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About skipperlipicus

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  1. Tracing route to soul-69-12-83-132.il.us.gamedaemons.net [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <10 ms <10 ms <10 ms 2 * * * Request timed out. 3 10 ms 10 ms 20 ms 4 10 ms 10 ms 10 ms 5 10 ms 20 ms 10 ms tbr2-p012301.cgcil.ip.att.net [] 6 10 ms 10 ms 20 ms ggr2-p390.cgcil.ip.att.net [] 7 10 ms 20 ms 10 ms att-gw.chi.qwest.net [] 8 10 ms 20 ms 10 ms cer-core-01.inet.qwest.net [] 9 20 ms 10 ms 20 ms chi-core-02.inet.qwest.net [] 10 10 ms 20 ms 30 ms chx-edge-01.inet.qwest.net [] 11 10 ms 10 ms 20 ms 12 10 ms 20 ms 20 ms soul-69-12-83-132.il.us.gamedaemons.net [69.12.8 3.132] Trace complete. <----- Spike using Skipper's name
  2. Recorded a demo of a cheater this morning. Even though an rcon was present around this time he chose not to ban the guy until waiting to see the demo. I only wish admins would beleive the regular players when they say hacks... it's one thing when it's questionable and some say yes and some say no, but when you have all regular MCC members saying that someone is "obviously hacking" then i feel the rcon should do something about it. Granted I may not be in Mmmm, but I don't have to be in Mmmm to know whether or not someone is cheating. In the future I would like it if the suspected player was banned until the admin got back to his house to view the demo, so that people could enjoy themselves in the server during the day when most admins are at work and arent at home to watch demos / ban. just my thoughts. skipper Cheater steamid: 0:0:1358251 I don't have just one name for you bc he kept on changing it. Will get the demo to the right person.
  3. man check out this link: http://pub92.ezboard.com/f2manchewsmexican...start=1&stop=20
  4. put me in coach!!!! hey y'all this is [Mwr]Skipper looking for some CCC action! Most of the CCC guys know me... I think... anywho if u ever need an extra player just holla AIM = skipperlipicuys EMAIL/MSNMS = skipperlipicus@hotmail.com -Skipper
  5. Hey... I can play, but I'm not sure if I'm welcome -[MwR]Skipper
  6. when and where exactly in the united states is it? -skippy
  7. hahahah great code.... but i still will hate all cumputer science classes -[MwR]Skipper
  8. No it hasnt been released yet. But I will DL it the day it comes out... if anyone has a server that they could set up and we could play on, that would be awesome. Additionally.... I have a pimped out PC, and a T3 connection, so I could try to create a listen server for this, but I don't have CS Guard/HL Guard or adminmod / clanmod installed as of yet, so I'd prolly lock the server tell me if your interested in me serving a game. If you are skeptical of how good your connection will be.... lets just say I ping 17 on DOH Foxtrot Post if your interested PLZ -[MwR]Skipper
  9. Exactly how does one get into CCC? thx for your time. -[MwR]Skipper
  10. Yes i'm with Uber, but I'm always game for new mods... anyone ever play Science and Industry (i think that was the name of the mod) that game was alot of fun... I'll def. give this mod a try... -[MwR]Skipper
  11. If what you say is true NOFX then yes lower WONID = Older play, but some kids had to buy new copies cuz they lost their old one, or they lost their CD key... I had to buy another copy of HL, but my WONID is still pretty small compared to most -[MwR]Skipper
  12. I went to a boarding school that had a very nice LAN, so I got my friends into half-life multiplayer and we all LANned it up playing regular Half-Life multi-player in the winter of 1999. The maps bd_arena, crossfire, and bootcamp are still very fond memories of mine, but eventually regular death match got kind of boring. Alas I read about CS in a PC Magazine of sorts, and decided to download the game. I downloaded CS Beta 6.1, gave it to a friend via our LAN, and then he burned it on CD. I spent that whole day running around to different rooms trying to get people to install the game just as I had done with Half-Life during our exam week That weekend we had a HUGE four person game that well never ended, cuz none of us wanted to stop playing. I remember when we found out that Sub machine guns were not the only good automatic weapons, as we learned the magic of the assault rifles. Towards the end of the year we had about 12 regulars, unfortunately many kids would phone cheat (since talking on phones was free) and I had no clue about mp_forcechasecam or anything like that. My most fond memories of this beta: the map cs_docks (it was the first map I played) and the scoped Colt M4A1 that could zoom in like the AUG or SIG. Hehe I also enjoyed the map de_hoth, although if I played it today I would think it was horrible. Anywho by my senior year my school had over 100 players, and Two 32 player servers which were almost always filled. Ofcourse me and a few guys I knew had reserved spots on one of the servers -[MwR]Skipper
  13. yeah... expelled during his senior year for night putting.... To read more about the changes in CS 1.6 go to this site: http://csnation.counter-strike.net/view.ph...csinfo/next.csn What Skipper thinks these new guns will change about the game... FAMAS = will make a huge difference in the game strategically cuz its price is similar to the AK-47s, so now CTs can afford an assault rifle with less than $3100. The riot shield = USELESS. Galil = Wild Card... is supposed to be more accurate than the AK-47, but the recoil characteristics and the damage dealt are unknown. I imagine this weapon being the Terrorist's counter part to the M4A1 -[MwR]Skipper
  14. Hey y'all this is {CSF}Skipper. Just wanted to wish good luck to all the clans in MCC4! -Skip
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