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Everything posted by LoveForPriscillaChan

  1. you've never heard me trash talk vovik, have you? of course, neither has he cause i always do it on the other team, until traitors on my team start leaking out team-confidential secrets... only undies... in order to trash talk normally, doesn't the other person who are trash talking, have to hear it? yeah, but that requires having the ability to back up my smack talk, i don't have that! you crazy???
  2. you've never heard me trash talk vovik, have you? of course, neither has he cause i always do it on the other team, until traitors on my team start leaking out team-confidential secrets...
  3. I can't say the word "cocky" nor can i bet shaft using currencies of klondike bars while other words go past the filter (somebody the other day was wondering whether the filter is still in place to begin with) is this a known issue?
  4. STOP. RETURN IT. http://gizmodo.com/385729/dealzmodo-ahoy-h...heap-next-month
  5. that would be July 28, and it would be "Guess who's turning 43???"
  6. if i was TRULY obsessed, i would spend the money to buy newspaper clippings of her that are sold online i'm not that crazy...well, maybe if it was colored instead of black and white, and it was better paper quality...but then, it'd be a poster and we all buy posters so either way, i'm still sane
  7. skylineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Happy Birthday!
  8. Actually, the reason I brought cake for today becuase we are finishing up our boss's office; he's been gone for a week and we are turning his office into Portal, complete with a companion cube and cake (which we will eat today and we will leave him crumbs and a picture of a cake) cant wait til monday when he comes back...
  9. i know i'm all about stranger danger and stuff, but they can just look at the connections map when you are playing and see where you are from... btw, posting this message on my awesome 24-inch samsung LCD monitor whahahahaha and i have 2 more 19-inch monitors, AND i am sitting next to cake My result: 48946/7239
  10. You guys were talking about Chan Wai Han. Continue.
  11. de_dust rotterdam deagle7 scoutsknives vertigo_css_day losttemple_pro season cevo_tuscan
  12. "some chinese chick"???? "ok voice"???? "nothing to jump up and down about"???? "more interesting subjects"?????? blasphemous! unenlightened! boorish!
  13. Words of a Jealous man. I understand Shaftiel.
  14. you know how back in the old days when people thought the world was flat, despite all the contradicting evidence? yeah, those folks were un-enlightened; just like all you losers are! either that or you are all secretly harbor Jealousy at Priscilla Chan because she is the greatest in the world on a side note: her 2 CD 2008 concert is coming out TODAY. I can't wait to get it in my hands!
  15. # 1857 "عŞÃžÃƒ…ćÄ”«»ÜÎÂÃ……ĸΞÅ·Ùƒ" STEAM_0:0:16895492 09:31 75 0 active aimbot, i didnt get demo but incrypted saw it also, and i believe tisel, raj, maybe koreanheat, gerp, + others saw it as well
  16. saw this on digg: http://kuvaton.com/kuvei/loading.jpg
  17. to fill in on all the non-CS folk, compiling is the process of turning your code into a language the machine can understand; in practice, this incldues linking (just treat this as more magic) and usually this process can take a long time; for example, one codebase that i build daily takes around 2.5 hours to build so whenever you have to build something, there really isnt much to do except sword fight somebody i hope that is clear
  18. what about http://xkcd.com/378/ http://xkcd.com/323/ http://xkcd.com/379/ http://xkcd.com/303/ ?
  19. 1.21 gigawatts? Great Scott! It can't be done. Tom, what am i suppose to do???
  20. you should've been on last night, i was killing vovik at will, and talking smack behind his back while doing it; then, shoot betrayed me and relayed my smack talk to vovik and he proceeded to HS me... btw, you know when you are old when you say something like:
  21. the sacrifice? yeah, i wouldn't be surprised if She rejected your offer, since it was probably half-hearted and all, unlike mine anyways, can't you just kick him for creating an unfriendly playing environment? that's one of the rules at gc right?
  22. Next time you TK me shoot, I expect a sacrifice in honor of Priscilla Chan. But back to the topic at hand, try just talking to him via admin chat and tell him he should be a more friendly player and see if he'll change. He's already changed his playstyle to be more team-oriented.
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