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Everything posted by Jeffe

  1. Jeffe

    hey hey hey

    Cs gets the attention because it owns CoD.. CoD is a very good game but CS should stay in are heads!
  2. O my lord that was awesome!
  3. Jeffe

    Jeffe's Movie!

    If you want to post something go on fragfest, and you will see how harsh they are.. Post away I dont care all it took was 2 months. Fragfest Critisizing
  4. Hey its jeffe.. I made a movie, witch took 2 months to make, and scrim. Hope you enjoy it! I spent alot of time on it. Please dowload! Jeffe's Movie!
  5. Jeffe


    I was wondering if you guys are gonna recruit for COD... Because i'm gonna play alot of this game its awesome.. If your recruiting please contact me. I just want to be on a clan for CoD, thanks!
  6. Ludwick Drums 5 set, and come with my sized sticks and hardware.
  7. Happy Birthday you two!
  8. Jeffe

    Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday and many more...
  9. lol that makes me pee my pants
  10. Hey I have yahoo + webcam + Teamspeak how do i get hooked up? That would be cool!
  11. Awww she is cute congrats and good luck
  12. I think it gives us more confidence that we will capture Bin Laden....
  13. It matters to me too... but no one said anything about it so how do we know when you don't talk?
  14. Great News this morning! Saddam Captured!!!! They found him near him home in tyrant, and its the real Saddam! The U.S Troops didn't have to fire or anything Saddam came in open arms. The War is turning around, and the attackes scheduled are changed. There isn't any more tense in capturing Saddam because we found him! For further information Here
  15. Jeffe


    I know what Happened!
  16. I thought this was a fight lets see some anger not love .
  17. LOL if inferno is fistincuffs its not inferno no names lol
  18. Just making a point so everyone knows
  19. LOL, If my brother (draco) hacked I would tell the whole world.. But if you accuse him of hacking I think the first person to come to is me.. Let's see the same computer and I would see the so called "hacks" on the desktop. Or also it would meen I hack. I watch my brother play counter-strike all the time the scrimmage, the pubing and everything.. So if you think he hacks in most offense as possible your wrong. He has been playing this game as long as me and he gets all his skills from playing the game and trying new things out. So don't even think my bro hacks or says anything about it because I would be the first person to know. All I know is he practice and hes a very good counter-strike player and diserves respect because he works hard to be good.
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