OWN server
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